Okay, so the power didn't go out last night. The lights were flickering
though! .. and I had my candles ready just in case. But *phew* I was worried
because how would I have been able to comment on all your beautiful posts..
That aside, the next day was sunny and it's turned out to
be a warm beautiful day. I enjoyed a nice long walk with a
big smile on my face... i'm sure people thought I had issues..
I brewed some more Tazo
this morning to wake me up!
For breakfast I was itching for an egg scramble wrap. I'm pretty sure
I dreamt about it too. Organic veggie-fed egglets from Rabbit River Farms.
1 whole egg and 2 egg whites; scrambled together with pepper and red onion
Warmed up a brown rice wrap...
I thought I had fresh spinach but forgot to buy some, so I used
kale instead. And squeezed a little mustard
in for extra flavor!
Kept me full for hours
Later I took some time to catch up on my magazine
reads... I
have piles stacked up in my bedroom. I was in the mood to read
'Best Health'... it's not my favorite but it's packed with interesting stuff!
have piles stacked up in my bedroom. I was in the mood to read
'Best Health'... it's not my favorite but it's packed with interesting stuff!
I couldn't believe what I saw when I was reading; this
has got to be the most interesting thing i've seen in awhile...
Organic Batter Blaster
? At first the idea kinda turned me off; pancakes in a tube.... but the more I thought about it... hmm kind of brilliant. It's in the same type of canister as whipped cream! This would probably be really fun to use... better than the add water and shake
varieties already out there. Plus it's organic! Still skeptical though...
According to the Batter Blaster website, the pancakes are low
in calories at 80 kcal per serving (2 pancakes)... hmmm check
them out for yourself and let me know what you think...
Lunch was a quick stir-fry of chicken, more mustard
more red onions, and broccoli. Was way too lazy to think of
something more creative... and i'm glad I didn't attempt to
My new favorite snack? Elevate Me!
Blueberry Cranberry Goji Berry Boost
. It comes in 3 breakable
squares so you can portion throughout the day.. or however many you
want. Simple ingredients too plus they're rediculously high in protein!
Dinner: Spicy Tofu Wrap from Thrifty Foods. The sauce
was kind of like a tartar sauce. Wasen't very spicy actually,
but not bad overall. The wrap is made out of tapioca paper
which is love; quite literally. Much better than rice paper
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't try it... I don't know exactly, but there's just something unappealing about pancakes in a can. And I'm pretty picky- I like them fluffy with add-ins. :p
haha, that batter blaster freaks me out too, but i've heard it's really good! weird, huh?
I LOVE Zen Green tea! For some reason it always tastes better from Starbucks instead of brewing it at home...ha ha..go figure!
Pancakes in a can? What will they come up with next? I don't think I would try it. Organic or not, the whole idea just seems a little bit wrong. I'll stick to making pancakes the old fashioned way.
the wrap AND the magazine AND the stir fry w/ mustard are all right up my alley!!!!
Looks like a nice day of eats.
What can be better than starting off with tazo, eggs and kale wrap? - Yumm
Also on the batter - hmmm looks interesting but I like making my own pancake batter and adding my own weird junk to it. But it gets at least two points for being effortless and organic.
Why have I never heard of Best health magazine?! hummmm I gues I haven't really read magazines in a while. I'm addicted to blogs : ) haha
Food looks delicious!!
We have pancake batter in tubes over here too. So weird!! I won't try it because I'm sure that it has all sorts of dodgy ingredients.
Your eats look so good! I've never heard of tapioca paper but it sounds great.
definitely I'd love to try BB, sounds really cool! :)
No way. While I buy some processed organic foods (cereal, ice cream), I'm not into squeezing any foods out of a tube. They always remind me of "cheez" in a can types of foods...yuck!
no need to be freaked out about it, I have tried it and loved it!!! It makes life more simple :D
I think I'm a bit scared of something you can spray out of a can - plus, I just enjoy making them from scratch! But I'd definitely love to read a review!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your food and the commentary attached to it.
Those kale wraps look awesome. I've never had tapioca paper but I'll be on the look-out for it!
I'm not sure how I feel about batter blaster...I try to stay away from all processed foods. I think I'd rather just make my own. Probably less expensive.
Um, not thinking I'd try that one. Though, I'm not a huge pancake eater to be honest. Those wraps made with tapioca paper look interesting. Never had (or seen) tapioca paper. Is it sort of like rice paper? Gonna have to find that one.
I wouldn't try it. I think it sounds gross! Pancakes take like 5 minutes to make, anyway, so I think it's an unnecessary "convenience" food. Plus, it's like $6 at my store! I could make a TON of pancakes from scratch for $6! :)
That spicy tofu wrap looks really yummy!
My husband bought the batter blaster for me and the results were mediocre at best! It took a lot of batter to make one pancake because it was kind of thin.
I'll take my homemade pumpkin pancakes over batter blaster any day!
Love your egg wrap too!
That batter blaster thing is hilarious!! But kind of gross...it's like a pancake version of cheese whiz! I mean, great that it's organic and everything, but I think I'll stick with the homemade version for now. ;)
Also, I've never heard of tapioca paper. What does it taste like? And is it filling at all?
Ha I've seen that before... it's an intriguing concept!! I don't know if I'd buy it, though. ;)
<3 <3
That batter blaster is hilarious! I wouldn't use it- anything from a aerosol can I try to avoid.. Though I could use it as a stocking stuffer for a few friends!
I would probably try the Batter Blaster but it's weird.. I don't know if I want my food coming out of a tube.
Sometime I read those Best Health magazines! They're not great but.. I like the coupons in them. Haha. I've never used any but you never know when they could come in handy.. I have one for toilet paper. :p
YUM, I actually love Kale in my wraps. It's way better than spinach because it adds more volume. I LOVE volume haha I can fool myself into thinking i'm eating a Feast.
I'm glad your power didn't go out. Last time it went out in my house I was in the basement ALONE. It totally freaked me out. I thought forsure it was part of someone's plans to steal me.
Hope you're having a great day love!!
Hmmmm.... I'd try it. maybe. :)
NO! i probably wouldn't try batter blaster pancake spray. on second thought, it sounds kind of fun. i'd have a batter blaster party and we'd all take turns spraying our pancakes hahaha.. hmm could be quite fun ;)
mm that tofu wrap from thrifty's looks good! why haven't i ever seen those!? must go on a hunt for those wraps. and batter blaster. the gluten free kind ;)
I would definitely try it if someone cooked it for me...I am not sure I'd buy it. I guess it would depend on the price!
Your wrap looks delicious!
I love the idea of a bar being broken up into segments like a chocolate bar, very cool!
I love the idea of a bar being broken up into segments like a chocolate bar, very cool!
Hmmm....I don't know about pancakes in a can. I can't see how they could be too healthy...and pancakes are pretty easy to make, besides. I bet my kids would love the concept, though!
Actually, Batter Blaster blasts out of the can. It doesn't spray. We LOVE it our house. It makes great WAFFLES too... Fresh waffles. Almost as quick and easy as the toaster kind but much, much tastier and healthier. Batter Blaster is totally awesome!
I've thought about the blatter blaster a million times..but always chicken out at the last second.
I think Batter Blaster sounds interesting but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't try it...I don't like to eat things that come in a can, despite the fact I used to consume whipped cream from a can like there was no tomorrow. That stuff is addicting!
I am kind of afraid of blatter blaster. There's just something eerie about it.
But now I want to try your mustardlicious meals! I love mustard. Why have I never put them on a scramble? I love scrambles, too!
I love Tazo tea! And I've never seen those bars anywhere, but they look interesting.
I don't think I would try the pancake spray. It may be organic, but the idea of it kind of freaks me out. Besides, its pretty easy to make your own pancake batter. (I say this, but I never actually do it...haha)
I also have a huge stack of magazines and I've been meaning to read them at the gym or something, or when I'm trying to sleep at night, but I haven't gotten around to them. Sometimes I wonder why I even buy them, I barely have time to read anything- especially with all the blog reading I'm doing lately.
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