08 April 2011

Double Birthday Giveaway

Two Giveaways for Two Birthdays; 
My 22nd and Snacking Squirrel's 1st

The First Winner will receive an Oskri
Denman Island Organic Chocolate Easter Bunny

Daffodil Flowers Not Included ;)

The Second Winner will receive Allsep's
 Yummiees' Natural Flavoured Jelly Snakes

These contain Wheat Starch, but the Chocolate Giveaway is 100% Gluten Free

Four Ways to Enter
1. Which is your favourite, Candy or Chocolate?
2. Add me to your Blogroll, then let me know
3. Tweet/Facebook this, then let me know
4. Link this in a Blog Post, then let me know

*Please leave a separate comment for each*

Winners Announced: 
Monday, April 11th


Kayla (Little Miss Healthify) said... [reply]

Happy Birthday!
My favorite is chocolate, most definitely.

Kayla (Little Miss Healthify) said... [reply]

You've been on my blogroll ;)

Kayla (Little Miss Healthify) said... [reply]

I tweeted!

Holly @ The Runny Egg said... [reply]

I have to go with candy :)

LauraJayne said... [reply]

You are, of course, already on my blogroll because I adore reading your posts.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate all the way babe {and also partly because of the wheat starch haha}.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME LITTLE SNACKING SQUIRREL! I can't believe we STILL haven't had a snack date yet.. boo. this must be changed ASAP.
when are you coming to visit your brother next? {well, when he's back from his trip i guess haha}
xoxoxo GIANT HUGS from across the georgia straight :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate! For sure :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

You're already on my blogroll!

Lisa Fine [lisasfoods] said... [reply]

Happy birthday and happy blog birthday, Kelsey! I feel like we've both been there for each other with our blogs since the beginning. :)

I choose chocolate.

Amy B @ Second City Randomness said... [reply]

Happy blogiversary and birthday! I hope you have a great day (and weekend!), Kelsey!

I always go for chocolate... always! lol

Kristie said... [reply]

Happy Birthday AND blog birthday Miss Kelsey!
Chocolate is #1 but the BEST? Chocolate and candy combined. Mmm mmmmmm.

Kristie said... [reply]

And I just tweeted it :)

Kristie said... [reply]

AND you're already on my blogroll

Anonymous said... [reply]

chocolate!!! thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said... [reply]

i tweeted!! @movesnmunchies

Anonymous said... [reply]

added you to my blogroll!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

Chocolate is my favourite sweet treat!!

That chocolate coconut bar is my absolute favourite bar!! Great giveaway!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I'm a chocolate lover :D
But candy is good too!

Kristi said... [reply]

I;m a chocolate girl all the way!

Unknown said... [reply]

happy bday!! you are already on my blogroll but would love to win your birthday treats

Meri said... [reply]

Definitely Candy. I sure love a good gummy bear or taffy!
Happy Birthdays Kelsey and Snacking Squirrel!

Red Deception said... [reply]

I love mint chocolate. Nom nom!

My birthday is on Sunday, April 10th! Happy birthday!!

Lola said... [reply]

Happy bday hun!!! I love your blog and I love you, too!!! :)

Emilie said... [reply]

i suppose i am the most addicted to chocolate, but really i believe in a healthy balance of both ;).

Heather Iacobacci-Miller said... [reply]

I just wanted to stop in and wish you a happy happy birthday!!!

Amanda said... [reply]

I'm actually what I think is the exception to most women - I'm a candy girl! Happy BOTH birthdays to you! I hope you have a fantastic one!

Cherloo said... [reply]

Ugh thats so hard to choose between I would say Candy!!!

Krista said... [reply]


ps....chocolate over candy any day!

Tine said... [reply]

Happy Birthday!

Jess@atasteofconfidence said... [reply]

Twix peanut butter bars!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I tweeted!

Anonymous said... [reply]

oh and I added you to my blogroll!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Hi I am a new reader and I really like the look or your blog! I look forward to reading more. Caroline. xx Ps. My favourite chocolate is definately 80% dark chocolate!

Yuki said... [reply]

Happy Birthday!!
I love the truffles from Bernard Callebaut :D

Unknown said... [reply]

i'd love to try oskri!

lynn said... [reply]

chocolate. i can always eat chocolate

Kara said... [reply]

Happy Birthday and Blogiversary!

If I absolutely HAD to pick between the two, I think I'd go with chocolate, because at least you can get things chocolate covered!

Jules said... [reply]

If dried fruit counts as candy then I would have to say candy. I'm addicted! Chocolate WITH dried fruit embedded in it, however...

Jules said... [reply]

Also, you are added to my blogroll!

valen said... [reply]

Happy Birthday! Chocolate all the way!

Chelsea said... [reply]

Happy birthday Kelsey! I'm on team chocolate for sure. :D

Anonymous said... [reply]

almond dream ice cream + emmy's organics chai spice macaroons! totally my fave dessert combo!

(what runs) Lori said... [reply]

You're too cute. I'll take the chocolate for sure!

(what runs) Lori said... [reply]

You are on my blogroll, friend!

Anon said... [reply]

happy birthday!! my favorite candy at the moment is Lake Champlain's Dark Spicy Aztec chocolate!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate! No contest!!

erica said... [reply]

Chocolate, please!

Yin said... [reply]

Chocolate is the definite winner :)

Aspiring Steph said... [reply]

I can't enter as I don't have twitter (& I'm lazy - lol!!) But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Congratulations to your 22nd birthday, and congratulations to your 1st anniversary of Snacking Squirrel :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate is the winner for me =)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate is the winner for me =)

Anonymous said... [reply]

I added your amazing blog to my blogroll

Anonymous said... [reply]

Tweeted this!

JW said... [reply]

Chocolate for sure!

Unknown said... [reply]

I like both candy and chocolate! Right now I'm really into jelly beans but snickers always sound delish too. I guess for me it just depends on my mood :) Great giveaway-I love birthdays's!

Lee said... [reply]

Happy birthday Kelsey!

My Favorite candy right now is sour keys.

Anonymous said... [reply]

happy birthday! vegan chocolate, no contest!


Rika said... [reply]

chocolate of course!

claire said... [reply]

Happy birthday lady!

I am a dark chocolate lover!

claire said... [reply]

you are definitely on my blogroll!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate all the way!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate is definitely my favorite!

Anonymous said... [reply]

and of course you are already in my blogroll!

Gina said... [reply]

Chocolate is my favorite, hands down!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate all the way! And ice cream :)

Sam [Low Carbon Diet] said... [reply]

CHOCOLATE! To the death.

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate forever and always :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Just added you to my blogroll :)

Anonymous said... [reply]

And linked back to the post :D

Hayley said... [reply]

Definitely chocolate :)

Rosie said... [reply]

chocolate chocolate chocolate!

ikkinlala said... [reply]

My favourite is chocolate.

Ayla said... [reply]

I haven't been blog reading much and I haven't been commenting due to traveling but.. um.. can anyone pass up this giveaway? I can't.. haha. ;)

My answer to the chocolate or candy question is definitely chocolate. Without a doubt. Candy doesn't even come close.

Ayla said... [reply]

You're already on my blogroll. Obviously. ;)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Chocolate, especially DARK chocolate!

A CopyCat Cooks said... [reply]

Definately Chocolate. No wait... maybe candy... ummm candy coated chocolate??? yum! Happy Birthday


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