Still incredibly tired from yesterday. I went on a long run with my mama...
we ran from one side of town to the other, then walked back home. We're crazy! I
know ;) And it worked out to be 2 hours of running and 3 hours of walking
I used up the rest of the Liberte greek yogurt
; let me tell you how right
you are, its growing on me! I really liked it with pineapple too, and find
myself not having to rely on stevia
to make it palitable.
you are, its growing on me! I really liked it with pineapple too, and find
myself not having to rely on stevia
Once we got downtown we were both drenched in sweat and rain,
it was digusting! I didn't have a change of clothes with me because all we
had was a small backpack
for the running gear
My mom is so amazing, she decided we should go to Value Village
and pick up some cheap sweat shirts
and sweat pants
to change into. I wish I took a picture, but it was hilarious; there we were buying up $3.99 pants/sweaters and ripping off tags while changing in the bathroom stalls. But it felt so good to be out of those wet clothes!!!
After, we headed over to Green Cuisine for warm vegan food
started with a YUMMY brown rice
a large half+half White Bean
Chowder and Barley Mushroom. Their
are always made fresh and they use the most simple ingredients possible.
Grand Prix. We watched the race for a bit. I think it went from 8:30am-2:30pm. Basically some of the best road racers in B.C. get together to race around a circle
and compete in a series of competitions.
They close off a few street blocks and place foam insulation
bags around certain sites like 'Crash Corner' where
people sadly flock to hoping to see a good wipeout lol
bags around certain sites like 'Crash Corner' where
people sadly flock to hoping to see a good wipeout lol
I didn't stay long enough to see any 'said crashes', we just wanted to head home and rest
up our feeties. I was badly craving more warm foods so opted to boil up some oats
with banana, cranberries, and cinnamon... before crashing onto my pillow
HAHA and I rented Little Miss Sunshine
to realize I'VE ALREADY
SEEN IT.. but gladly watched it again. LOVE that movie...
I've seen Sunshine Cleaning. I wanted to love it more- because I love Emily Blunt, but it was ok. I won't say don't see it, but there are others I think I'd rather see...
Wow - what an awesome run you guys had! Super impressive!
that run sounds badass- and what's even more badass is the fact you went to VV Boutique to get clothes so you could have lunch! Amazing!
I didn't make it down to the bike race, but my dad was down there- apparently no one crashed- pretty good considering the roads!
That muffin looks sooo good!
Your mom is one smart lady; I probably would've never thought of going into a Value Village to pick up a change of clothes. I guess anything beats being cold and wet though :)
That's a crazy around of walking around, though. I hope your feetsies are well rested.
I'm totally jealous of your long run + walk with Mom around town. It's good to do stuff like that once in a while, hmm? :)
The bike race looks hardcore. Why are you guys still wearing sweaters in BC?!? IT'S FRICKIN' HOT HERE!!
Wow, that is a crazy long run! Way to go! :)
I've seen Sunshine Cleaning and it wasn't what I was expecting at all! It was ok, but I probably wouldn't see it again.
That muffin looks awesome! Doesn't look GF at all. YUM :)
I like the use of zucchini in soup, that's given me a great idea!
Is there anything better than warm soup when you're drenched? I think not! Unless it's warm soup with your mom...
Moms are great.
I've seen Sunshine Cleaning. I don't remember much, if that is any indication.
As for Little Miss Sunshine, I could see that ending a hundred times and still laugh out loud!
Sounds like a fun day! Getting drenched in rain and buying new clothes to change into lol. I've seen Sunshine Cleaning. It's super cute. I really liked it, but I dunno if it's as good as Little Miss Sunshine because that movie is unbeatable =)
I can't believe how much you and your mom walked/ran...super impressive! And your gluten-free muffin looks pretty amazing. I wish I could find a convenient place around here for muffins like that!
I liked Sunshine Cleaning more than Little Miss Sunshine!
Hey Girlie!!
way to ROCK a SUPER-long run! holy cow, 5-hours on the feeties! YUmmmmY GF muffin! I've seen both movies, Sunshine Cleaning is a lil' weird and I thought that it ended depressingly, I liked that lil' miss sunshine ended happy!
I hope you have a great week ahead of you!
woow, what a lung run!!
OMG, i just read the label of some enzymes i was taking for my diggestion and they have wheat! :S i guess it's detox phase all over again? what syntomps do you think i can expect?
You crazy woman! That's actually really awesome that you had such a long run and walk. :D I totally would have done something like that/will do something like that one day.
I saw Sunshine Cleaning and thought it was cute. Not as great as I hoped but definitely still enjoyable. :)
wow! i'm seriously impressed with all your walking/running yesterday! i love the clothes story with your mom. it's so cute how you guys just bought whatever you could to stay warm. definitely bonding at its best! oh, and i'd say the yummy food definitely made up for the wetness. that raspberry muffin looks absolutely delicious!
have a lovely day!
I was laughing throughout this entire post because I was imagining my mom running with me... SO not happening.
I once rented a movie I'd already seen -- in my defense, though, it was REALLY DUMB, so I couldn't be expected to remember it! ;)
<3 <3
I always think of the soup nazi when I order soup! Seinfeld references...can't get enough of them.
Your soup container sure is tall! And its so creative how you mixed the two different soups together?? I'm totally trying that next time I order soup from Fresh.
It sounds like a lovely day with your mom in beautiful Victoria. It must have been a really nice walk/run. My great aunt lives there and I'm hoping to go visit her one day! I would love to see it, I've never even been to BC, but I know I would love it.
Sounds like a perfect day with your mama, girlie! I wish that my mom would walk/run with me. I have no buddies to do it with these days either since all my besties live all around the world these days.
That cafe sounds like the ideal place to refuel too!
LOVE both those films, I think they're in my top ten. You're crazy doing all that running and walking; impressive though :) My mum still thinks there's something wrong with me as I do exercise for health rather than weight loss! Weird but true.
wow...what a work out - yay for you and mom!!!!!
oh that muffin looks great!
Sunshine Cleaning is on my list (yes, I actually have a list) of movies to see so if you end up renting it I would love to hear how it is! And the crash corner thing is kind of funny in a sick way. Also just realized I never checked out your health expo post! Going to do that now! :)
I've seen it and thought it was pretty cute!
"we were buying up $3.99 pants/sweaters and ripping off tags while changing in the bathroom stall"
hahahahhaha guilty as charge i have so done this before!
your mama sounds fun but a TOTAL polar opposite from my mom. i could NEVER even imagine my mom 'going for a run' haha actually i laugh at the thought. same with the vegan food, she would be lookin for the closest meat smokin BBq place lol!
the bike race looks cool and that first soup with the zucchini/celery lookin stuff in it...looks very tasty!
5 hours of walking/running?? What a workout!! I'm super impressed. :)
And I do this with movies all the time!! I don't know why, but I have such a bad memory when it comes to movies. And it usually takes me until the end of the movie to realize it, haha.
I hope your jaw/mouth is feeling better!
That's so awesome your Mom runs with you! She must be one fit mama.
I've never seen Sunshine Cleaning but heard it was good!
How awesome that your mom runs with you! I can't even get The Lover to take a walk with me haha. I haven't seen either of the "sunshine" movies. I'm so behind lol.
Wowzers girlie! You and your mom are hardcore! :) I wish my mom ran with me. That really is cool.
good job on the run! i love that movie and i love your muffin!
You and your mom are crazy! But totally awesome. You must have been exhausted.
That muffin looks seriously delicious. And I love Little Miss Sunshine!
That muffin looks amazing and so does the soup!!!!!! Wow you and your mom got a good cardio workout in yesterday!!!
I have never seen that movie, but always heard good things about it, I need to rent it!
Have a great day love!!!
That muffin has my name all over it. Hats off to you for eating Greek yogurt without sweetener...I am trying to love it. Hehe, not happening. Now I need to go watch youtubes of Seinfeld!
Wow, that's a lot of walking and running! I am pooped just reading about it!
But glad you had some momma time together!
Yep, I've seen Sunshine Cleaning - it's pretty good! It's not your typical mainstream movie, which is what I enjoyed about it.
Nice job on the workout with mom. How cute that ya'll bought some warm clothes to change into. I did that one time on the board walk! That muffins looks terrific. Hope your tuesday is going well
I love sunshine cleaning, such a cute movie! Soups one of my favorite foods, I eat it all year round ;)
Dana xx
Your bowl of Greek yogurt with pineapples looks so refreshing and delicious. That's so awesome that you and your mother go on runs together. I loved the story of you guys changing in the stalls lol. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right? Yum to the muffins mwahaha.
Great idea on getting the dry clothes! I would have totally done that too! What a great time with your mom! That's a good movie too! Same kind or dark comedy as Little Miss Sunshine! Enjoy your movie!
i dig that mug i spy in the background! cute!!!
What a terrific day of activity with your Mom! And that muffin...and soup...WOW! Amazing! My Dad use to race bicycle and let me tell you, I've seen some crazy crashes! Thankfully Dad was never in any of the serious ones.
Wow! Two hours of running, and three walking? That's incredible, and great that you and your mom are active together. How much do you typically run?
I LOVE how you and your momma go running together :D
The vegan cupcakes look superb ;-)
As do the vegan cupcakes!
Mmmmmm Mmmmmm!
that muffin looks terrific!
i did see sunshine cleaning and liked it, but didn't LOVE it like i was hoping i's a perfect rental film!
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