Why are Wednesdays so boring sometimes?
I don't have much to blog about. I'm almost done putting together my gluten-free guide post which should be up soon. It's got all my favorite gluten-free foods featuring some that are high in fibre, protein, and deliciousness. Plus I put in the top 10 benefits to eating a gluten-free diet
; even if you're not celiac!
So even though today has been lack luster, my eats sure weren't!
Delicious Olympic organic 0% yogurt topped with frozen
blueberries, goji berries
, dark chocolate chips
, and cinnamon
blueberries, goji berries
I had a hard time taking the picture; the chocolate
chipies kept wanting to jump outside the yogurt pool!
I was debating whether to go to yoga this morning since I was running a
bit late... but the sun was shining which means time to play... (when I was
growing up my mom always said "you can sit inside when the sun is shining!")
Excuse the knitted slippers/footsies... it was early! :D
Grabbed a banana to eat after class
Even though I commented that I don't feel hungry after a
run, I always feel hungry after hot yoga!... or as Aletheia Zoe
Haha... So I made a big salmon
salad wrap using canned
Raincoast Trading Wild Skinless Boneless Sockeye Salmon
Bragg's apple cider vinegar
, sea salt
and black pepper
Added some fresh alfalfa sprouts too :)
Creamy, delicious, and filling; all tucked into a brown rice flour tortilla!
Oh, and here's a familiar face that showed up for dinner...
Sweet Taters!!! nom nom nom, get in my belly
Served with my garlicky tomato
dip recipe
which you can find in my recipe link at the top
Question: What do you think of Wednesdays?
What's you favorite day of the week and why?
What's you favorite day of the week and why?
You and I are both officially perverts hahah. I looked at that picture and thought wow...thats a big pickle too ;) That yogurt mess you had this morning looks ah-mazing. Great toppings. Hmmm favorite day is probably Friday- I love the anticipation of the weekend :)
your yogurt dish is yummy, missy. and salmon wrap = yum.
cool stuff!
First of all, I'm really looking forward to your gluten-free guide. I'm not intolerant, but I'm really interested in learning more about different gluten-free food options, as well as benefits from maybe having a little less gluten in my life. :)
Secondly, that yogurt looks amazing!! And finally...I don't like Wednesdays so much myself. I feel like they're just kind of "stuck" there. My favorite day is definitely Saturday. A whole day of freedom with another whole day to look forward to... :)
Your yogurt mess looks delicious. I love the combination of dark chocolate, berries, and yogurt :)
Wednesdays can go either way for me; sometimes I like them and sometimes I don't. My favorite day of the week is probably Friday. IT feels like that beautiful sigh of relief after a hectic week, and I have two free days to look forward to :)
I love that Raincoast Trading brand, I buy their tuna. It's expensive but I love that their fish are line-caught.
My favorite day of the week is probably Saturday. Even though I don't have a traditional job schedule (I work from home), the weekends are just special.
mmm that's quite the yogurt blend! Also, your salmon wrap looked absolutely delish! Random thing to drool over, I know, but for some reason it seemed to call my name ;)
I love Wednesdays. Hump day. Means I'm halfway through the workweek!
thank you so much for the help and very nice words, you are a great friend / blogger friend / whatever :D Today has been a much much better day. I hope you find someone as awesome as Matt. They definitely make life a lot easier and better :)
Alfalfa sprouts are amazing :D I discovered them at a sub shop a while back and want them on EVERYTHING!
Cup runneth full on that yogurt bowl, huh? lol
My favorite days happen to be Sundays because I get to totally relax on them but I actually don't mind Wednesdays. They're kind of a chill day for me too. :)
You're salmon wrap has me craving salmon now..
I'm not a Wednesday fan, mainly because Nick works late. I love Thursdays and Fridays most.
I didn't know you ate a gluten free diet. I'm excited to read your post about it. I don't eat gluten free, but since I am am a fructose malabsorber I can't eat wheat, therefore many of my foods are gluten free. It was hard at first, but now I'm getting used to it.
Wednesdays are just okay. My favorite days are Mondays! I like being all refreshed from the weekend.
I'm really excited for the gluten free post! I'd like to see what all the hype is about. I feel like gluten free products are everywhere now!
I'm totally with you on Wednesdays! It's mid-week, and all the excitement of the past weekend is old news, and the weekend ahead is still too far away. ;) I actually really like Thursdays because I start to plan out my days off and know that it will be that last day that I HAVE to do homework in the evening for the next school day.
I'm really intrigued by your gluten free guide. Although I don't have an allergy, I find myself feeling so much better when I limit gluten, so I still like knowing the little tricks and hints to make life a little easier!
Please come top my yogurts and oatmeal bowls with those toppings NOW! That looks so good.
I think my favorite day of the week is Tuesday. I am not sure why. Currently it is the only day that I do not have to work & only have my internship. Maybe that is why?! I don't know!
i need me a jar of vegenaise!
Love the yogurt snack. I always enjoy seeing what people top theirs with...I give the chocolate chips and blueberries a thumbs up!
I don't mind Wednesdays, since it's in the middle of the week.
That yogurt looks heavenly. And, may I just say that those knitted footies are pure awesome? Okay, just as long as you know that now ;)
The garlicky tomato dip sounds really good - will check that recipe out asap!
And I kinda like Wednesdays! I think because it seems like everything is so easy at the end of Wednesday, ya know? haha.
YUM! That yogurt mix looks GREAT!
I think you make sweet potatoes as often as I do! ;-) MMMMM. I am pretty ambivalent about Wednesdays. Don't love or hate them. They just signal that we're getting closer to Friday. Oh, and it's typically a weight day for me.
Your "footsies" are so cute! And I'm now going to use that word all the time.
Yeah I'm definitely not a fan of wednesdays. I just want the weekend to come and it seems so far away. It's behind us now though :)
Mmm sweet potatoes and yummy yogurt combos...
I kind of like Wednesdays, actually. Week is half over then! ;)
<3 <3
Ha! I looove the footsies! I want a pair just like that for the morning (or anytime of day really)! I loove your yogurt concoction, wrap, and those beautiful sweeties! Your meals look so fresh and delicious. Inspiring!
I like Wednesdays for the most part because it's all down hill from there. I hope you have a great day!!
A- rename you blog Sweet Potato Whore please hahahhaa j/k <3
B- i have been searching for 100% chocolate chips for ever, have you seen them anywhere??
love the freshness of your food... veganaise?? you should really try making your own mayo with eggs/coconutoil or olive or macadamia nut oil/mustard/viegar or lemon juice/salt... so yummy and fresh!
The knitted footsies are cute! lol
My favorite day would have to be Thursday because I don't have classes on Fridays :D
Looking forward to the GF post!
i LOVE hump days!!!!!! yay for halfway thru the WEEK!
Sign me up for that yogurt pool! It looks amazing! Yum Yum Yum!
I like Wednesdays. its the start of the downward trend to the weekend-and for that I am happy!
Great wrap!
I don't think much of Wednesday either way. I prefer Monday because it tends to go quickest...at work anyways!! :)
Loving the footsies;)
And that delicious tortilla!
x Julia (Taste of Living)
I love Sundays, they are always really relaxed days for me.
Mmm this reminds me that I NEED to try that dip ASAP!! What do you consider a serving of those potatoes when you make em? I never know and I always eat what I'm assuming is too much? When I have them as fries the potato is usually the size of my whole hand haha
My fav day of the week is ummm any day actually. It just depends on what i'm doing. I like them all! Oddly enough i'm normally bored on weekends.
Hope you're having an AHmazing Thursday pretty girl!! ;)
PS I use a BIG pan when I make my eggs. First I crack the full egg and then I add the egg whites around it. I cook it on medium heat and put a lid over it. This way it cooks the top too but not the yolk. Comes out perfect!!
Your eats are looking delicious as always!
I love Fridays! It's a fun day plus you have the rest of the weekend to look forward to!
I love your knitted footsies! I have little knitted slipper-sock things too. They're so comfy.
I don't really have an opinion on Wednesdays right now but I guess it depends on the time of year...right now wednesdays are like any other week day. My favourite day is Friday because the weekend hasn't quite started yet but looking forward to something (like the weekend) can be better than actually experiencing it haha. Anyway, Friday nights are always awesome.
Hope youre having a great one <3
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