I interrupt my usual food posts for the Tie-Dye
photos I promised you
We went "old school" and used Neon Food Coloring
Purple, blue, and pink
Me working on my shirt, tied together with rubber (broccoli) bands and hair elastics
It was a bit phallic looking... just saying!
I had "Tie-Dye Envy" when I saw how beautifully my friend's tank top turned out!
My other friend's shirt going through the process. And in case you missed
Question: Have you ever done Tie-Dye?
I used to do that in girl scouts when I was little!
The last time I did tie dye was when I was at summer camp when I was 11! My shirts never turned out as nice as your though. :P
whooohoo that looks so fun!! and you get some pretty cool stuff in the process. i used to do tie-dye at summer camp when i was younger, but the last time i did it was in high school when me and my friend decided to dress 80s-style for a dance we were going to! it was awesome. i still use one of the shirts we dyed as my sleepshirt!
I've die tyed once before, in highschoool. It was a group of friends and we were making personalized shirts for the pep rally. It was fun, I still have the shirt too :)
Very cool! I've never made that.
I love tie dye! I always tie dye my shirts and purses even whenever I stain them :P
Oh that looks like such fun! I miss doing that :)
I love to tie dye! Never tried it with food coloring though...
I tie dyed a shirt a long time ago. So much fun
I was just telling my cousin a month ago how I'm dying to do tie-dye!! She made fun of me but it looks so awesome! Why don't we live closer?!
I haven't done tie-dye in years! How fun!
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