10 December 2010

Winter Weight Gain

No one is immune from the Winter Weight Gain, not even me!

And not even the Christmas Angel in the background could 
 save me from it. I woke up one morning, like any other morning,
 only to find my favorite pants didn't fit! So what did I do...

Tried horizontally... didn't work!

Tried sitting up... didn't work!

Took a breather...

Tried horizonally again... didn't work!

Got super FRUSTRATED!!!

Then I gave up, "I SURRENDER" :(

My mind was in overdrive at first.. thoughts of "Fuck this, fuck you muffins, fuck 
you sweet potatoes, fuck you winter, fuck fuck fuck" ... I mean, honestly I could
 USE the weight gain, but you may need to refer to my guest post here on my
 past with mood and eating disorders to understand why this bugged me!

It was amidst the anger that a bubble of hope arose from my Guess Pants...

So "GUESS" what???

F%#K You! Pants :)

Yup, it was necessary!

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; 
Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference"

And remember my friends, "Fear is your Feelings
 asking for a Hug" ...AND a Cinnamon Raisin Bagel :)


Eden said... [reply]

This is why jeggings were invented! now go donate those jeans to a ten year old kid ;)

Kristie said... [reply]

I feel you girl. My pants aren't cooperating very well either. This post is too cute though. Forget the damn pants!

Natalie @ cinnamonbums said... [reply]

you go girl!!!! love you and love this post!! i think a lot of us DEFINITELY needed this post haha, same thing happens to tons of us (me included) and i know how you feel! sucks but we cannot let how we feel in our pants dictate how we feel about ourselves... so its awesome that youre stickin it to the...pants!

(btw, after you did that guest post for me i read the book potatoes & prozac... great book!!!!! so glad that i read it!)

Anonymous said... [reply]

you don't need to be any skinnier

Anonymous said... [reply]

Haha girl - those pants would prob not even fit my left thigh if they dont fit you. please dont let that get to you.. you have NOTHING to worry about with "winter weight gain"

Unknown said... [reply]

totally with Eden on the Jeggings! I could use a few pounds added myself but still want my pants to be of use. haha!
But surrender, yes! Enjoy food, hell yes!

Ayla said... [reply]

Weight gain? I don't see it at all! Those pants are just being assholes. I really do love Guess though..

Stefanie Mockler said... [reply]

You are seriously the cutest person ever! Even when saying f*ck a million times! haha it's time for leggings! :)

Pretty Zesty said... [reply]

While I am with you 100% and the pain in my body from my trainer agrees with the frustration... you are still so thin... work it!

Red Deception said... [reply]

Even when you are angry at your pants, you're still cute!

I can't fit into my favorite jeans either. I keep telling myself that once finals are over, I am getting back to a healthier lifestyle. Or, at least, I will get more sleep!

Anonymous said... [reply]

The added weight is working in your favor--do not let it get you down at ALL.

You are fabulous!


Chelsea said... [reply]

You look awesome girl! I'm glad you're not letting those pants make you think otherwise. :)

Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free said... [reply]

Haha! My favorite jeans didn't fit me this year either. But there is an upside to this-shopping for new jeans!!! Yay!!!

Emily said... [reply]

this post is awesome.
go kelsey!

Katie ♥ said... [reply]

and this post is why I LOVE you! U are always making me laugh! U look awesome girl! Screw those pants! Lets have a bonfire and burn pants that dont fit! Muah!

Sara said... [reply]

Love this post! I had to do the same thing a month ago...I've put on 15 to 20 pounds over the past 6 months (I medically needed the weight), but even though I know it's healthy, it's still hard to deal with at first. I feel way better and more confident in my new pants, though, so it's all good :D

Anonymous said... [reply]

those pants must be really small!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i still think you are too skinny girl. :/
keep those muffins coming! :)

Aspiring Steph said... [reply]

You are honestly going to be even more beautiful with more curves :)
Those pants are tiny anyway, so don't you worry about it!

Anonymous said... [reply]

you're too skinny anyway! keep gaining a bit of weight and you'll look great, you're a beautiful girl :)

claire said... [reply]

I hope you participate in Merry Mondays!!

and please... like in Mean Girls- Sweat pants are all that fit ME right now!

Mary said... [reply]

hahahaha YES!!! You're amazing. Know that :)

Asha at Adventure's in Ashaland said... [reply]


Thanks for being sooo brave and posting this!!!!

I love all the "fucks" as well !!! SOo refreshing when we share and vent our negative thoughts.

I get like this a lot... you are so strong and thin and beautiful...I'm sure it isn't even "winter wieght gain"...just being dehydrated one day or food you ate yesterday.

Plus you have the best long lean legs EVER.

take care and enjoy your body!


Anonymous said... [reply]

Okay I really don't get the winter weight gain. Why does it happen? Why can't we get away from it? My pants DO. NOT. FIT!!! Rawr!

Hayley Lauren said... [reply]

You are so amazing and beautiful Kelsey! I love that you were brave enough to post this and be honest about your real feelings...because even though you are such a tiny thin girl, it is still possible to struggle with body issues. Often people look at thin women and assume that they have perfect body image so it's important for everyone to realize that there is really no such thing. However, you do seem to have a much improved body image from your eating disorder days, and I think that's awesome. If you have gained weight, you should certainly embrace it (like you seem to be doing) because it is healthy...and you are obviously a very healthy person in terms of your lifestyle and habits- your body is probably just balancing itself out! Trust your body and keep doing what works for you :) You are absolutely beautiful no matter what size your jeans are.

Danielle (Runs on Green) said... [reply]

I love how honest you are about your feelings. I won't echo everyone else by saying those pants must be insanely small, but you already said fuck the pants so that's a good thing :)

And never fuck the sweet potatoes! haha I just made some today and used all your usual seasonings. sooooo good!

Sarah B @ Bake + Bike said... [reply]

Ahhh thank you for being so honest, and the "F YOU PANTS" made me smile!

You are incredibly beautiful and inspiring :)

Josie @Skinny Way Of Life said... [reply]

LOVE IT!! i have many mornings like this, such a great post. you go girl!!!

Monet said... [reply]

I love this. I'm actually in the process of trying to gain weight, and I've been doing this again and again. It can be hard, but you are so right about accepting the things we can't change (and knowing the things that we shouldn't!) You are beautiful, and I hope that both of us can continue to be at peace with our bodies! Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Rachel said... [reply]


I love this post, and the spunky, kickass way you dealt with your pants:) YOU are too cute for words!


Kath said... [reply]

I can understand your frustration, I know it from myself. But great you go on nevertheless! :D

Anonymous said... [reply]

You are incredibly tiny. You can easily gain a lot (A LOT) more weight.
I have to gain weight and I'm far shorter and far bigger than you already.
Trust me, you could put on at least 20 lbs and it would only make you look hot.
Love your hair.

Tori said... [reply]

I had no idea about you're struggles with mood disorder. I like that you don't feel the need to center your blog around it though. But you also don't shy away from being honest about it and not trying to hide it.

Growing out of pants can be traumatic at first. I mean, no one wants to feel like they are "growing" uncontrolably. Be strong and realize that it's what your body needs right now.

<3 Tori

Sarah said... [reply]

This was a really brave post, but I'm glad you could look at the humor in the situation and put a positive spin on things. Keep being honest with yourself and working hard and I know I'm always here to back you up! Proud of you!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I absolutely LOVED this post. Best post ever.

Anonymous said... [reply]

You gained weight? If it wasn't for this post, no one would ever notice. You are so tiny! I agree with what most of the commenters above me say - you can gain much more and still be thin. But I understand how frustrating it is when clothes you love don't fit anymore. I hated it when it became very hard to put on my favorite plaid skirt because my butt was too big for it. I started with "I have to lose just 5 lbs" and ended up with losing way too much. So really, fuck it! You deserve a new pair of jeans and the right to eat whatever you want if it makes you happy.

Ameena said... [reply]

You are a knockout even when you are trying to pull your pants on Kelsey! Love this post and these photos.

Not that you should be worried in any way about gaining weight but have you thought that maybe your jeans shrank in the dryer? This happens to me all the time and it seriously drives me NUTS.

Anyway, you are gorgeous regardless!

Lola ^^ said... [reply]

You are awesome Kelsey!!!! this post rocks! I honestly think they shrunk in the washer ;) Love you girlie!!!!


Shaheen said... [reply]

That is just so funny and such a cool post.

zoe (and the beatles) said... [reply]

i absolutely love the way you just handled that! i've been swimming in negative thoughts recently because of my winter weight gain (which, really, is so stupid and so insignificant) and i've been trying so hard to not get down. you are awesome, plain and simple :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Love this post! Honestly, sometimes, we just need to say screw this and move one :D

Vivian @ www.sleepeat.wordpress.com

Krista said... [reply]

Love you, Kelsey....just love you!! Muah & hugs!!!

Jess said... [reply]

LOVE this, beat it girllll! You are amazing.

mariposai said... [reply]

Ah you show those pants who's boss! Often clothes get shrunk over time as you wash them too...get rid of the offending items :-)


Sarah x

Kiki said... [reply]

hahahahah i love it. nice to see a blogger with a dirty mouth like myself!

Meri said... [reply]

You look to be shaped like me- even when they "fit," then the pants fall down. That's what dresses are for!

Madeline - Greens and Jeans said... [reply]

All I'm seeing here is an excuse to go shopping... :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

i. love. you. i have an awful fbomb habbit!

Lady25 said... [reply]

I like your undiess. I can't quite see the gain on you, but if you've gained in the middle then we have the same body type. If it would just go to the hips instead...

Anonymous said... [reply]

You are so silly :)


Missy said... [reply]

That's all I have to say.
Really--you've no idea what that just did to soothe me soul.

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