Monday Mornings can feel a little seedy...
Bowl of Yogurt with Strawberries, Grapes and Raw Hemp Seeds
Mixing all the fruit together :)
"Here comes the airplane..." nom nom nom
Lunch Yesterday was a Bean & Cream Cheese Burrito Wrap
Then added some Shredded Chicken Breast
with Refried Black Beans
, Spinach and Onions
A bite for me. A bite for you :)
After Lunch, I looked out the window and
couldn't believe what I saw in my front yard...
Oven Roasted Kabocha Squash for Dinner with
Broccoli, Asparagus and Leek tucked underneath
Question: Because most of you have finished,
or are almost done with exams, do you have any
exciting plans for the Spring/Summer Holidays?
1. Love the photo the deer - how sweet!
2. The idea of cream cheese in a wrap is brilliant. Must try that.
3. No spring or summer plans yet, but I really want to go on a camping trip this summer. Possibly with canoeing too.
Hope you're doing well with your coursework!
That burrito looks YUM YUM!
Awwwww @ Bambi!! We have deer vsiit our yard all the time, but have never seen one teeping. That is precious!
Ooh rawe hemp seeds... haven't tried that yet! Beans and cream cheese sounds great!
I'm still amazed by the friendliness of your little dear friends :)
And I don't have any plans really, yet.....I might go visit family sometime! My aunt had a baby last week, so I'd love to visit her and her little girl!
Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog! THOSE RECIPES LOOK WONDERFUL! I cannot wait to try the burrito recipe!
Mmm, I love seeds on fresh fruit and mixed in yoghurt.
I'm working already, but at the end of may I'll go surfing with the boy! I'm looking forward to it!
Look at that little bambi! I want to snuggle it.
Ah, done with school so I'm working full time now. But I do plan to take off one long weekend this summer to head to Palm Beach to help with my husband's conference for summer mission trips.
Your meals always look so yummy :D I'm surprised the smell of your yummy food didnt wake up that deer!!!
Mmmm yes please, I'll take that bite for me and another too! I love putting tortillas in the oven and getting them all crispy...they get sooo good that way! Do you ever put hummus in there as well? HEAVEN I tell ya:)
Those burritos look delicious! I pretty much love brown rice in everything and Mexican food all the time - so it's the perfect combo! I have another two weeks of school, and then it's my first half-marathon which I am equally petrified of and excited for!
You always make me crave fresh fruit, burritos and roasted veggies :)
The Bambi is adorable, I would love to have one sleeping in my garden :)
Burrito looks great! I can't explain how much I love burritos.
My exams are next week. Then I'm going to visit my parents in Louisiana for a week (yay!) but then I'm back in school for summer for three months. Yay grad school!
I love your pans of roasted VEGGIESSSS!! <3
I love your yogurt bowls! Always so good :D
My kids are so excited for the summer break to get here. Um, I want to come over to eat...your food looks like just what I need today!
Your meals always look so amazing! I just finished up, so now I'm waiting for graduation. I have quite a few plans for the summer i.e. getting ready for graduate school, a trip to Disney World and a bit of volunteer work.
Love the deer....SO CUTE!!!
The family is visiting me here in Japan so we will do a bit of galavanting around.
Yum yum, hemp hearts steal my heart!
aww that deer is too cute!!
Mmmmm, your foods look good as always! And the Bambi is just adorable! :D
No summer plans, since I won't be finished with my studies this year. We'll have a big psychophysiology conference in Heidelberg this summer, and there'll be a lot of work to organize everything. And I also want to get ahead with my thesis and start final exams.
This is like the millionth yummy breakfast photo I have seen today. So excited to eat breakfast tomorrow! ;)
My exams are next week, yikes! Then Spring classes for me.
I have 10 days off coming up here (for Easter break) so the hubby and I are going to NY.
Then I have all of July and August off of work, and I am just going to hang out/blog/help with my sister's wedding ...
thankyou dear, your support means the world <3
this all looks sooooo delicious, makes me want to cheat on my diet ;)
:O! BAMBI! So precious! I can't believe you looked at your window and s/he was just snoozing there. How precious!
And I love all your berries... so pretty and delicious looking!
I love that wrap. And Bambi! How I would just adore seeing her in my yard...!!
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