14 May 2010

Sun Poisoning


A HEAT RASH! This was actually the first time I got a heat rash from the sun. I wasn't out for very long but I guess that's Karma for telling everyone they should go tanning!

I'm used to getting a heat rash when I bath which is a strange phenomena that started a couple years ago...

Anyways, I put some aloe vera on and it seems to be doing better. Anyone got any tips for a heat rash?

 It's been awhile since I've bought these bars! I seemed to have them daily when I first started blogging!

Chocolate and pumpkin seed heaven... 18 grams of vegan protein! 

Lunch was a typical egg and kale combo wrapped up in a brown rice tortilla

Grabbed a red delicious apple to snack on...

 And of course I made a stir-fry!

Chicken and black-eyed peas with broccoli, celery, swiss chard, red onion, spices, and mustaaarrd!

On a good note, I felt the need to treat myself for enduring heat rash hell; so I took to natures candy with dates and peanut butter :)

Super giant hugs and thank you's to everyone who commented on my "How I Stay Skinny" post! I had no problem showing my 'swollen before picture' because I thought it was important to celebrate my journey. All of your kind words melted my poor little heart into oblivion. Merci!

Question: Does your weight Yo-Yo up and down?
Question: Do you find it hard to maintain a steady weight?


Anonymous said... [reply]

Hey girl!!! AHH i missed you!!! I love the looks of your scrambles! and those protein bars? i must find!

BAC said... [reply]

your pics are so wonderful and youre making me want stir fry!

I am sorry about your heat rash - hopefully it goes away soon!

Averie @ Averie Cooks said... [reply]

for the heat rash, COCONUT OIL or any oil, really, but coconut is best. If you want to go the pharma route, any cortisone cream. That wouldnt be my choice, but just LYK.

Oh and got your comment re sunscreen. And voila, here you are with a rash. hows that for crappy luck!

Yo Yo weight..not really but i also eat plants. LOL so there's not really that much room for yo-yo'ing but when i ate gluten til i realized i needed to be GF, yes, i did yo yo a bit.

Anonymous said... [reply]

You poor thing! Aloe sounds great and coconut oil as averie said. I also had a brown rice tortilla wrap with kale but my bbq tempeh and some hummus for my road trip today...and an apple of course!

I haven't yo yo-ed too much because of my plant based diet too and because I have always ran. I did feel a difference in my clothes when I stopped running in the past a few times but nothing much.

I can't post this weekend...ah!

Lee said... [reply]

a 12oz sirloin steak with eggs will take care of that..plus some home frys and texas toast...your rashes will disapear!!!

***you may experience backne

maria @ Chasing the Now said... [reply]

I get heat rashes from taking showers for too long. Oops! :) They just tend to go away on their own for me.

Karin said... [reply]

Sorry to hear about your rash! Though I have to admit that I'd love to get one. Yes I am that desperate because it's been raining for weeks over here. Booooh! Anyway, I guess I wouldn't find a rash that much fun once I have it.

Simply Life said... [reply]

sorry to hear about the rash - hope it goes away soon!

Nope, my weight has pretty much stayed the same since high school - although my diet and exercise routines have changed I've always tried to eat healthy and exercise regularly so it's been a "sustainable" lifestyle for basically all my life! :)

Lindsay @ http://pancakesnpajamas.blogspot.com/ said... [reply]

I still can't believe I've never had a date. I need to pic some up today!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i really need to try that kale + egg wrap combo! seriously looks divine! you've convinced me to pick some kale up today.

i don't think its too hard to maintain a healthy weight as long as you eat well and get some exercise. Its been working for me for almost three years now.

Anonymous said... [reply]

i really need to try that kale + egg wrap combo! seriously looks divine! you've convinced me to pick some kale up today.

i don't think its too hard to maintain a healthy weight as long as you eat well and get some exercise. Its been working for me for almost three years now.

Krista said... [reply]

Ouch! Heay rashes are not fun. I use cornstarch, believe it or not, to take the sting out. I used this for diapar rashes when my kids were babes. Works like a charm!

Joanne said... [reply]

I'm so sorry about the heat rash chica! Aloe is the way to go...and maybe some moisturizer? Hmmm.

That chocolate bar sounds like some kind of awesome.

Loved your last post by the way. I am a size zero now but used to be a size ten. Crazy. And so weight has always been an issue for me. Now I still need to think about what I eat, but I exercise daily so it's not really a big deal.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oh no - feel better. I would go with aloe too; it's soothing for heat rash. I never got heat rashes as a kid, but if I'm in the sun too long now I get them.

That kale and egg wrap looks really good - two of my favorite foods!

I tend to maintain a steady weight, ever since I lost the "freshman fifteen" I gained in college.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Ow ow ow. I started getting heat rashes from the sun last year, and it's frustrating because I love spending time outside. Thankfully, I only seem to get them during the first few weeks of my sun sessions and then they stop showing up. To help take away some of the uncomfy-ness, I soak a washcloth in cold water and apply it to the affected area, and then follow it up with either coconut oil or aloe. I hope yours goes away soon.

As for weight, mine has always been a pretty stable thing and I never experienced much yo-yoing unless I was consciously going out of my way to lose or gain... but even then it's always been pretty predictable.

Amy B @ Second City Randomness said... [reply]

Oooohhh... the rash looks painful!

I used to swing a decent amount in my weight. But now I seem to stay withing a 2 or 3 pound range. I guess I found my happy weight? I think I wanted to be a few pounds lower, but really, it's not worth the stress to try and maintain it, and I feel great where I'm at. :)

Have a good Saturday, lady!

wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas said... [reply]

Oh, when I think of what I used to do to my body! My weight used to fluctuate so much. I've been as low as 123 (size 2) and as high as 180 (size 10.)

It wasn't until I started practicing INCLUSION instead of EXCLUSION in my diet that I really got a handle on it!

Being pregnant really helped set my new habits in stone. Now, I get to pass them on to my son!

Gina; The Candid RD said... [reply]

Yuck, sorry about the sun poisoning! I've only had it once, and that was from the sun in Bahahamas when I thought I was too cool for sunscreen. SO DUMB!

My weight stays pretty steady, but it definitely goes up on weeks that I am "on vacation" and eat out a lot, or I'm PMSing (both from water retention). I've never had an issue with weight, unless you could when I was anorexic, although even then it wasn't really my weight I was focused on, it was merely a control thing....very bad.

Ashlei said... [reply]

Awww sorry to hear about your heat rash!! Ice and aloe vera are definitely your best bets!

Yep my weight yo-yos up and down, but sometimes I know I've been overeating or overindulging in the nut butters and that does it.

Have a great weekend!!

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

I get heat rashes too now! I also get rashes in extreme cold weather. Hives are no fun. I have no idea how to fix that...I am hoping some of your readers have suggestions! The stir fry looks so good! I have been craving stir fry and since you put mustard in it...that is definitely going in mine! I don't yoyo in weight, but I used to. I don't know why I don't now. My hormones are so weird after having kids. Most people gain weight and get get rid of the pooch after kids, but I work hard at fitness now and I guess that helps me. I have found the right foods that work for my body too, so I feel good when I eat. Thank you for sharing your story! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said... [reply]

I've never had heat rash, it looks awful :(
Your food looks so good!!!

Thanks again for your wonderful comments!

Samantha said... [reply]

Not tips for the heat rash, sorry. For the past 4 years or so, I've maintained my weight quite well. I got to a point 3 years back or so where it was tooo low, but over time I've reached where Im at now and I am happy. My priorities now are building endurance and strength vs. losing weight.

* said... [reply]

hey lovie! :)
your eats look so so delicious love the egg and kale wrap, i must make that! I am sorry about the heat rash :/ i have never got that, nor have i ever have gotten a sun burn! *gasp! ;) but I'd say maybe like try going to your health food store for some aloe vera type of soothing cream? i am sure they have something to help, its doesnt look that bad and it will go away very soon! :)
any ways i loved your last post, i dont think i commented? but it was really so good, to read how you stay healthy and slim without dieting it reminded me of a Youtube video i watched called why are skinny people not fat..okay the title sounds like this would be such an idiotic show lol, but its quite interesting that some people just dont have the urge to eat past their comfort and some people such as yourself are just naturally meant to be thin/healthy! :)

love you.

Ameena said... [reply]

I hear coconut oil is really good for that...Aveeno has always worked for me too! Hope that helps a little bit and you feel better soon!

alex said... [reply]

I'm still having issues...that and jealously because everyone is eating so healthy and I can't stand what they eat - I am so freakishly picky.

Definitely get it checked out (bone density) it's better to know early than too late...I am about to go out and find some calcium to take (can't take pills - I think they have chocolate)

I so want to try one of those protein bars - they look sooooooooooo good!

Heather (Where's the Beach) said... [reply]

Ouch on the heat rash. Hope it's better today. My husband actually did get sun poisoning once. He was sooo sick. Thankfully, my weight is pretty much steady and always has been. I guess it's part luck of great genes and consistency with food and exercise.

She-Fit said... [reply]

omg, you poor thing. I'm sorry you have a heat rash. I know that taking a bath in baking soda takes away from the itching. You might want to try that as well as applying ice packs. Hang in there!

Katie @ Health for the Whole Self said... [reply]

So sorry about your heat rash! I've actually never had that happen so I have no advice to offer. :(

My weight used to yo-yo up and down ALL THE TIME. Why? Because I would go on way-too-restrictive diets to try to lose weight quickly, which I would do, but then after a little while I'd go crazy from the deprivation, completely overeat, and gain all the weight back...and then some. My weight has finally stabilized now that I have learned to embrace a balanced diet.

Lauren said... [reply]

Aw love, I'm sorry about the heat rash! I have never had a heat rash, but I do know that aloe vera is good for sunburns. I hope it heals you fast.

Those protein bars look good, and the protein content is very impressive for a vegan bar. Too bad I've never seen them around here..

Your questions are pretty loaded for me...I mean, my weight has yo-yoed in the past but I'm trying to put a stop to it now. Its gone up and down to extremes due to sickness, but I'm really trying to stabilize. I do find it hard to maintain a steady weight, because I think that health problems and life get in the way. But I admire that you have overcome sickness and are in good health now, and it gives me hope that this craziness with my body is not permanent.
Hope you're having a great weekend xoxo

Christina said... [reply]

Ouch! I've never had heat rash but it looks like it hurts :(

I gained weight when I went to college, and then lost a lot senior year. Now, a year later, I'm back to normal!

Anonymous said... [reply]

My weight never yo-yoed very much at all. In fact, up until last summer I was a steady weight of 112.. then I became really depressed, binged like no other, and gained 15 pounds. I'm now fighting to lose half of it but I'm still struggling.

I've never had or seen a heat rash before! Looks kind of sore. :/ Hope the aloe helps it feel better quickly!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Ouch... heat rash does not look fun! I've had numerous sunburns, but never that... aloe should at least feel better, though!

<3 <3

MJC said... [reply]

Since getting back to a healthy weight range, my weight pretty much stays the same. I don't weigh myself though. I just go by my skinny jeans! ;)

Sorry about the heat rash! Wish I had tips for that... take care hun!

Kris | iheartwellness.com said... [reply]

Girl! I hope your rash is better now! That is nasty! I usually just put an organic soothing lotion on rashes, but Aloe should work ;)

You need to tell me where to find these bars! They look fab!

Mmmm mustard on stir fry, great idea!


Lauren @ Health on the Run said... [reply]

Oh no! So sorry about your heat rash. :( That sucks. I once got it really bad on my hands and feet at the beginning of a vacation (stupidly forgot to put sunscreen there) and had to keep them covered the rest of the week because it hurt so bad to be in the sun. Hope yours goes away quickly!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

that bar looks so good!
Heat rash, not so good though :( I would have suggested aloe, hope it's doing better now :)
I thought that your post on staying skinny was fantastic by the way! Unfortunately I don't really feel up to contributing, due to my eating disorder sometimes tainting my thoughts on that kind of thing.
Have a really lovely week!!! xxxx

Anonymous said... [reply]

that bar looks so good!
Heat rash, not so good though :( I would have suggested aloe, hope it's doing better now :)
I thought that your post on staying skinny was fantastic by the way! Unfortunately I don't really feel up to contributing, due to my eating disorder sometimes tainting my thoughts on that kind of thing.
Have a really lovely week!!! xxxx

Anonymous said... [reply]

ouch! looks painful!
my only suggestion for the sun rash is to take a bath in tea bags. it sounds odd and I don't know for certain that it works but once I did it and felt much relief.

Anonymous said... [reply]

I've had a few BAD burns, but never had heat rash before. My suggestion is Ocean Potion After Sun Lotion. I swear it works like a dream on burns, and with the aloe in it, I would bet it would really help out your heat rash too!

That stir fry looks so good! You definitely have a skill there!


Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin said... [reply]

Ugh I'm so sorry about your heat rash! I have no advice because I've never experienced it but that sucks!

And dates and peanut butter?! I've never thought of that combo but it looks divine!

lynn @ the actors diet said... [reply]

heat rashes stink! i haven't had one in a while so i can't remember if this actually worked but i remember using cold compresses.

Katie said... [reply]

I've been more or less the same weight for the past 5 years.

Medjools with PB is my FAVORITE combo!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I used to get heat rashes REALLY bad on my face from the time I was 12 - 16. Awful. Anyhoo, this sounds weird but I used diaper rash cream all over my face, chest, everywhere I had the rash. It works fast! Good luck!!

Yuki said... [reply]

Have you ever tried the Super Bars from Francines Finest? They're delicious! Especially the cranberry raisin kind.. I eat a bar or two every single day! I must try the protein bars too though...

My weight is so unsteady.. I'm so jealous of you!

lindsay love said... [reply]

I know this is an old post but if you ever get sun poisoning again try putting baby powder on it. It sounds like it'd be counter productive but keeping it dry helps with the irritation and helps it heal quicker. I found the tip on google when I got heat rash and it was the best tip everrrrrrrrr

And you have two of my all time favorite combos on this post-- kale&eggs and dates& pb!!! Love :)

meowmix said... [reply]

This just started happening to me this year! I notice first at the gym when I get sweaty/hot... then the bath or shower and now with the sun :P!!!

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