18 July 2010

Make My Meal Winner(s)

Thank you for everyone who submitted their breakfast
 recipes for me to try. There were so many delicious
entries that I decided to choose 3 Winners!!!

To make it fair, I selected them via
the 'Old Fashioned Draw Box' method

*Drum Roll Please*

Joanne says:

I eat the same thing every morning as well...but mix up dinner so much that I'm strangely okay with that. My favorite breakfast that I've made...hmmm. Pioneer Woman's lazy chile rellenos and breakfast (sweet) potatoes! Total yum.

ktbwood says:

oh yummm!!! def love pancakes with 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/3 cup cottage cheese, 1/2 cup almond milk, chocolate chips, and peanut butter and bananas! YUMMM

brittac says:

oh girl you would love my brownie batter pancakes - totally gfree!

Congratulations Girlies!
Off to the store I go to pick up some
ingredients to make these this week.
So excited to try them :)


Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

YUM! Can't wait to see the results! Have a great day Kelsey!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Congratulations to the winners! All three of their recipe ideas are definitely creative and so worthy of winning.

Brownie batter pancakes...yum!

Hope you have a great Sunday Kelsey! And thank you for being my shoulder to cry on. :)

Erica said... [reply]

Such a fun way to pick a winner. Congrats to all the lovely ladies!!

Alycia @ Fit n Fresh said... [reply]

YUM! Those all sound great - Congrats ladies (:

Megan D said... [reply]

I love that you used a draw box! Yay for the winners!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I can't wait to see the results! I eat oats every day because they're easy, but i needed some ideas for Sunday mornings...now I have a few!

Anonymous said... [reply]

AWW congrats to the winners! What a cute box!!

Healthy. Happy. Well. said... [reply]

OOOh wish I would've seen! Fun competition though!

Lisa (bakebikeblog) said... [reply]

oooh what great ideas!!!!

Monet said... [reply]

Your draw box is so cute!

Ruth said... [reply]

Sounds good! Looking forward to reading how they turn out :)

ac said... [reply]

Oh man, oh man. I wanna see your kelsey-enized kreations!!! :D

xo Aletheia

Crystal said... [reply]

I can't wait to hear about how you like these! I'm especially interested in the one with sweet potatoes because I'm a tad obsessed with them.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Can´t wait to see the pics from the final products :D

Chelsea said... [reply]

This is such a fun way to get new breakfast ideas! I'm excited to see how they turn out for you!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i am excited to see the pics of your breakfasts. good god, i love breakfast! i also now have a strong hankering to make some muffins ;)

Anonymous said... [reply]

hahha goofy girl! I didn't run with Sarah...I wish I did. She's awesome! I just talked about her self timing picture taking skills :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Brownie pancakes?? I might need to try that one! Can't wait to see how they come out :)

Clean Eating Chelsey said... [reply]

ooo tell me when you're going to make brownie batter pancakes - i might make them too! :)

we can think about each other as we eat our pancakes - haha!

Anonymous said... [reply]

First contest to ever win - so honored!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Mine is like, the most boring!! hahah still good tho!! :) im excited!

Anonymous said... [reply]

What great breakfasts to try out, they all sound awesome!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Love the old fashioned draw box, too fun!

Averie @ Averie Cooks said... [reply]

cute box!

glad the abs suggestions are gonna work and that you're printing it...too cute :)

Pride was awesome, the crowd was mellow and happy and alive and peaceful and no drama, i.e. no cops or anything needed to be called, it was perfect. Some year you will have to come with me!


Anonymous said... [reply]

Congrats to the girls!
This box is awesome!

Jessie @ The Happiness in Health said... [reply]

Congrats to the winners!! They're all great recipes! I'm especially intrigued by the brownie batter one - Ill have to check that out.

Also, you have the more gorgeous random selection box, Kelsey :P

Anna said... [reply]

Love the box...so cute!

Simply Life said... [reply]

congrats to the winners! I love that box!

Anonymous said... [reply]

congrats to them! i wanna try pancakes with coconut and almond flour...nom nom...maybe i will tonight since i had SWEET POTATO THIS WEEKEND :) :) :) hahahha just thought i would mention that.

and those brownies form the other post(im catching up haha) are made with like the purest stuff! geez that kinda food stuffs just doesnt exist down here!

Your best advice said... [reply]

They all look good!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Thank you for continuing to follow my blog. :) Your comment make me smile.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Sounds like you're going to be having a pancake-filled week! I'm kind of excited to see what you end up with... and then I'll be copying the good ones... he he he :)

Laury@TheFitnessDish said... [reply]

Adorable box!!!! Congrats to the winners!!! Thanks so much for the probiotics tips...I used to do Greek yogurt all teh time, I have stopepd since I have been trying to cut back since I don't trust it always is coming from a sheep...but I should start eating it again, it doesn't bother my belly, it was just principle of trying to cut out dairy, except for "treat" meals.

Can't wait to see the pancakes!!!

PS--haha, I thought I fixed the number things from my site...eek...one thing after another!!! Just do www.thefitnessdish.com...hopefully that will be number, ip address free!!!!!


Joanne said... [reply]

yay! I hope you like the chile rellenos and sweet potatoes! Those other dishes look awesome as well. You are in for some GOOD breakfasts!

Katie ♥ said... [reply]

congrats to those lovely ladies!!!!!!! love you and miss you girl!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a great week!!!

How are you doing?

Love the box btw, too cute!


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