No lump of coal
, although that would be
funny. Hmm looks like Santa brought us gifts!
You know you're not a kid anymore when you truly
feel undeserving when your parents (sorry, Santa) put
gifts under the tree for you. But if I was 5 it would be a much different scenario! But alas, I thought I would share
pictures of the presents...
Yoga/Meditation Necklace from my Momma
Gorgeous new wallet from SPANK Clothing
Fabulous Chakra Meditation Cards
And last but certainly not least...
And my favorite, socks and underwear :)
Question: Was Santa good to you this year or
did you find a big lump of coal
in your stocking?
I hope you erase the message above mine. RUDE!
Merry Christmas!! The Christmas tree is lovely you have. Love your Santa loot.
omg i love getting socks and undies for gifts! Merry Christmas!!
Adorable gifts! I love your wallet..your underwear...your necklace...pretty much everything! My parents and husband spoiled me this year. I felt truly blessed. I hope you and your family had a bright and joyful Christmas. I’m thankful that I found you…your pictures, words and sweet comments bring me so much joy. Many blessings!
Oh girl you gonna be a hottie in those undies! hehehe! I love the wallet too!
Looks like you had a good chrsitmas! I know I did!:)
WTF! People are sooo rude!
sorry for the language. God, I love you Kelsey. You don't have anything worong with you. Just bc you have different intersts does not mean anything is wrong with you! I thought you got some pretty legit stuff!
You got some nice stuff! Santa was really sweet to me this year! With love, Joy
santa knows you well! Great gifts. I think santa was nice to us too! And we still put gifts under the tree even though the hubs and I are close to the big 3-0!! eeek!
Merry Christmas!
Santa was good to me this year. ;) Got a book I think you'd like: "The Enneagram Made Easy"!
I'm sure you are deserving of all the gifts you received! Santa was again good to me this year. He always is! :)
I loved everything!Especially the wallet
No lump of coal for me! I actually got an beautiful coat... filled with real goose down for the frigid Canadian weather we've been getting :P I'm toasty as a marshmallow in it!
Hi! I love all your gifts! And I love your blog, you are so entertaining! Hope you are having a blast!
Oooh, cute undies. It's not Christmas here without socks and underwear under the tree. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Very awesome gifts!! And lol, is the troll above someone you know?
Woolly socks like those Roots ones are the best! I live in mine all winter long! Glad Santa was good to you this year. ;)
What lovely gifts! Merry Xmas!
What fun gifts! I got socks too! haha everyone talks about how bad they are for christmas but I think they're the best :)
I want those undiesssss
Christmas is my favorite holiday! I don't think you ever get too old to have your parents stick some presents under the tree for you ;-)
Looks like you got some great stuff!
Love that necklace!!
Santa was away in the woods and wrote me a 2page letter to make up for the missed shopping opportunities. I surprisingly loved it! But luckily his parents and my mommy spoiled me with kitchen goodies =)
Glad you had a great holiday! <3 Is it weird that I envy your floors? oh I do! hehe -- someday i'll be able to get cute wood floors! fingers crossed! <3
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
Santa was extremely good to me :)
I did get some good stuff and got to enjoy being santa to my munchkins, complete with spending a long time assembling toys after they went to bed on Christmas eve! I have new respect for my parents. :)
Santa was great to me! :) You did very well yourself....hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas day!
Santa was great to me!
You got some awesome goodies!!! Best wishes to you and your family :-)
Looks like you had a Merry Christmas! Santa was great to me as well. I love the necklace he brought you.
Oh Violette, I love that store. I wear my necklace from there all of the time :) Looks like you had an awesome Christmas!
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