ahhh the joy of eco-eating
Food that's ready to order Morning, Noon, and Night
Hey, it's only natural to brag about healthy
Cascadia Bakery now carries a Spelt Muffin that varies daily!
Flavor of the Day: Sugar-Free Peach Raspberry Oat Streusel
Look at all those oats!
When lunch time rolls around, you'll find me "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed"
at Green Cuisine grabbing some vegan grub to go... mexi pie with tofu
and soy
cheese, pad thai
with peanuts, tofu marinara
, curried chickpeas
, curried
salad, greens, marinated veggie salad, wild rice
salad, alfalfa sprouts and seaweed
salad, greens, marinated veggie salad, wild rice
Before heading back to Casa del Kelsey,
I picked up some split pea soup
for dinner
Questions: Do you have a good selection of healthy
take-out places where you live? What do you usually order?
I adore split pea soup...and seeing your bowl makes me want to make/buy some ASAP! We have 3 organic grocery stores within one mile of our apartment that offer great salad bars, hot meals, soups, and sandwiches. I love it all!
my goodness - that muffin made me hungry just looking at it!!!!
Wow, that's quite the list of ingredients in your vegan grub - yumms! Unfortunately we don't have many healthy take-out places here.
Not particularly at home, but in Eugene--hippie town USA--we have a great Cafe that serves organic, mostly local food! It's really great :)
Ooh that muffin looks divine! Haha I live in a small British town and unfortunately the only take-out places we have sell things like pizza, fish and chips or curry ;) Hopefully when I move away to the city next year things will be different...
Sarah x
That spelt muffin looks delicious! I wish we had better choices like that here in Australia
We do have a few healthy eating places near us but I actually prefer to eat at hom 99% of the time. I love to incorporate my flax and flaxseed oil and it is awkward trying to do that in a restaurant!
The muffin looks fantastic!
take out? restaurants? umm no, I dont use those. I make 99% of everything I eat from scratch..or god/nature does since it's all raw and vegan :)
but i will say that muffin...omg so moist (hate the word!) but it looks fabulous!
That muffin is epic!
Unfortunately, our restaurant options are very limited in a 40 mile radius. Mostly chains or mom and pop greasy spoons. :( I'm only 85 miles away from NYC in upstate, yet seem to be in a different world when it comes to food and culture, lol.
WOW. your food looks GREAT. Spelt muffins! I live in Singapore and we have NO spelt muffins ANYWHERE, i can tell you that. your mexi pie with tofu cheese and all the greens look fantastic too! I usually eat shit food when I'm outside or I bring my own snacks (like homemade raw energy bars or apples, or green smoothies) when I'm out. You're so lucky to be where you are!!! :)
That muffin looks like one huge hunk of AWESOMENESS. Wow!!! I absolutely second what keephangingon said (Singapore=not much in terms of fantastic food like spelt muffins!!!)
We rarely do take out. We don't have any good healthy options here. I want that muffin! Gosh, I swear that place has the most beautiful muffins ever!
I think there's a great selection of healthy eats around where I live. It's just not as noticeable because of the equal or much greater number of unhealthy eats... :p
The split pea soup looks awesome! I'm very picky about that kind, but it looks fab.
I hope you have a great week, my dear!!!
We have a couple "healthy" take-out places around here, but I want that sugar-free spelt muffin! Man does that look fabulous. I think one of the best places around here (although I Hate shopping for food there...) is Whole Foods. I love their salads and baked goods. I tend to go there for dinner when I am in the mood for a really healthy meal, particularly a big salad!
I don't do too much take out. We don't really have the best options. I would love to have a bite of that muffin right now.
THAT'S IT! ENOUGH! I'm moving up by you. I hope the husband won't be mad that I'm leaving him in order to have vegan, organic eats right at my fingertips.
that salad looked amazing!!!
and no, we don't have healthy take away in Australia :) (no wait, i can think of 1 place.) to be honest, well, you know how North America is all diet-obsessed....yeah...not so much over here. which is a GOOD thing in a way, not to be obsessed i mean. but it would be nice to have some healthy options or be able to customize. in most sandwich shops, the sandwiches are already premade. thank God for Subway :)
I think we have a decent selection of healthy food choices out here in E-town, but with my allergies, I'm really not comfortable with eating out =\ I've never been the kind of person who could just walk into a restaurant and pick whatever I wanted, because I always had to make sure it would cater to my allergies (and the phrase "may contain traces of peanuts" has become the bane of my existence). After a while, it got tiresome, so I just gave up and usually end up carrying snacks with me if I'm going to be out all day. Stupid allergies...
Lord no we don't have healthy take out options here. It's really quite sad. Whole Foods was voted best vegetarian "restaurant" if that gives you any idea!
Mmmm I love split pea soup! I love dipping bread and such into it too. Another thing I love: your muffin photos!! =P
Unfortunatey, there aren't many good take out places around here. Mostly the usual...pizza & Chinese. Ugh...
That muffin look seriously delicious!!
This all looks great! We do have quite a few good healthy eco friendly places around here, and I do go to them but only for social reasons. I prefer to eat my own food most of the time, but if I'm meeting up with friends or family I usually suggest one of the vegan or raw or at least "vegan options available" places, just so I'm not sitting there feeling incredibly awkward for only having a glass of water. People can be really judgey when you do that, and I hate it, so I try to avoid it if possible. Most of my family and friends understand by now though.
I'm always jealous of your muffins and green cuisine takeout! The GC mixture of bits of everything reminds me of what I used to do at the whole foods hot bar.
Hope you're doing well love! xxoox
We have a couple of good options when it comes to healthy take-out. I work about 5 minutes from Whole Foods, so it's easy for me to grab a healthy mixture from their salad bar on days I don't bring my lunch. And right near my house is a great made-to-order deli, plus a take-out Mexican place (which can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on what you order!).
the only eat out would be wendys...for a plain potato..
MUFFINS!!!]]]I love that Kale salad to go, looks amazing!!
There is NO WHERE healthy around here...or barely..we have a Quidoba cafe, which uses organic, local stuff apparently, that's the closest we get..I order the veggie fajita or wraps. Whole Foods is down the street, so if I am desperate I go to their salad bar!
South Florida may be better than other places in the country when it comes to that...but it seems like nothing compared to Victoria. I am SO going there one day! I will be excited to see how you chalk up California's eats...that's where you are headed right?
I eat almost every meal at home. There isn't much around me that I can order from, unless I have decided to eat and not care how my body feels afterward!
That muffin is adorable!
Wow that lunch is a box full of delicious! That looks so good!!!
Oh wow- I want that muffin NOW :) hehe, I bet it was fun savoring this one!! In my city it´s pretty difficult finding healthy take out places. We do have a lot of vegan and vegetarian options, are they healthy though?? I don´t think so. I usually shoot for sushi, if I´m really not in the mood to cook for myself. It´s always fresh, tasty and affordable :)
Have a great day honey!!!
<3 xoxo Mel
That muffin looks scrumptious!
One of my fave places is called Pluto's where you can build your own salad and they have TONS of almost mix-ins from jicama to fennel to seeds to broccoli -- awesome!
I want your food!!!! And no, we don't have a good selection of the on-the-go healthy food which is a big shame. We need to move :P
I have like NO selection! Which is why your post makes me particularly jealous - especially because it all looks delicious!! Take me in as a roommate maybe?
I've always been so amazed by how many healthy restaurants you have in Victoria! We have two eco-friendly/vegetarian/vegan places that I can think of, but my allergies make it really hard for me to get anything from those places other than juices. :( So when I get take out, I usually opt for sushi.
There's a lot of take out near me that's healthy. I like to do Whole Foods, or else call and get chinese, indian, or thai food. I get steamed shrimp w veggies, some delicious veggie dish with naan from indian, or tom yum and seafood w veggies from thai. YUM!
Really, in Oklahoma there aren't many healthy places to choose from. We definitely need imporvement there!
I love take out! Because let's face it, the food there tastes much better than at home.
I usually order from a chinese restaurant. Miso soup and stir fry.
Yeah, there's a huge selection here. Not that it helps ME any!!
You reminded me that I ADORE split pea soup, and it's been way too long since I've had it.
<3 <3
Ok - that muffin looks amazing. I may be drooling a little right now.
There arent a whole lot of healthy take out places near me. Im sure there are LOADS in Vancouver, but theres not much where I am. Its kind of disappointing.
There are SO many healthy take-out options where we just moved. We are surrounded by Indian food which can be healthy and I absolutely love. We also have a vegan take-out place down the road and have a lot of Thai food around us. Last night I had Cuban food the first time which was SO delicious. I'm not sure how healthy it is, but I assume beans, rice, and plantains aren't too bad for me. :)
I have been trying to find a good place for muffins around here, but have yet to find something other than Starbucks. :( That muffin looks so good!
mmmm! I had bean and ham soup today, too from a cute little cafe!
Where I live, there are little healthy cafe's around, and a Whole Foods, so I am satisfied :)
There are definitely not enough healthy take out places where I live. I wish we had a lot more.
YUMMM I love split pea soup and I love peaches in my muffs!! 2 of my fave things in one day :)
I have Whole Foods pretty close to me, so I can eat pretty good take out whenever I need it :) there is also a cute little bistro we go to that is organic and full of vegan dishes!
Love it!
That is one huge muffin top and I love it! The split pea soup looks ummmm...interesting lol. I've never haf it before :) we're starting to get more healthier options around here which is nice.
WOW! That muffin looks wonderful!!!!!! We have a few healthy places here...but it's memphis, tn home of barbecue =P sooo not too many
Wow, so jealous of the amount of healthy food choices around you! We don't really have a whole lot of healthy eating choices in my area, but closer to downtown Montreal there is a decent selection. I highly recommend Chu-Chai, all vegetarian thai-food, so so good!
I really enjoyed how the delicious muffin was dancing around. lol
We don't really have a great to-go food selection in my town... except for Whole Foods. But that's it. And I can only get a salad from WF so many times... Nah, who am I kidding?! I could live off their salad bar. lol
... I am SO jealous! There don't seem to be any organic, healthy, or vegan places close to where I live. It's all fast-food burgers, fries and donuts!
Back in my old town (to which I go quite often because my stepdad's buisness is still there), there is a fabulous and healthy chinese food place. We know the owners, and he always makes me curried shrimp which is my absolute favourite meal on this planet!!
<3 Tat
Good post Kelsey!!!
Oh my goodness, that muffin looks amazing! I am so into big, dense, hearty muffins. As long as they're sweet :)
We have a Vietnamese place that we eat at once a week. No decent take-out, no great healthy restaurants. Yeah, moving soon!
Oh my goshhh, that muffin looks so delicious. So pretty, too ;)
<3 jess
We don't have specifically healthy-eating restaurants over here. There-s a health food store that serves soy burgers and fro-yo. Very good!! And a ton of japanese and chinese restaurants where you can find very healthy options.
Well, I thought San Diego had a good selection of health eats, but I've never found a spelt muffin ANYwhere, so I'm rethinking that.
I live in LA...so yes, I'm surrounded by healthy restaurants, but to tell you the truth, I don't want to spend money on things I can make better at home...when I'm out to dine, I like to indulge. :-)
We have a few places nearby with healthy takeout options, like frittatas and salads and smoothies. But I usually don't get takeout, since I try to save money, unless we get Chinese, which is definitely not healthy. (But it's delicious.)
That muffin looks awesome! and I can't believe it's sugar free- you hardly ever find bakeries offering sugar free varieties.
We have an Au Bon Pain on campus as well as some awesome delis, sandwich shops, and soup places on campus and around the town so I guess we're pretty fortunate in that area. But then again there are TONS of sports bars, pizza places, and wing joints to balance it out. :P
Hey Kelsey! Sorry I've been MIA for so long... But it's awesome that when I'm back, you're still the same snacking squirrel -- bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. And don't forget those gorgeous muffins (of COURSE). :-))))))
Sadly there aren't a lot of good eco-food options for healthy take-out here in Waterloo. The healthiest place is probably my own kitchen. :-P Seriously. I BET that Victoria has a bunch of awesome places though. And clearly you're taking full advantage of that, so goooooood on you! :-)
xoxo Aletheia
wow those muffins look amazing! they're massive!!
If anyone could convince me to move to where you are, it would be you. Granted, not saying it would be hard in the first place since I've always thought it gorgeous and a lovely atmosphere - but I think you should be employed for this :P
We don't have the best selection where I am. I can think of...2-3 places off the top of my head, one of those being the co-op that just has a small selection of pre-made sandwiches, etc. Other delis and such, I'm sure you could craft your own healthy-enough concoction...but i don't think i could find a good veggie burger or veggie sandwich anywhere, let alone some good quinoa or chickpea salad! Ah, well - at least Vermont has enough other redeemable qualities ;)
That spelt muffin looks monstrously good!
My healthy takeout choice is always sushi!
that spelt muffin looks amazing! love the huge muffin top (ok, that looks weird to type). i have a pan that only bakes the tops of muffins, since that is my fave part. :-)
unfortunately, there aren't really any healthy fast food places around my small, midwestern town. panera is probably the closest thing.
NONE!!! I moved to the smallest town and there aren't even organics...God - I'd move again but I'm broke - so I have to at least stick it out for a year :(...11 months to go?? New blog name ;)
We don't have any healthy places near me :( Boo. I wish we did though. I live in a town with just chain places.
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