"Weekends are a bit like rainbows;
they look good from a distance but
disappear when you get up close to them" -
John Shirley
Breakfast this morning was Hemp Seed
Buttered Banana Toast
Organic Raw Hemp Seed Butter topped with Banana slices
On oven baked bread from Wildfire Bakery. Crunch Crunch
I scrambled through the cupboards looking for something
quick to make for lunch, when I happened upon a new soup
I added broccoli and spinach because it was seriously lacking greens
Granny Smith Green because it's hard to resist a crisp apple on a warm day...
After some shopping and sun frolicking I proceeded
home and into the kitchen to do what I do best...
Chop some garlic
and slice up some sweet potatoes
Liberally dusted with basil
, oregano
, and Planet Organic's hot cayenne
Into the oven
I don't think I could ever get tired of eating sweet potatoes!!!
Served up with my Garlicky Tomato Dip
Question: What foods do you currently
find yourself eating more of than others?
I've never tried hemp seed butter! Is it good?
I've been on a pumpkin kick lately. And kale. I'm so glad I finally tried it! :D
Love your opening quote :)
I've been eating tons of broccoli lately...Just been craving it!
I don't think I will ever get sick of bananas, or carrots, or any type of potato. I wish that my boyfriend liked sweet potatoes, because I would make them much more often!
My most eaten foods seem to be bananas, nut butters (cashew, sunflower seed, or peanut), yogurt - especially Greek, and spinach. I never tire of these foods, and eat them nearly every day.
Hemp seed butter? Interesting.
Um, I eat bananas and peanut butter and some sort of white carb EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. here in Africa... needs to stop... but its just so good!!!
Mmm. Sweet potatoes. I just realized that I haven't had one in quite some time. I think I need to change that pronto, although I usually prefer mine without the cayenne ;) Hot spices and my tummy don't really get along. Nut butters on the other hand? Perfection.
Oatmeal, bananas, Greek yogurt, kefir, and almond butter are pretty much the foods I live off of, so I guess those would be the foods I find myself eating more of than others. Although, lately oatmeal cookies have been finding their way on that list too.
mmmmm that soup sounds delicious. i've never been much of a soup person, but i may get back into it someday!
i've been on an oats and apples kick. haha. as you already know. they are both so amazing<3 :]
Ooh that toast looks fab! And I am so glad someone else shares my sweet potato addiction. Literally the other day my mom asked me if it was "possible to eat too many sweet potatoes" haha because I have one every single day! Or at least I have been for the past month or so. LOVE them!!
The quote is amazing :)
Garlic on sweet potatoes! Why didn't I think of that?
Hemp products are not allowed in Greece. I mean all hemp products. They even shut down a shop with hemp clothes...These bureaucrats are unbelievable. Did they think that we were gonna smoke those blouses?
I can never get enough oatmeal, nut butter, granola, or hummus. Though every time I read your blog, I find myself craving sweet potatoes!
I am not sure what I eat more of....maybe kashi cereal?? lol
Kabocha definitely makes the top of my list. I used to love it fresh and warm but now I like it frozen into a pseudo ice cream. Love. Apples and oats are usually an everyday occurrence as well. I guess when you love something, you can find a way to adapt it to the weather and your mood.
You make the hemp seed butter look so good! Toast spread with any kind of nut or seed butter is amazing :). I've really got to try some of that!
Have a lovely day!
Everything looks so good! As far as foods I could never get tired of, I'd say oatmeal, peanut butter, hummus, coconut, vegetables, nutritional yeast, pineapple, berries... the list goes on. :)
I need to find some hemp butter, sounds so cool! I definitely love oatmeal, nut butter, hummus, spinach, sweet potatoes, bananas, kale, and berries enough to eat a few times per week!
Your sweet potatoes look quite delicious!
Lately I've been eating a lot of quinoa because it is so quick and easy and healthy. I'm sure I'll burn out on it eventually and find something else to focus on!
I like to bulk up canned soups with loads of veg, too. Streches your dollar, ya know?
I've been eating more cucumber than usual lately. It's just refreshing!
hemp seed butter?! I have never heard of such a thing but it looks so good.
At the moment, coconut butter is my current obsession!! And carob chips! I buy huge bags full of them at the grocery store =)
Oh man, I seem to eat in waves. I will get really attached to a few things and it them all the time for a week or so, and then I o onto something else. Right now, it's cinnamon apple grain cereal with a scoop of applesauce and almond butter. I'm also hooked on peanut butter banana ice cream!
That quote is sad but true... :p
I've been eating alot of spinach and eggs. Often combine together in wraps... I think my body craves the protein!
Cauliflower!! The monster never died ;)
<3 <3
Cauliflower!! The monster never died ;)
<3 <3
Ooh, that soup sounds good. If you eat salty soup in a saucepan with a wedge of potato in, the potato absorbs a lot of the salt. :)
I eat so much cottage cheese these days it's insane! And I can't get enough apples and spinach right now (those have been staples for over a year- I go through pounds of both each week!)
girl i totally forgot you were gluten-free! i have tons of recipes if you need them! i've been baking my sister's gluten-free bread for a few years, so i've made quite a few good ones and quite a few disasters! i'd be glad to help :)
Currently, I'm eating 6-7 sweet potatoes a day. And a whole head of cauliflower. LOVE those things!
i eat a lot of bread, tofu, strawberries, energy bars, and kabocha more than others!
That quote is awesome. And so true...tear! I have never had hemp seed butter, what does it taste like? Love that you uped the nutritionals on that soup. I am eatin g alot of carrots, salads, and parfaits right now :)
The hemp seed butter & banana on toast looks yummy! I always forget about the hempspread I have, hidden in the fridge. I love it with some blueberry-cherry jam :)
And your sweet potato loving confirmed my decision to have a sweet potato as part of my dinner tonight. I can never go too long without having one, and it's been almost too long ;)
That bread with the banana and the soup with the broccoli look sooo good!
The saying about weekends is so true! I'm happy that our weekends can come in the middle of the week if we want. Unexpected days off rock! :D
Your toast really looks like banana boat :D Hemp seed butter sounds interesting. My dad has a bag of them.. maybe I'll grind them up in the food processor to make a nut butter. I love sweet potatoes as well! I couldn't get enough of them when I was at the beach and in New York--always with cinnamon, peanut butter, and honey! But I like them with coconut oil as well, or even just ketchup and mustard. It depends hehehe. Lately, I can't get enough of so many things! My parents have so many fresh fruits and veggies available since we have a papaya tree and lots of other things (heirloom tomatoes holla!). I've been having smoothies with coconut milk, almond milk, blueberries, frozen banana, and vanilla protein powder + lots of ice daily. It's sooo refreshing.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend my love!
p.s. your comment on my blog really brightened my day :D I'm honored!
Weekends do disappear way too quickly... I can't believe it's late Sunday already!
I love your addition of all of that steamed brocco to the soup. Must remember to do that. And lately I've been eating too much nut butter and CEREAL. Seriously, I feel like I eat nothing else. Gotta break this streak somehow, it's getting oooold.
Yaaaaaay, I have finally found someone else that eats banana on their toast:D
i love the bananas on toast...i always used to do that as a kid...always!
haha I love that quote about weekends and rainbows - so very very true!!!
I would have never thought to put in the little additions you add. I bet they make the flavor a million times better!
always a good read for new ideas
Ok, seriously, that quote is spot on!
haha your comment made me laugh. There's a squirrel in my suitcase??
And I've never thought of mixing garlic + sweet potatoes! They're both amazing on their own so I must try that
Lately I've been craving fresh fruit!
Oh my god. I was on a carb craze today, and had a wildfire muffin at Bean; thought of you when I was eating it! hahaha
I'm so grateful for that bakery! hahah
Looks like a great weekend you had! xo
I had a sweet potato for din din today and thought of you! I can always count on you to post about sweet potatoes and muffins that always look amazing.
I love that quote at the beginning...it is so true!
Lately, I am eating a lot of salads, fresh veggies and fruits, and smoothies...they are keeping me hydrating now that its HOT. I always eat these things, even in winter, but in the summer I feel like they are ALL I want.
Have a great night love xoxo
I think I could eat sweet potatoes all the time too. I have been loving my chocolate protein pancakes and chocolate oatmeal a lot!
I think I could eat sweet potatoes all the time too. I have been loving my chocolate protein pancakes and chocolate oatmeal a lot!
To the question: My answer is curry! :) The soup looks super yummY!
Im loving the spice you used!!!! Cayenne rocks!!!
I always eat alot of veggies for sure! I also love hummus, eat it everyday as well!!!
Hope you have a great Monday love!!
oh yum! that breakfast looks great! I've been eating a lot of peanut butter! :)
I have been eating a ton of salad lately--I have greens coming out of my ears these days!
I've been eating a lot of broccoli. But that's not new. Broccoli just goes with everything.
Hi! Kelsey!! how was your weekend?
I've never eaten hemp. Is it good? the hemp drawing looks like a mariguana plant to me hehehe
Those sweet potatoes look so yummy!!! To bad I don't have an oven, Do you think I could microwave them?
Chocolate!!! hehehe :)
Hemp seed butter! Oh you lucky guys! We only have the "usual" nut butter over here and on top of it it's freaking expensive! How unfair is that! ;)
I always go through phases of favourite foods. Currently it's bars.. and Nature's Path cereal though I just ran out :((((
Your food always looks so fresh and delicious!
Lately I've been eating a lot of mexican inspired meals...I'm really into making homemade guacamole lately! YUM!
I've never tried hempseed butter but it looks right up my alley!
Lately I've been eating a lot of fruit, peanut butter, and ice cream.
I love this mug!!! It is so pretty :)
Hmmmm I am in love with my simple salad dressing....seriously the dijon in it makes me eat salads all day long! I can't wait for my next one :)
I love this mug!!! It is so pretty :)
Hmmmm I am in love with my simple salad dressing....seriously the dijon in it makes me eat salads all day long! I can't wait for my next one :)
I need to mix up my nut butter consumption! I've never heard of hemp butter. Must try more than PB & almond buttah!
Cabbage, baby! CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF CABBAGE BABBAGE!! Just kidding. I almost vomited this morning because I was binging on savoy cabbage last night until 11 PM. I'm retarded. But I love my cabbage. I was probably a cabbage patch baby in my former life.
And you were probably the squirrel.
ANYWAYS -- your tomato garlic sauce amazes me. I could never, ever eat garlic raw like that. You're clearly great at warding off vampires.
Hemp seed butter!? I love hemp products but I have yet to see that. What's it taste like?
Right now I can't get enough of... sweet potatoes. Yup, I'm definitely sharing that love right now.
i love soup up souped!
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