28 September 2010

Coffee Giveaway

To start off my First of a series of Giveaways,
 you can win yourself some Herbal Coffee by Teeccino

The 3 flavors up for grabs are: 

Made from Carob, Barley, and Chicory; 
Naturally caffeine-free 

...and the label states "Brewed Teeccino is gluten free"

How to Enter:
1. Leave a comment telling me the which of these herbal
    coffee flavors you'd be most excited to try
2. Link this giveaway in your post, then let me know
3. Add me to your Blogroll, or let me know if I already am

Deadline for entry is September 30th
 Winner will be announced October 1st

Good Luck!


claire said... [reply]

how exciting! I have been dying to try this stuff..I def would go for the chocolate first!

Lori said... [reply]

Yay! I love Teeccino! I'm drinking some right now. I really like original... :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

holy crap i want this because i don't drink caffeine and can't have gluten. this is perfect!!! i would love love love the vanilla nut! anything vanilla is delicious in my book!

Heather Iacobacci-Miller said... [reply]

Gasp - caffeine free??? ;-) Vanilla Nut all the way. Yum.

Anonymous said... [reply]

OOooh Vanilla Nut Please!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

you're on my google reader

Kenzie @ A Healthy Purpose said... [reply]

I've been wanting to try these! I'd want the Original flavor.

Kenzie @ A Healthy Purpose said... [reply]

added to my blogroll!

Lola said... [reply]

Hey Kelsey!!! :)
1) All the flavors seem delicious, but I'd love to try the vanilla one first!
2) I posted your giveaway on my blog:
3) Of course you are on my blog roll hun ;)

claudia said... [reply]

I'd love to try the chocolate!

Lori said... [reply]

I can't believe you weren't on my blogroll!!! Oh my! You're added!

Sarah said... [reply]

Vanilla Nut sounds oh-so-delicious. What a fun giveaway!

Amy B @ Second City Randomness said... [reply]

I'd be psyched about the vanilla nut flavor- it's a flavor I tend to go for first whenever I'm having coffee or herbal tea... :)

Unknown said... [reply]

Heyy love,
great giveaway! I think teeccino is such a great caffeine free non acidic all natural alternative to coffee. I have tried vanilla and original, so I would want to try chocolate.

Krista said... [reply]

I'm ALL over that chocolate one!!!

Krista said... [reply]

You're on the blogroll!! Will be linking back when I post on Wednesday....;)

Zee said... [reply]

Just the chocolate one!

Meg said... [reply]

Chocolate orrr original, I'd say!

Unknown said... [reply]

Although the Mediterranean vanilla nut flavor sounds exceptional from your giveaway trio, I would ultimately love to try Teccino's Mediterranean chocolate mint, which seems like a health-conscious answer to the copious amounts of sugary mint tea that was constantly offered (and enjoyed!) during my stay in Morocco. And at home in Miami, where espresso culture dominates, a rich, caffeine-free alternative would be a welcome treat!

Anonymous said... [reply]

haha good luck to everyone i suppose lol i like my coffee black and 100% columbian!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I want to try the vanilla nut flavor!!! YUM!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Honestly, I would love to try all 3!! Out of the 3, chocolate the most! YUM.

Justine said... [reply]

I would love to try the vanilla!

Justine said... [reply]

I've also linked you on my blog! Thank you for such a fun give away! :)

Justine said... [reply]

AND I am now following you. :)

Kristen (swanky dietitian) said... [reply]

What a great giveaway. I would have to go with Vanilla Nut! That sounds great!

Kara said... [reply]

Oooh! It's definitely a toss-up between the Chocolate and the Vanilla Nut!

Kara said... [reply]

And I definitely subscribe via Google Reader! For some reason, my browser isn't letting me Follow you :(

Anonymous said... [reply]

I have added you to my blogroll :)

And I would like to try the Vanilla flavour as it sounds mysteriously yummy and I cant imagine how it would taste like...

I have also linked this post in twitter :)

Alex @ I Eat Asphalt said... [reply]

Yum! I would love to try the chocolate. There isnt a better combination in my mind.

Lindsey said... [reply]

I would love to try the Vanilla Nut Flavor!

alex (spoonful of sugar free) said... [reply]

Yay! Giveaway! I actually have tried a coffee made from barley-called caffix! I made it into mocha oatmeal (on my blog) super good!

But...I would be most excited to try chocolate, of course.

Bee Goes Bananas said... [reply]

I've never heard of almond amaretto flavour before, so I'd love to try it!

alex (spoonful of sugar free) said... [reply]

You are already on my blogroll!

Bee Goes Bananas said... [reply]

Link to this contest on my blog!

Bee Goes Bananas said... [reply]

Subscribed to you on google reader!

alex (spoonful of sugar free) said... [reply]

And...I blogged about it! :)


Chelsea said... [reply]

I've never heard of ramon nuts before! I'm not sure if I should enter this because I don't know whether or not I'm allergic to them haha.

Anonymous said... [reply]

The chocolate one sounds amazing!

Light Delight with Tou Tou said... [reply]

Oh I like the package! the Vanilla nuts sounds very tasty:-)

Anonymous said... [reply]

mmm.... vanilla nut sounds dreamy


Anonymous said... [reply]

I'm gonna go ahead and skip this one... because I have a ton of gourmet coffee here that I am in love with. Awesome looking product though!

<3 Tat

Anonymous said... [reply]

I have to go with Vanilla Nut, perfect for fall!

Danielle (Runs on Green) said... [reply]

Ahh I'm all over this! I'd be most excited to try the chocolate :)

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I would definitely want to try the chocolate flavour!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Ooo!!!! I am super excited!!!! I would like to try the vanilla nut - because, I'm pretty plain like vanilla and wellllll, i'm a nut.

Anonymous said... [reply]

You're on my blogroll!

Josie @Skinny Way Of Life said... [reply]

I would love to try the chocolate! I like the idea of a natural energy boast, hm I wonder if it would work for an avid coffee drinker like me? lol

Anonymous said... [reply]

hey gorgeous chica!
I so so so want to win your coffee giveaway so I can try the vanilla nut! yummy! coffee=favorite drink everrrrr! I hope you're having a great week! and I'm adding you to my blogroll, (if you aren't already on there you should be!!!)

Anonymous said... [reply]

oh man i would LOVE vanilla nut!
hope you are doing well girl- still loving yo muffin recipes!

Yuki said... [reply]

mmm i'd love to try the chocolate the most!!

lequan said... [reply]

hey Kelsey,

your first giveaway! isn't it exciting?
i'd like to try the mediterranean almond amaretto. thank you for the opportunity :-D

lequan said... [reply]

i linked to this giveaway here:

lequan said... [reply]

you're already on my blogroll. have a great night.

Monet said... [reply]

What a wonderful first giveaway. I've never heard of these herbal coffees, and now I'm incredibly intrigued! I would love to try the vanilla flavor. I'm always a sucker for vanilla lattes, so I think that would probably be my favorite. Thanks for sharing this with us!

We Are Not Martha said... [reply]

These look awesome!! I'd love to try the vanilla nut one :) Tomorrow is national coffee day, so good timing!


Anonymous said... [reply]

I'd have to say chocolate.. they all look great though! :D

Anonymous said... [reply]

oh and you're already on my blogroll :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Definitely chocolatteee :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

OO chocolate for sure! Yum!

Natasha said... [reply]

you are in my google reader!

natasha said... [reply]

OOpps I didnt put my name on the choclate post!

Angela (the diet book junkie) said... [reply]

okay, well i think i'll just admire your coffee from my side of the world :) if i were on your side of the globe, i think i'd choose original :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

I would loveee to try the chocolate one! Yumm. I've never even heard of herbal coffee!
I linked you in my latest post, and you are already on my blog roll :)

Laura said... [reply]

i'd love to try the original!

Joanne said... [reply]

Whoa awesome giveaway! How do you find these crazy things?!?!? I would love to try the vanilla nut!

Lea @ Healthy Coconut said... [reply]

I need some chocolate flavor please :)

Lea @ Healthy Coconut said... [reply]

I've subscribed to your blog and added you to my reader

Krista said... [reply]

I linked back!!


Anonymous said... [reply]

I'd love to try the chocolate flavor! I bet the double caffeine shot will be great for me in some writing days ;)

Erica said... [reply]

How fun. I'd be all over that vanilla nut. GREAT giveaway ;)

CaSaundraLeigh said... [reply]

Definitely the chocolate--these would make terrific iced coffees! I just linked back in today's post! :-)

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