Who knew getting out of a breakfast rut could be so much fun!
It's definitely opened me up to trying more
blog recipes
; you guys don't dissapoint.
To cap off my contest I made some more pancakes
Brownie Batter Pancakes
adapted by Brittac
Blend together in a food processor:
1/3 cup strained black beans
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 Tbsp cocoa powder
1 Tbsp carob powder
Few Drops stevia liquid
or powder
Topping Options:
nuts/seeds and butters, chocolate chips
, whipped cream,
bananas, cinnamon, yogurt, syrup, honey, whatever!
makes two medium pancakes
I'm dedicating these to the beautiful Chelsey
who's celebrating her 23rd birthday today!!!
Happy Birthday
Aww, your pancakes are so pretty!
Oh YUM! Brownie pancakes!!! Seriously, this is the way to start the day!
Very interesting recipe. They look so professional. You've been practicing haven't you ;-)
Your pancakes are so much prettier than mine... what's the secret? ;)
Wow! These look so yummy and so nutritious! I never would have thought to use black beans in my pancakes.
Thanks Kelsey!!! I have to admit, my pancakes did not turn out quite as well as yours. They wouldn't set!!! I took pictures, but they ended up in the garbage. I was very sad. The batter was very delicious though - I may or may not have eaten half of it! :)
Breaking out of food ruts is definitely fun. I still eat oats for breakfast every morning, but I remember how nice it was when I finally broke out of the rut that had me sticking to the same add-ins. Variety is the spice of life, after all :)
And it's so sweet of you to dedicate your post to Chelsea.
Aw how sweet! Yea for Chelsey's birthday! :)
And they look like dessert... fantastic!
Yummy!!!!!!! U said you always made pancakes that looked not so pretty, but girl the ones today and yesterday are works of art! U made them perfect! Now please come to my house and make some for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to CHelsey!
Have a great day love! xoxo
happy bday....those pancakes look so rich and chocolate ...yum
Way to go! They look delicious! I'm new here and so glad I found your blog! Good job!
Another fun pancake recipe! Thanks for sharing! :)
Now those sound like my kinda pancake!!!
pancakes with black beans?? kinda odd ,lol
Those look like 'perfect' pancakes! Smooth, round, and fluffy. I likethe addition of blackbrans. Ive never heard of that before.
I had no idea that black beans could be made into pancakes. And these looks SO perfect Kelsey! I am so impressed with your culinary talents.
Trust me when I say you don't want to see what my pancakes look like. They taste good, they just don't look as pretty as yours!
What a powerhouse of a pancake!
Wait. So is it a brownie or a cake? Awesome either way... :)
I love trying out recipes from blogs. I wish I did it more often!
These pancakes look so pretty! They're like having cake for breakfast! :D
wow, great idea - this looks great!
woah. so there is NO way i would have thought there were black beans in that recipe :)
looks fantastic girlie!
Those pancakes look soooo gorgeous! It's so smooth and flawless..haha. I almsot made those pancakes this morning, but went another route. Still chocolate pancakes for me though! They kind of turned out blotchy..haha. Okay, imma go get me some more egg whites and cocoa powder later!
YAY!!! your cakes look super! hope you enjoyed them!
Ohh wow. Saving this recipe for sure. Could I use more cocoa powder in place of the carob do you think?!
OK now THOSE pancakes look A-MAAAAAZING. I can't believe they're flourless!!! :-)))))))))
XO Aletheia
Those chocolate pancakes definitely can get you out of a breakfast rut - yum!!!!!
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I love your pictures, too! Your pancakes look awesome!
What a fun idea and a great way to get in some extra protein - can't wait to try them!
The title already made me drool ;). I need to make those, they look amazing!!!
I should make blogger recipes more often. They rarely fail!
Black beans in pancakes??!?! You are too cool.
beans in pancakes? weird, ive never tried them but i red a recipe in happy herbivore once :P
Those sound dreamy! I can't believe they have black beans in them...you'd never know it!
You made brownie pancakes and I made raw blondie/brownies. I think we had the same cravings this week, haha! Those look so good and what a great idea!
Black bean brownie batter pancakes?! Oh my gosh, these are so creative and amazing!! I think you're having too much fun breaking out of your food rut :P Send some over here!
I love pecans with pancakes! Such a good combo. Reminds me of my cracker barrel days - I'd get pecan pancakes and pretty much just eat the pancake parts with the pecans in it. I need to grab some more pecans since I polished mine off the last time I made pancakes
Wow, those sound delicious and would be so easy to make! I am definitely going to try them.
Thanks for your comment; it was really kind. :)
pancake perfection! those are sooooo pretty and the ingredients sound super yummy!
Whoa, these sound so yummy and look pretty, too! How'd you get them in such a perfect shape??
Brownie pancakes?!?!??!! I waaaant!
Aww, those look so pretty and perfectly circular! How did you get them to look so cute? Your breakfasts are looking so good lately...I love your idea to mix things up. Hope you are doing well love. xoxoxo
These look like the best ones yet!! I've tried black beans in brownies, so now I'm interested to see how good they'd be in pancakes. And your pancakes look perfect -- like you've been doing this for years :)
Happy birthday to Chelsea!!! And what a great post to dedicate on a special day :D Those pancakes look so nice! You must be an expert ;)
now your just teasing us with those gorgeous pancakes....mmmmm.....maybe chocolate syrup instead of pancake syrup!!
These have to be the nicest looking pancakes I have ever seen! So smooth and even! You are good :)
Black beans huh? This sounds odd, but I guess can be good!
These remind me of black bean brownies. They look great!
Those pancakes look so yum, I love the addition of the nuts on top!
I didn't even know pancakes like this existed. This looks so good!
Good call on the nuts. I always put them in my brownies.
OH WOW those look amazing!
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