Many of you probably remember going to the Mall as a kid during Christmas
for Photos with Santa
. I remember always questioning why Santa changed his appearance so much over the years... my mom always said it was because "Santa sends out look-a-like
helpers to make sure he can hear what the millions of children worldwide want" ... yea good one mom lol
There's so much wrong with this picture:
A) Clearly I am grabbing my crotch (gangster)
B) No one knows where the camera is
C) My oldest brother is hiding in the corner?
Oh, there you are Lee! Clearly someones a little creeeeeeped out.
Onto the next photo...
I'm wearing the same pink pants the next year; It's a Christmas Miracle!
more pink pants... but wow Santa is looking rough haha
Question: Do you get Photos with Santa as
a kid? Any fond memories you care to share?
omg this cracked me up! that was the best awkward photo montage lol. i did take photos with santa each year at the mall. one tradition we did was that my bro and i would select 1 new ornament from the store to put on the tree. my mother has the collection of them through the years and every single one of mine are mouse themed?! wtf
I actuallyhad my photo taken with santa LAST Year as a joke gift to my parents. lol SHame was definitly thrown out the window that day!
@thedelicateplate Were they the yearly Hallmark mouse ornaments? I used to be obsessed with them as a child! I just googled them, and they are pretty cute :)
Mall Santas are either cute or creepy. It's weird to think about paying a mall to have your child sit on a random man's lap... But they are pretty cute to look back at!
Haha! I have one pic of me with my brother and Santa and I have the worst 80s jeans and big hair. My brother wouldn't sit, so he's squeezed between Santa's knees. It's terrible. But then again, most of them are!
We keep passing the Santa at the mall, but haven't gotten our son's picture with him. I'm really just not into it. Of course, I've been accused of stealing the magic of Christmas from him, but I don't think it should be all about the Santa. I'd like family and love and giving to be the focus!
I don't remember ever sitting on Santa's knee, even though I know there's a picture or two to prove that I did! Yours are adorable!
We used to always go to the Santa at Marshall Field's in Chicago. We never had a creepy one though!
so sweet (:
I have no memories to share...I feel deprived!!
Have a wonderful weekend xxxx
I don't think we ever took pics with Santa -- if we did my parents didn't keep the photos!
Kelsey you and your brothers are so cute!!!
Too cute! I was always super shy to take photos with Santa and probably only did it once or twice.
These are hilarious! Mine are just as bad, if I cna remember. I haven't looked at them in awhile. Ahhhh, memories! :)
<3 Tori
These are super cute!
I have no clue when I last had a photo with Santa. But I'm sure I was dressed in something ridiculously 80's looking ;)
Cute kid!!!
I liked getting my photo taken with santa. My nephew is almost 4, and he still won't do it. He is scared!
No matter how stupid kids look on such pictures, it's nice to have them. I always smile when I see mine. I like remembering the good ol' days. Your pictures are very cute, too :)
LOL! My Mom kept all our Santa photos, too! And I have a collection of my 2 although they flat out refuse to go see Santa now. And I always told my kids that the Santa's at the mall were "helpers', too. HAHA!
My mom hid ours somewhere.. I haven't seen them in years!
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