23 December 2010

Gingerbread Men in my Eggs!

I'm feeling very festive this morning...

Using a Gingerbread Man Cookie Cutter, I made
 a cute variation to my Bread Bed Eggs Recipe

Just crack 1 egg in the center and sprinkle on some pepper 

Then turn up the heat... medium high

Then flip to the other side of course :)

Garnished with some Hot Sauce!


Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

Oh. My. Goodness. This is genius!!! I love egg in a hole (or egg in a manhole) :-)

Anonymous said... [reply]

so cute my husband likes 'frog in the hole' and uses a glass to cut out a circle in the toast :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oh badass!! I love eggs in a basket, and eggs in a gingerbread basket are just dang fun!

Tatianna said... [reply]

Haha! That is so cute :)
Confession: I don't like hot sauce and eggs! I seriously will only eat them with pepper. Sometimes if I am feeling like it I will add something sweet (with the pepper of course) like maple syrup or jam... but not hot sauce.

Anonymous said... [reply]

So stinking cute! I love it!

Unknown said... [reply]

this is so fun! great idea!

Alycia [Fit n Fresh] said... [reply]

I love one eyed jacks! Too cute to use cookie cutters though :)

Molly said... [reply]

haha SO CUTE! I want to make this for my little sister.. she would be in awe! Love eggs in a basket.

Tori said... [reply]

So many people call it different things! Haha! I just call it egg in a whole I guess. I've actually never had or made one for myself! I've had toast with eggs, but never together like that! It's very cute though!

Monet said... [reply]

So cute. I love how we can inject the holiday spirit into every part of our days! This would be a fun and healthy morning meal on Christmas day. I hope you have a great afternoon. Stay warm and safe!

Mary said... [reply]

Adorable!! Gingerbread men anything's worth eating. :P

lequan said... [reply]

Love this, Kelsey! You're going to make a great mom someday. Have a Happy Holiday and a very Merry Christmas, dear!

Sara said... [reply]

So cute! I have a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter that I do the same thing with :)

Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said... [reply]


Jess said... [reply]

I LOVE THIS IDEA! I am SO doing it, too :) Thanks!

Emily said... [reply]

super cute idea! love it!
i think that would be fun to make for breakfast...or dinner. :)

Kath said... [reply]

They're so cute! What a lovely idea! :D

Merry Chrismtas to you!

Anonymous said... [reply]

what a cute idea kelsey!

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said... [reply]

stuff like this makes me smile =)

i want a skull and crossbones egg mold. stat! have you seen them? so flipping cool!

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

Happy Holidays <3

Josie @Skinny Way Of Life said... [reply]

Love this! I'm so simple, this brought a smile to my face : )

Sarah B @ Bake + Bike said... [reply]

What a great idea!

Makes breakfast so much more fun :)

Lola ^^ said... [reply]

This is a very cute idea! Thanks Kelsey!!! I'll be out of the web in the next days, so I want to wish you Merry Xmas!!! :) lots of hugs hun!!!!!
see you in 2011 ;)


Marianne (frenchfriestoflaxseeds) said... [reply]

Very cute! If I liked eggs, I'd make me some festive toast as well :)

Chelsea said... [reply]

Aww how cute! I wish I wasn't already eating my breakfast so that I could make these!

Happy holidays girly! <3

Kristi said... [reply]

Haha... I love your gingerbread eggs!! So cute!

Courtney (Pancakes and Postcards) said... [reply]

hahaha!!! SO adorable!

have an amazing holiday!


Anonymous said... [reply]

Loved those!
So cute :D
Happy Holidays, Kelsey!

Anonymous said... [reply]

hahaha your too cute girl!:)

Chef Dennis Littley said... [reply]

how cute are those! My father use to make the eggs in bread for us growing up, for years I thought it was french toast!
happy Holidays!

Anonymous said... [reply]

ahahah this is the cutest meal ever!! and it makes it super fun to eat too :)

Kayla said... [reply]

OH MY GOODNESS!! My mom used to make those, I had totally forgot about them!

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