26 May 2011

Smoothies in a Jar

Green Breakfast Smoothie

1 scoop Genuine Health Proteins+ Instant Smoothie Powder, 1 banana, 1 grapefruit, 1/3 cup frozen cranberries, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 cup ice, 1 cup water, and a handful of love 

...and blend!

It's funny, I like to use random jars to hold my 
smoothies in. Sometimes its a mason jar, sometimes a 
vase, but today it was an empty coffee container haha

While I was digging around in the fridge, I saw a Laughing Cow...

Laughing Cow Light Cheese that is...

I definitely had to add some to my Lunch Wrap

grilled chicken breast, cucumber, tomato, onion, and mustard

Lightly grilled and served with extra cucumber on the side...

And after I got that package yesterday, I immediately started snacking...

Look at that protein! 13 grams :)

These are SO GOOD, especially if you need something 
chewy and dense, with a balanced amount of sweetness

 Question: Do you use weird jars or
 containers to drink your smoothies from?


Sara said... [reply]

What an interesting (and delicious!) smoothie! And you make the best looking wraps...I might have to have this one for myself tomorrow! Usually I stick to tuna, pesto, provalone and black olives...gotta branch out :)

Heidi said... [reply]

I use whatever container is laying around and is big enough :D Although I have a magic bullet so I use that cup sometimes.
Every time I come to your blog I want a wrap that's just a little bit crispy. Looks so good :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

THAT"S WHAT MY SMOOTHIES HAVE NEEDED! A little bit of love, now I know the secret ingredient.

Macro bars are my fav, the granola coconut one is the best :)

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

I like those bars too! I love that they are dense and chewy...almost like a cross between toffee and fudge.

Holly @ The Runny Egg said... [reply]

I usually just use regular old glasses or mason jars -- or I use the magic bullet cup I blended it in! :)

Jenny said... [reply]

I love laughing cow wedges. I always use them in my wraps :D

Jess said... [reply]

That smoothie looks fantastic. i love spinach in my smoothies :D

Pretty Zesty said... [reply]

Nice! I never tried cranberries in a smoothie before. I'll have to give that a shot. NOt sure if it's wierd, but I'll drink my smoothies out of class beer mugs because they are big.

ps I have the scoop on a giveaway to Holland. Check it out!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I always mean to have a smoothie in a jar but I never do lol.. I want to try a green monster one of these days :D

Yay for 13 grams of protein! You go girl :)

Katie said... [reply]

Love the smoothie combo! Never did a smoothie with grapefruit ever! Sounds good!!

I have had one of those bars, so good!!

Love y!!

janetha @ meals and moves said... [reply]

I love using mason jars because they hold so much. I like funky dishes in general, but it drives my husband crazy to have one of every odd thing in the cupboard. One christmas tree shaped bowl.. one parfait glass.. one heart shaped plate... you get the idea!

Lisa said... [reply]

that smoothie looks oh so delicious! And refreshing!

michelle {the lively kitchen} said... [reply]

I have a weird obsession with saving jars for smoothies, storing leftover and drinking iced tea. I swear smoothies taste better from a jar! The only bad thing is that they don't fit in my car cup holder, so I have to drive while balancing a big tomato sauce jar turned green smoothie holder in my lap. One of these days I'm going to end up wearing that smoothie. :)

Chelsea said... [reply]

I bet the tartness of the grapefruit and cranberries added an awesome flavour to that smoothie! It sounds so refreshing.

Move Laugh Aloha said... [reply]

You have a great blog, Kelsey! I've never gotten into smoothies for some reason, but maybe I should. Do you just toss things together or is there more of a science involved in what you put in the smoothie?

Naomi(Onefitfoodie) said... [reply]

i dont have wierd jars I use for smoothies BUT I do have a very specific oatmeal bowl that is JUST for oatmeal...I know im wierd..I also like eating things with plastic silverware. I have a full real set of silverware, and I steal the plastic stuff from grocery stores...again so strange but i like it!

Ali said... [reply]

I always drink my smoothies out of a regular cup, but I like your adventurous ways better! Speaking of smoothies, I've yet to have one this year...I better get on that :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

yes indeedy....although I usually drink my smoothies from 3 large glass cups (they tend to get large) I am known to compile that into those 24oz yogurt containers. It is quite fun that way although I feel a bit silly :)

MegSmith @ Cooking.In.College said... [reply]

I totally save pasta jars and I always drink weird things from them. They are the best! This smoothie looks great.

lynn said... [reply]

funny to see a different looking version of laughing cow!

i think things served in jars taste better...

Emily said... [reply]

smoothies are definitely my fave, especially in the spring/summer when it gets toasty outside.
i love kale in smoothies with banana + peanut butter, apple, and cinnamon with a little almond milk.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Yup! I often take random jars of things to work with me! Smoothies, salads, puddings - anything!

Kayla (Little Miss Healthify) said... [reply]

I actually tried SIAJ for the first time a few days ago, from a almost empty pb jar and it was SOO GOOD!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Not at all surprised you like the Macrobar! Cashew Butter is delish as is Almond Butter with Carob.

I loved your comment about the Moosewood book - you'll have to let me know what recipes are worth trying first!

Kath (My Funny Little Life) said... [reply]

What a wonderful smoothie! :D I have a glass I normally use for my smoothies, but it's a little small ... Perhaps I shoulg get a REALLY BIG jar to capture it all? :D

Your rice tortilla wraps always look so good! I've been looking for wraps, but the only ones I can find here are (1) made from wheat and (2) not from whole grains. :( I guess I have to bake some myself.

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I love that you drank your smoothie from a jar - it looks cool! I use different shaped glasses, but nothing too crazy.

Kelsey @ Clean Teen Kelsey said... [reply]

That smoothie looks awesome! I like putting my smoothies in a jar, too. :) I used to love Laughing Cow cheese. Your wraps always leave me drooling! hehe. That bar looks super amazing, too.

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