16 January 2011

Herbivore Giveaway

To start 2011 off in style, I'm giving you a chance 
to win my Herbivore Giveaway Prize Pack!!! 

Vegans and Vegetarians rejoice, this one is for you... yet 
it's also open to anyone who reads Snacking Squirrel :)

Up for grabs is an eco-friendly Herbivore T-Shirt (size small), 
a copy of Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, 
and a fun "Veganism is for Lovers" Bumper Sticker

Four Ways to Enter
1. Leave a comment, any comment
2. Add me to your blogroll, then let me know
3. Tweet/Facebook this, then let me know
4. Link Giveaway to your blog post, then let me know

*Please leave a separate comment for each*

Winner Announced: 
Friday, January 21st


Anonymous said... [reply]

I love this giveaway! I would proudly wear that herbivore shirt all the time!

Anonymous said... [reply]

You're on my blogroll - have been for some time now!

Anonymous said... [reply]


Mary @ Bites and Bliss said... [reply]

Heya Kelsey, you're cool beans!!

Mary @ Bites and Bliss said... [reply]

You're already one my blogroll. :)

Kelsey @ Clean Teen Kelsey said... [reply]

You are wicked awesome. I like this giveaway a lot! Love that shirt.

Kelsey @ Clean Teen Kelsey said... [reply]

You have been on my blog roll for ages. :)

Kittie said... [reply]

Aww! That shirt is so cute. I admired it in your Hug a vegan post, I think it was? Wonderful giveaway!

Kittie said... [reply]

You've been on my blogroll for a really long time! <3

Katie said... [reply]

I'm newly vegan and have yet to read this book! Pick me!

Anonymous said... [reply]

This is for me, I'm trying to eat as vegetarian as possible these days - haven't had meat in a few months now :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

this is such a good giveaway! I've yet to add a blogroll to my blog (I only just started blogging a couple days ago), but when I do, you'll be on it for sure. :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

what an adorable shirt! i eat loads of veg, i'd sport it :)

Jess said... [reply]

I'd wear that shirt! Even though I eat meat, I LOVE veggies. :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Loved this giveaway!
But I live in Brazil... hope I can still enter, though :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oh, and you're obviously on my blogroll!
For ages, btw :)

claire said... [reply]

ahhh....love these gifts! I'd love to win!

Jay said... [reply]

Hey! I've had my eye on Skinny Bitch for a while - and that shirt is adorable. I miss Victoria!!!

claire said... [reply]

oh, and your definitely on my blogroll girl!

Kat said... [reply]

I got Skinny Bitch a couple of years ago and it was just the most interesting read - I'm not a vegan or even a vegetarian, but it so changed my perspective on what I put into my body and why! Very cool of you to share with others.

Anonymous said... [reply]

You're on my blogroll!

Ashlei said... [reply]

Ooh I want that copy of Skinny Bitch. I've flipped through it a couple times before at the bookstore but never bought it.

Ashlei said... [reply]

Tweeted your giveaway http://twitter.com/#!/the_vegster/status/26825405965017088

Ashlei said... [reply]

You're already on my blogroll! :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Soo... I would love to win this giveaway! Aside from occasional eggs, I am vegan and would love to represent!

Lee @ Eats Meat said... [reply]

Kelsey OMG i wood luv to wins that stuff!

Hayley said... [reply]

Love you. THat is all.

Leah @ Why Deprive? said... [reply]

I've been wanting to read that book. I bought their boot camp dvd awhile back, and its actually pretty decent. This is an awesome giveaway. :)

Lo said... [reply]

girlll, that book looks hilarious yet informative at the same time :) Love this giveaway and your blog!


Red Deception said... [reply]

You are already on my blogroll :)

I don't facebook or tweet. :(

I have mentioned this in a blog post.

I think you should just let me have the t-shirt, because I think it would look dashing on me. And I live close, so the postage won't be as expensive :)

Christina said... [reply]

What a great giveaway Kelsey!

Christina said... [reply]

You're already on my blogroll :)

Eleanor said... [reply]

This is so cute... I couldn't NOT enter!

Yuki said... [reply]

What a lovely giveaway! hehe

Anonymous said... [reply]

Cute giveaway

Anonymous said... [reply]

I linked this back to my blog!

lequan said... [reply]

What a great giveaway Kelsey. I've heard pretty good things about this book. Thanks again for another opportunity.

lequan said... [reply]

you're already on my blogroll.

Monet said... [reply]

You are too cute! And you host great giveaways too! Thank you for sharing your sweet self with me, day after day. I can't believe the weekend is already over...I hope you have a fabulous start to your week!

lequan said... [reply]

i linked this to my giveaways page.

Eden said... [reply]

I'll be honest, I don't do twitter all that often. I dont have a phone with internet (shocker, I know) so I never got that twitter bug. I know I dont comment often but I do like your attitude and being a 500 hr yoga teacher training graduate, I really love how you decided to train as well!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Great giveaway! I love that sticker! I actually have it on my fridge right now. It makes me soooo happy!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I was a size small when I was 5, but I want that book! ;)

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said... [reply]

I have always wanted to read that book! I follow of course!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said... [reply]

YOu are on my blogroll!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said... [reply]

Tweeting @blonde_pony

Lola said... [reply]

Hi Kelsey!!!! Thanks for all your lovely commeou've left on my blogs this week!! If i make a squirrel-postcard I'll send you one :)
By the way hehe I'd like to enter this giveaway!! ;)

Lola said... [reply]

Of course you already are on my blogroll ;)


araceli said... [reply]

Awesome prizes! I'd love to win any of the three :)

Jessica said... [reply]

You're already on my blogroll too, so that's entry point 2 I think...

Jessica said... [reply]

And I second the comment that this is an amazingly generous giveaway and I'd be elated to win!

So I suppose that's a random comment and entry 1.

Jessica said... [reply]

I've also mentioned your giveaway on FB:


I'm sure I'll link to this once I actually get round to posting on my blog too, but will wait until then to mention it here, obviously ;)

Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free said... [reply]

Oh cool!!!! I love that tshirt ;) And I have been dying to read that book! Is it good?

Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free said... [reply]

And of course your already on my blogroll :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Aww, it's all so cute! I've heard lots of things about Skinny Bitch but never got around to reading the book. I know my sister has one of their books... Lol! You're already on my blogroll by the way :) DUH

Kathie said... [reply]

What a great giveaway! Consider me entered :o)

Emily said... [reply]

what a fun giveaway.
LOVE the bumper sticker. :)

Lauren said... [reply]

Such a fun giveaway!! I love that shirt!! :)

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

Great give away! I could always use a shirt and a book!

Rhia said... [reply]

Awesome giveaway :) I tried to get Skinny Bitch from my library, but all they had was a recipe book with a short recap at the beginning. It was good, but could have been better. I'd love to read the actual book :)

moonsword said... [reply]

Thanks for the giveaway! Just found your site...excellent cool recipes!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oh my goodness. I have been wanting to read that book for ages. Everytime I go and check it out from library it's taken. Must be fabulous!

Unknown said... [reply]

i've wanted that book for a while!

Unknown said... [reply]
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emma said... [reply]

that T is so cute! As is the bumper sticker. And I'm ashamed to say I still haven't got Skinny Bitch so it would be brilliant to win it :)

Melody said... [reply]

Love this giveaway! What a cute t-shirt!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Great giveaway Kelsey -- Maybe you'll throw in a few muffins too? :)

Carrie (Carrie on Vegan) said... [reply]

I would LOVE to win this one! :)

Unknown said... [reply]

i still havent read skinny bitch! its on my to-read list gah

Unknown said... [reply]

and youre obviii on my blogroll girl1

Connally McD said... [reply]

Yay! Oooh, Skinny Bitch! I've wanted that book for so llloooonnnnggggggg!!! <3

Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said... [reply]

I love that shirt!

Zee said... [reply]

love it!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Love this - so very excited to have recently discovered your blog!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I love that shirt! Also, added to my blog roll. Love your blog.

Anonymous said... [reply]

hellllllllo (:


Anonymous said... [reply]

Great prize pack.

Ruby w.

puccaissingle at yahoo . com

Missy said... [reply]

Ooohh...Missy want.
That's my comment.

Missy said... [reply]

You are aleady on my bog roll.
I don't do twitter...I'm a philistine.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oooh I've wanted to check this book out for forever!

Anonymous said... [reply]


Jessica said... [reply]

Okay, I've now linked to this post on my blog too :)


Anonymous said... [reply]

EEEP! I want to win this very badly!!

Meri said... [reply]

Herbivores unite! I happen to be a size small... hmmm... I think I should win haha!

Anonymous said... [reply]

You're on my blogroll - one of the first as I've only done 2 posts so far!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I would LOVE to read skinny bitch! I haven't read it yet.

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

You are on my blogroll!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I want the stickerrr! :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

& You've been on my blogroll

Anonymous said... [reply]

&& my facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/WhitneyReddy

Anonymous said... [reply]

&&& linked back :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Dear Everyone in this world,
You are Beautiful!

I love the shirt!

Anonymous said... [reply]

here is a comment. any comment :)

JW said... [reply]

Awesome giveaway! I want to win!

Kady said... [reply]

I would love this cookbook!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i want to win!!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i tweeted!

Unknown said... [reply]

Love this giveaway! I'm really digging the bumper sticker and have always wanted to read Skinny Bitch. :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Adorable! I've heard so much about that book!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i want one that says carnivore :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Commenting....and adding you to my blogroll! Love the posts. mir

Ash said... [reply]

Hi, I have just started reading your great blog and love it!! Hope you get better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bexter said... [reply]

I'd go vegan for a whole day and a half if I won ;)

Anonymous said... [reply]

That is a lovely prize pack.

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