It's Friday Night!
Anyone got some awesome plans???
I recently bought a box of Bio-K Plus Probiotic Shots
There's 50 Billion friendly bacterias
for healthy immune
and intestinal function.
I got the Original
because it was the only one without sugar. The flavor isn't bad, taste similar to plain 0% yogurt. So far i've noticed an increase in energy and my stomach doesn't bloat like it used to!
My favorite way to enjoy this stuff is in my
bowls; raspberries and blueberries :)
While running some errands, I got a massive
craving for a Clif Builder Bar
I'm hooked to the Peanut Butter
flavor. Unfortunately we
only sell this one and the plain Chocolate
, but I
wish we had the Mint-Chocolate
Has anyone tried it? Which one is the best?
Lunch was an egg scramble with toasted gluten-free bread
Switched the usual mustard-only dressing
Then in the afternoon I met up with my Mom downtown
to grab a muffin and coffee
We got the muffins from Wildfire Bakery and took them to
Dolce Vita to enjoy with a tea and coffee. 100% Organic :)
Mom got a Carrot Millet
Pumpkinseed Muffin with
an English Breakfast Tea
, and I had a Berry Ginger
Muffin with an Molto Grande Coffee.
I'm really picky about my muffins
. This one was good,
but the batch they baked this morning was small. I need my
BIG!!! The best is Banana Hazelnut, but today they
were much too small. lol enough about the muffins...
Reminder: If you haven't yet
LOVE the builders bars girlfrand!!! the mint chocolate is my FAV!! and the pb too :)
Banana hazelnut muffins? Sounds wonderful!
I haven't tried the clif builders bars, but yours does look good. Now I just want a muffin.
Probiotics, eh!? I've never seen shots like that sold in stores but I'll have to be on the look-out for them!
Lately, I've been feeling yucky in my belly :o(
Berry ginger muffin with a hot afternoon drink...this sounds delightful. I have yet to try any of these probiotic drinks but I've heard great things about them
looove the mustard/salsa combo! i tried it not too long ago, and I love it!
a bakery near you makes wheat free muffins? lucky you!
probiotics are my best friends. i swear. i take some every morning and hopefully they'll show what they've got soon ;)
Probiotic shots? Never heard of them.
I've never had a Clif builder's bar but anything peanut butter sounds good to me!
I tried those yogurt thingy's before. Problem is they are ultra $20 for only 6 wallet cannot take it. Too bad cause they seem neat and tasted fine.
That bowl of berries looks so good! I am with you...I like big muffins. That one sounds tasty though!
That's pretty cool! I think I get enough friendly bacteria from my greek yogurt though :P I imagine that it is very similar to kefir.. although I've never tried that either haha.
I like to bake my own muffins, because we don't have a single organic bakery anywhere around here (that I know of). It's pretty much tim horton's sugar-loaded muffins when it comes to options, and I just don't care for those!
<3 Tat
Go big or go home - that's my motto when it comes to muffins! Hmmm banana hazelnut...I think I need to make that.
I should into that yogurty probiotic stuff. My stomach has been feeling slightly off lately...
I've seen those probiotic shots in the store, and always been kind of curious about them. The only reason I haven't tried them yet is because they're a bit on the pricey side, but that's probably because they work so well ;) For now, I'm finding that kefir and a morning probiotic pill are working out pretty well for me.
I would never be able to tell that those muffins were small, but I'll take your word on it :) I'm really picky when it comes to my baked goodies as well, which is why I usually prefer making my own. Well, that and my peanut allergies don't really leave me with much of a choice ;)
I've seen those BioK shots at my grocery store and wondered what they were! They sound really neat.
Both those muffins look so good! But I totally agree that bigger is always better!
Mmmm I love muffins too!! Especially the tops of them. Your berry bowls look so summer and delish!
Probiotic products are very good for health. It's really good that you use them.
Oh your muffins, always make me crave them!
mmm that clif bar looks yummy!
Amen to satisfying that Clif craving :) Haha love it! I also LOVE big muffins! They look delicious, no matter the size, though.
I've never taken probiotics, I'm hoping I consume enough dairy/yogurt for that! Have a great weekend!
I've never heard of those Bio-K probiotic shots before. I'm intrigued, although there's something very weird about drinking a shot of bacteria, you know...haha I'll have to be on the lookout for them though, because I think they could really help!
And small or not, those muffins look delicious!
Cliff bars are my favorite,choc flavored.
I've never seen the Clif Builders Bars before but they look and sound good, I will have to keep an eye out next time I go to Target!
Those muffins look so DENSE and MOIST! I love me some large muffins too. It's so much more satisfying chowing down a large grainy, chewy muffin!
I just looked up those probiotic shots on Amazon, and DANG they are expensive! I get some tummy problems now and then too, so I don't know if I should invest in them or not...
Love cliff bars!! They have so many different types its wonderfuL! ;)
Dana xo
Those probiotic things look interesting! How often/how long do you take them? Is it like a daily thing? Or just a week thing?
I just bought that Bio-K (rice version) stuff too! Except that I bought if for my mom.. I'm definitely thinking about trying it too though. Do you drink an entire bottle a day or are you just going with half? I'd go with the whole thing but it seems so pricey!
My favorite cliff builders bars are the Vanilla Almond. I used to have at least 3-4 a week when I lived in Portland. But since I moved back to california I can't find them anywhere. *tear*
I haven't had the Clif Builder Bars in forever, but they are so convenient for post-weights snacks. And yes, muffins gotta be big. :-)
Oh my, muffins! Your berry ginger muffin sounds quite yummy (even if you say it wasn't the best)! The combination of coffee and baked goods =pure bliss, in my opinion. :-)
I've never tried a Clif Builder Bar. Do you prefer them over regular Clif bars?
Hope you're having a lovely weekend!
I LOVE probiotics - cant get enough of them!
What a great way to meet up with your Mom! The muffins both sound great. The probiotics look interesting, too. I'll have to keep an eye out. Right now I take my in tablet form...
Pumpkins muffins are my favorite...and you're right--size matters!
Thanks for the vegan tip on the probiotics. :-) I guessed I missed your contest, bummer. Next time though!
that's the post about my abs. you asked what you can do to get abs like mine. it's pretty tough love but lots of info.
eat clean, no cheating, 100% consistency to your diet and exercise program, no cutting corners. Lift HEAVY. That will engage your core and will help your abs come out and say hi :)
Hey kelsey!! one day well have sushi together okay hehe if i go to canada or you go to mexico!!
Probiotics sounds like a rockin' Friday night ;) hehehe.
I'm actually a really big fan of the builders bars and such- even if my friends tease me about it. "Geez Amy, gonna go do some serious weight lifting sooon?"
I've never seen that product before but it looks great with all the berries!
All of your food looks so so yummy, especially the muffins! It has to be big muffins for me, too!! xxxx
Bio-K looks great! I am missing my Kombucha so much, I need a good probiotic replacements..have been doing super greens powder with enzymes in the AM.
Your muffin looks mouth watering AS ALWAYS!
Muffins and coffee sound great! :) Those muffins look so great.
That bowl of fruit looks so good!! It's making me hungry!
That bowl of fruit looks so good!!!!
Somehow I missed this post. I love the vanilla almond (just had half of one for a preworkout snack actually).
I miss Clif bars!! I don't know if I ever tried the builder bars though... but man, the banana bread and crunchy peanut butter normal Clif bars were heaven. Stupid Australia...
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