23 May 2010

Bom Dia!

Happy Long Weekend
Apologies to anyone who has to work on Monday!

Tazo Zen Green Tea
I don't have any plans other than a little vintage shopping and walking; 
some grocery shopping too. Oh that reminds me, I loved your answers to
 quirky grocery store habits! I realize I should share mine with you all

Green Cuisine Vegan Brown Rice Blueberry Chocolate Chip Coconut Muffin

I can relate to checking expiration dates, and have been known to cause quite 
the mess rummaging through the back to get the freshest product. My brother
used to be a Dairy Manager and always told me the freshest milk is
stocked the farthest back. Just a little tip in case you didn't already know that

Egg, Kale, Red Onion and Mustard 
Scramble Wrap in a Brown Rice Tortilla

Hmmm I also feel the need to pick up everything and look at it, even
when I know i'm not going to buy it! Oh and if you don't like 
people who fondle the produce, sorry, you can blame me! haha

Carob, Peanut and Coconut Super Ball

Deliciously nutty and jam-packed with whole food powers

Like I mentioned previously, I avoid fruit juice like the plague. My blood sugar
  cannot handle the concentrated sugars, so I limit myself to using it in baking instead

That is until I tried Bom Dia! It's a smoothie actually, but the  
Acai and Mangosteen work for me :) I always feel good after drinking it!

I know, Cocoa Puree listed in the ingredients? Weird but good!

I also picked up a delicious to-go box from Green Cuisine. They had my favorite 
Miso Gravy Tempeh. I also threw in some Golden Beets, Steamed Broccoli, 
Steamed Kale (hidden underneath), and some Cayenne Pepper dusted on top

I ended up having a nightmare about potato chips the other night. This
 reminded me of my childlike incessant need for eating a whole bag of Lay's. I refuse 
to have potato chips in the house, it's just one thing I know I can't have 'just one' of...

Question: What food(s) do you forbid to have in 
your house because you always end up overeating?


Yuki said... [reply]

I can't have potato chips in the house either! I always overeat. Same with chocolate chip cookies. I overeat cereals in some cases, but I have to have those!

Jessica (Healthy Exposures) said... [reply]

love your grocery store quirks - i do the same, but didn't even think of that at the time! i have to give all my apples, plums, peaches, etc the squeeze test. i guess i get a little weirded out as i bite into an apple when i think about the fact that probably everyone does that :P
that crob/peanut/coconut ball looks absolutely amazing! must try a recreation :)

Astrid said... [reply]

I know this doesn't always work, but I don't ban anything from my house. Being in a good recovery state right now, I like knowing that the food doesn't control me constantly like it use to.
I've tried Bom Dia and I love it too!! It
It's really delicious. I tend to stay away from fruit juice, because I like the whole fruit version better, but some things I will make an exception for. Bom Dia and carrot juice (not a fruit, I know).
Your muffins always look amazing. I have a thing for muffins.

theemptynutjar said... [reply]

I don't forbid anything...I eat it anyway (sigh)...
you always have neat baked goods...looks yum.

I know..I spend hours in the grocery store...same with bookstores...ridiculous :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

That carob, peanut, coconut ball looks so good. I love stuff like that - do you ever eat the date and coconut rolls that are at coops and natural food stores? Yum.

I usually don't keep ice cream in the house, partly because I tend towards overeating it, and partly because when I do overeat it I get a bad stomachache.

Katie ♥ said... [reply]

I can not have CHEETOS in my house!!!!!! They are dangerous for me to have around!! If I have a drink of wine at home and there are cheetos in the house, its over!! lol!!

I always get the milk all the way in the back!! Too funny! Im very very weird wheb it comes to expiration dates, if something expires in two days, I wont even use it! lol! yikes!

Have a great Monday girl, Im not blogging this week, got some major stress going on over in my world, but it will all be ok soon xoxo

Amanda @ . seek . said... [reply]

I like to smell my fruit before I decide to buy it. I'm not sure if that's quirky or not, but if it doesn't smell vibrant and alive, I don't want it!

I don't really forbid any foods in my house, but back in the day I could go through an entire bag of gummy bears easily... or a whole box of cereal. It wasn't overeating, per say, it was just what I would have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with eating a varied diet these days...

Enjoy your Victoria Day, girl!

runnerforever said... [reply]

Blueberry and coconut all in a muffin sounds almost too good. I always eat a ton of cereal, but I just keep tons of it around haha.

Ameena said... [reply]

Your chocolate chip muffin looks really good...I could use one of those right now!

I don't seem to have any self control issues now that I've kicked my sugar habit. I do have a problem controlling my chip intake once I open the bag though. If I eat one I cannot stop! If I don't eat any than I am completely fine. I can't do chips in moderation I guess.

Adrien said... [reply]

I would say soy ice cream or cookies that have some kind of health claim to them (gluten free, low sugar, etc- especially homemade).

It's just safer to have real dairy ice cream- that way when I break out from eating it I know not to go back for more! haha

claire said... [reply]

YUM, I want that muffin...bloobs and choc chip, what a fun combo! My quirks in the grocery store definitely involves inspecting all my fruit!

I don't ban too much but can eat tons of tortilla chips with salsa and guac!

Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin said... [reply]

Man there's too many things I can't have only one of but I still manage to keep them in the house. Example 1. Pizza. but I just had it for dinner. oops? :)

Annie :D said... [reply]

Hey There!

Just came across your bloggie and wanted to say hi! And that carob/peanut/coconut ball looks amazing yummm!!

Back in the day the thing I couldn't keep in my house was jars of frosting! lol I remember me and friends just eating frosting out of the jar with spoons.

Katie said... [reply]

I always go to the back for dairy and produce!

I don't buy packaged cookies anymore...

Anonymous said... [reply]

I don't really have any particular foods that I 'ban' in the house for fear of overeating. It's weird though because I buy things like cookies and let them sit there because I get scared I'll overeat them if I open them. And then when I do open them, I end up eating the one and the rest go stale so I don't buy them often, more because I don't want to have my money wasted on stuff I probably won't finish. Lol.

Nat xoxo

Anonymous said... [reply]

Baked goods are pretty much the only thing I need to keep out of the house. Although I have a feeling that I could probably have them in the house now and be perfectly fine..

I handle produce like too! Part of me feels bad but at the same time, I got to make sure I'm getting the good stuff. :D

Jaclyn said... [reply]

I tried that green tea in iced form this weekend and loved it! I used to work at Starbizz and we sold it but have never tried it iced and jarred... t'was so good, you'd love it!

Also those carob peanut coconut balls look amazing! You have to tell me where you got it or post the recipe! Delish! :D

Lauren @ Health on the Run said... [reply]

All your food looks so good -- especially that juice! I'm not a big juice drinker either, but I do crave it once in awhile, so I'll have to be on the lookout.

I could definitely relate to your grocery store quirks. I know I said I didn't have any before, but now that I've read yours, I realize I was in denial...because I do all of those things too. haha

And I never buy whipped cream. I may or may not eat it out of the container. ;)

Heather (Where's the Beach) said... [reply]

I, I'm with you on the chips. I could kill myself with some Cheetos. They do not make there way home with me anymore. Sigh.

Megan D said... [reply]

Those super balls look fantastic! And I am all about rummaging in the back for the "freshest" items at a grocery store. There are certain cereals I don't keep in the house because I will literally sit down and devour half the box at a time!

hbobier said... [reply]

Target makes this to-die-for Zen Party Trail Mix. I seriously can't have it in the house. I know it's trail mix and it's healthy, but 3,000 calories later I think it defeats the purpose.

ellie said... [reply]

Oh my gosh, that to-go box and muffin look incredible.

I can't keep canned whipped cream in the house- actually, I can but I can't keep low-fat whipped cream in the house. I eat the entire thing. I also can't make roasted vegetables too often because I will eat the entire tray- yeah, it's only vegetables, but kills my stomach to eat 2-3lbs worth and I can't help eating them if they are there!

Cardio Pizza said... [reply]

Cartons of ice cream are my weakness! :)

I always try to get the milk that is furthest back lol!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I am in love with vintage clothes, accesories, anything - have fun!!
I know that I must sound like a broken record saying this every time you post a photo of a muffin - but YUM!!!
No foods forbidden at the moment, but I used to have a thing about chocolate covered coffee beans! xxxx

spoonful of sugarfree said... [reply]

Wow! I just came across your blog, and I must say that all of your food looks so yummy!! That blueberry muffin looks so tempting!

Things I can't have in the house, well let's see........I don't really forbid myself from anything. I have pretty good self-control now that I have given up sugar and refined stuff. I LOVE peanut butter and macadamia nuts, though. When ever I have a scoop, or a handful, I need another...and another....and another....hehe

Lori said... [reply]

Yum, you're wrap looks great! Super healthy and loaded with great stuff.

I try HARD not to buy (vegan, gluten free) ice cream- usually Coconut Bliss, Peanut Butter Puffins cereal, and almond butter because I just can't stop eating those! Once I start, they're little stopping me. ;) If I don't have them in the house, there's not worrying. ha!

Great question.

Sarah (GF vegan) said... [reply]

Hello there! Great pics.

Peanut butter- I LOVE it. It's such a danger food in my home but it's always there and I always end up over-indulging in it. It just has too much of a grip on me :)

Joanne said... [reply]

Ironically I tend to overeat "healthy" stuff more than not healthy stuff. Dried fruit. Dangerous. Dangerous. Dangerous.

Yet I can have cookies in the house and not think twice about them.

The one exception is ice cream....impossible to control myself!

Christina said... [reply]

ahh a nightmare about potato chips!?! scary stuff. hehe. i can't keep cake at my house! i will eat it all up!!

Michal said... [reply]

Your super balls are looking SUPER delish! I want! :) I dont keep things like chips in my house either. I can never ever eat just one...

Anonymous said... [reply]

I love mint oreos. so, so much. I try not to buy them b/c I will go crazy. If I do buy them, I will put the entire package in the freezer. When the filling is frozen, it turns really hard so I have to take a couple out and let them thaw a bit!

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

I love your grocery shopping quirks! That is too funny. I went grocery shopping yesterday with someone that hates the grocery store and is not fond of cooking. For me, those places are totally a touch, feel and smell kind of place. She looked so awkward the whole time. It was kind of funny! That muffin looks so good!!! I don't really have a forbidden food for the house. We have so many food restrictions already...we have to eat what we can! I know what you mean about the chips though!

Mandiee said... [reply]

That vegan blueberry muffin looks so good I can almost taste it! When I clicked on the website, kabocha was the ingredient of the day. Can you say meant to be? I'm a total produce handler, too. I've been known to go to the bottom of the broccoli stack for the greenest and biggest broccoli I can see. I haven't had any accidents yet, but I shouldn't jinx it :P. My favorite foods are produce so I'm extremely dangerous all the time. Kabocha is probably my biggest weakness. I have to limit myself to it on the weekends (especially because that's when I have time to roast it properly--slowwwwly). As if I needed more reasons to love the weekend...

Have a lovely day!

Chelsea said... [reply]

I always fondle my good too haha. And I always take forever to pick out the freshest, best looking produce. My family always gets frustrated with me for taking SO long! :D

Surprisingly the only food I really over eat is fruits and veggies. I can limit myself to one cookie, but if you put a fruit tray in front of me, I will eat it until I get a stomach ache!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

When I buy milk or other dairy products I always reach for the stuff at the back!

Lola said... [reply]

Ah! I wish i could banish peanuts and cookies from my house because I always overeat! but i can't because i live with my family, and they love them!!
How was your weekend ? have a nice monday!

Samantha said... [reply]

I saw the Bom Dia in the store last week, I was wondering how it was but decided to pass because I hadn't heard of it. I may have to try it now! Lucky you with no work on Monday =)

Anonymous said... [reply]

That muffin looks so good! Haha, and I hear you on the grocery shopping... I'm always the one who reaches to the back of shelves for the freshest EVERYTHING, and I've also been known to go through every piece of produce to find the best ones. Hey, I'm picky like that! ;)


alex said... [reply]

bom dia!!!

I took two straight years of Portuguese (most fun language!) That means good day :D hahaha

I want those super balls...bad, they look amazing!!

damn girl with the comments! I had to scroll through alot to type!! miz popular!!

I will have to try stevia - i'm desperate!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I don't really not buy anything because that makes it seem like the food is off limits to me, but i never buy juice for the same reason - it does nothing for my hunger and usually just makes me hungrier.

that muffin looks SO good :)

Averie @ Averie Cooks said... [reply]

that muffin looks amazing! the bloobs are just oooozing out.nice!

forbid. well, food allergies are THE strongest motiavator out there. I could have a plate of anything in front of me, but if i know i will feel like sh*t for the next week from taking 1 bite, i never would. It took me 25 yrs to get there but finally learned that lesson :)

Lauren said... [reply]

That muffin looks so good! The combination of blueberries, chocolate, and coconut sounds like it would go very well together.
I don't really ban any food from my house, except for foods that my digestive system can't handle...As Averie stated above, food allergies (or digestive disorders) are strong motivators for avoiding certain food like the plague, no matter how tempted you may be. It just isn't worth it.
I used to be very bad about keeping dry cereal in my house because I loved it and one bowl never felt satisfying enough, but that was a while ago and the funny thing is that I don't even LIKE dry cereal anymore. Its incredible how tastes can change.
Hope you had a great holiday weekend love, and thank you so much for your sweet comment. You are the best! xoxo <3

Ashlei said... [reply]

Fresh baked foods I'm usually bad about overeating...so I just don't bake very often. And chocolate chip cookies! Those are my weakness!

the twins said... [reply]

all your food looks so good! i can't have anything chocolate covered in the house, like chocolate covered raisins or almonds, because i will eat them all.

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