This morning definitely was an oatmeal day! Not sure what that's supposed to mean; but those who love oatmeal know that feeling!
It had a bunch of dates, flax seeds
, cinnamon, and almond milk
! ReALLy GoOd
Lunch consisted of a chicken stir-fry tossed with garbanzo beans...
I'm pretty sure stir-fries work best for me; Always gives me energy and keeps me full.
The weather has been GORGEOUS lately, so I took advantage of it and started off my tanning season... operation 'get dark tan' ... and no im not advocating skin cancer people!! lol wear your sunscreen okay
? good!
...later on I caught up on some reading and studying *yawn*
I always get super hungry after sun tanning, anyone else get that? Oh and thirsty as well! So when it came time for supper I was so happy to find this...
How gorgeous is this fruit and greens salad. Had spinach greens, lettuce greens, red peppers, kiwi, grapes, green onion, and cucumber. So many crunchy snappy things too lol, love the sound of munching on salad... just not when other people are!
Chocolate chip espresso muffin! mMmMm perfect end to the day
Question: Fake tan or real tan?
No tan for me but only because I'm pasty and only burn. Sad.
That salad looks so refreshing. Yum. And I totally hear you on the "oatmeal" kind of day.
That salad looks amazing, as does the muffin!
I'm a real tan kinda girl. Burnt my boobs in a tanning bed once and that was it for me! LOL!
Your day sounded so relaxing! ANd I WANT that muffin!
I'm a real tan kind of girl... who is slowly getting better about the sunscreen (hanging my head in shame for the last four years).
I hope the rest of your evening is just as wonderful! :)
real tan all the way!! i ALWAYS get hungry after tanning. weird huh? guess the sun sucks the energy out of us. after i left the beach last week i destroyed and apple and that only made me hungrier. you are so so pretty in your pic!!
REAL TAN fo 'sho ;) i hate that cheesy (literally haha) orangey look people get. It's so fake and disgusting... there were a ton of girls at my high school who looked like that. my friends and i called them the oompa loompas.
your salad looks amazing! maybe ill add fruit to my dinner tonight. it always adds a nice touch. and your oatmeal? swimming in almond milk, just the way i like it. btw, your muffin from your last post? with the top so big it fell over? i think that's the only way a muffin SHOULD be. 2/3 top, 1/3 bottom ;)
lots of BC love <3
I'm all about the real tan. I have never done the spray tan or the kinds you can buy at the store, I just think I would look orange. I love just being outside (wearing sunscreen) and getting a natural glow!
I'm all about the real tan. I have never done the spray tan or the kinds you can buy at the store, I just think I would look orange. I love just being outside (wearing sunscreen) and getting a natural glow!
Real tan all the way, babe - but not on purpose. I'm a Biology major so school has wired my brain to equate UV rays to 265 nm aka the wavelength at which DNA is denatured. Nope, I'll never look at tanning the same way again.
I love how you "found" that gorgeous salad. As if all gorgeous salads just *appear* when we will them to. You know?
every day is an oatmeal kind of day for me :D but yes, i do know what you mean. warm and cozy goodness! actually, all your eats look totally full of goodness today. i love stirfries (try roasting your chickpeas first--sooo good!) and giant salads! oh, and as for the tanning, i admire that you can do it (with sunscreen, of course). i'm so pale and cannot remedy it because the minute i step into the sun, i burn. yep, i wear 60+ sunscreen and this still happens. guess i'll be rocking the cullen look ;)
have a lovely day!
Fake tan or no tan! I want one of those T-shirts that says "Pale is the new tan". I actually feel pretty strongly about this. So many people tan for vanity purposes and just go bake in the sun, and they end up wrinkly, moley, and skin cancery. Its very sad.
I prefer to avoid skin cancer and wrinkles (who doesnt?) so I lather on sunscreen like crazy..I know I should get some direct sunlight from Vitamin D, and I try to...but I also take a D supplement so I don't worry about it too much. I worry more about cancer! There are so many horror stories about this..I just don't think tanning is worth it at all. Besides, I think there are so many beautiful people with pale skin (I'm not a fan of fake orange tans either...if you're gonna go fake I recommend something that at least looks real). I would start a campaign if I could. Take care of your skin people! Its the biggest organ and the most vulnerable, and the most common type of cancer. Go ahead and get out in the sun, but make sure you wear sunscreen (I know you do love, I'm just saying "you" in general)
Sorry for my rant. Just trying to promote prevention!
On another note, your salad looks lovely. And you are lovely. So beautiful in that looks like you are in a huge empty room. Where are you?
xoxo <3
i love the feeling of lying out in the sun, unfortunately. i get dark too easily, though so i slather on spf 85.
I'm a stir fry kindda girl as well! Love them!
I love to tan! I fake-it-till-i-make-it, so i'll usually rub on those "daily glow" creams that supposedly help you "build a tan" until I got a real tan underneath!
such colorful, rainbow colored food! not telling you what to do re the sunscreen, take it or leave it, whatever floats your boat. I recently did a post about it
and how basically when i eat as i do, the colors of the rainbow, that i am naturally much less likely to burn. now i am not uber-white or anything so i can't tell super fair people what to do, but just my little musings if you're interested :)
Your salad looks great! I like the idea of adding dates to oatmeal, I need to try that.
Real Tan, cept make sure you cover up your junk :P SunBurn down there sucks!!! LOLZ
I'm a real tan kind of girl too because I only fake-tanned once and ended up looking like a zebra ;)
Every day is an oatmeal day for me :) I can't imagine starting the day any other way.
As for tanning, real. Not only does it give you a nicer color, but there's something unsettling about putting chemicals on your skin to make it turn color.
I "faked and baked" for all of 6 months. I needed a tan for our wedding and I didn't want tan lines. As soon as the wedding was over I discontinued tanning. I felt guilty the whole time.
I now am pasty white....I want to tan but our apartments pool is littered with college kids...who I get pissy at and feel like they need to get a life and a job. :)
I completely understand the craving for oatmeal, I have it every morning! Well, I eat oat bran, but it's very similar.
I love laying out in the sun, but I can never do it for more than about 20 minutes, enough to get my vitamin D! It doesn't make me hungry, but it does make me feel good. I just love having a little color! And REAL all the way, NO FAKE!
wow I love the look of that huge salad!
Haha, no tan for me! I am naturally pale as pale can be... I don't ever really tan, just burn! I turn a darker shade of pale... ;)
That salad looks divine! Send some to me??
I don't intentionally tan at all, that's why, if you ever meet me, you'll be freaked out by my dark arms and ghostly pale legs. It's a bit scary.
I recently put dates in my oatmeal and loved the combo! So good.
That piece of bacon is me. I'm horrible about sunscreen, but if I sat out in the sun on purpose like that, I'd fry in no time flat. You'd think multiple sunburns would make me remember to actually use sunscreen...
<3 <3
GOsh, that is the prettiest salad ever! I love the kiwi on top for a fruity sweet burst of flavor!! And I just love the sun. I wish I didn't. I stopped tanning a few years back only because I think I've done enough damage for a lifetime. I did the spray tan thing a while ago but I felt sort of orange? But maybe I should give it another go and not let people think Casper the Ghost is real.
The Stir-Fry looks soooo good! And real tan all the way. First, its free and second, you don't turn orange.
Fake tan for sure or just rock your natural skin tone! Real tan is dangerous.
What a beautiful salad!
wahhhh i dont do sunscreen....convinced it causes skin cancer along with a few other things. it also DEflects the vitamin D you absorb from being in the lose lose... i love the sun, and stay out in it as long as i can every single day :)
that salad is FULL FOR COLOR im lovin it!!!!!!
I've been kind of obsessed with medjool dates lately. Desert candy!
Thanks for all your support on my latest posts. I really appreciate it!
everyday is a good day for oats :) never thought about adding dates - must be really sweet then!
love the salad with the kiwi. Love sweet + savory salads - so good!
I agree, oatmeal days are the best days for me. I tend to want to switch it up and then regret it when I do. I also get hungry and thirsty in the sun and what a great way to refuel with a nice colorful juicy salad! You look so cute reading, where were you? Oh, and tanning is a hard one for me because I don't want to get cancer and have fears about it already because I spent too much time oiling myself and tanning (yes, in beds sometimes in high school-yuck!). I need to find a good self tanner that is all natural because I don't want to be this pasty pale all summer. Have a good weds lady! I loved your words about feeling attacked by your eating choices as well. It is a hard subject because I don't want people to EVER think I feel that I am better than them because I don't eat meat. I just feel that people should be well informed and not caring enough to educate yourself seems like ignorance, right?
Your kiwi salad looks delicious!! Love all the colors!
Thanks for your comment on my last post - really makes you appreciate every day!
No tan for me - I got severely burned in high school and was almost hospitalized. Its SPF all the way!
what a beautiful salad!!! that kivi looks so delicious!!! my mouth is watering!! I will have to recreate it in the weekend!!!
Kiwi is a lovely addition to a salad. Looks great!
Real tan! I'm all for tanning in the sun and I don't wear sunscreen anymore. Sunscreen is so full of chemicals (except the organic stuff which is extremely expensive) and I would rather not slather it on my body's largest organ. I'll take my chances with the sun. ;)
I'm a fan of the real tan - tan lines and all. But I still wear tons of suncreen! :)
That is one GORGEOUS salad! I love all the fruit in it. Hooray for sweetness and a lil crunch. Glad you got some sun time in. I prefer a real tan :) but in moderation....when I can control myself ;)
Hey pretty chica!!
LOVE all the gorgeous greens & fruits! soooo YUM! I am a REAL tan kinda girl!...hehe so sunscreen for sure! I hope youre having a great day!
I don't have an answer... I'm pale!
Now that is a summer salad! I tan very easily so real!
I always get really hungry after I suntan too! I wonder why that is??
Usually, I stick to the sun but I never try and get super dark. I'm a pale person by nature so I've accepted that and I'm proud of my skin :D
That salad is seriously beautiful. I love colorful food!
My goodness, that salad looks amazing!
I don't tan...I just burn, haha...
Your oats looks watery/milky! that's the way I like mine!!
I use to go into tanning beds all time and never wear sunscreen. now that im caring more about my health and less about looking perfect i stay out of the sun! Im trying to find a good self tanner at the moment..
Dana <3
Omg that salad looks amazing! Note to self: buy kiwis!!
I've become ok with the fact that I'm not going to have a hot tan body. I'm embracing whiteness! It used to be cool in medieval times I think. I don't want to risk skin cancer by sitting outside all the time but I am too lazy to apply the fake stuff regularly!
I just LOVE dates in oatmeal. Have you ever tried slicing one in half and filling it with almond butter? AMAZING!
Haha, I hear you on the sun. I'm a sun worshipper through and through. Honestly, as long as you don't BURN, it's not that big of a deal. I had a bit of a skin cancer scare last Christmas due to tanning bed sessions before a cruise, and I learned from the dermatologist that the real risk for skin cancer is only when you burn. So as long you take it in stride, you'll be fine! Let's just say I'm still not a sunscreen girl even after my experience. ;)
I'm a real tan kinda girl! Lol. But I usually spend about 20 minutes in the sun whenever I swim about thrice a week so my tan's built up over time. It's not that great though cos now I have goggle marks round my eyes which make me look like a batman wannabe. Lol.
Nat xoxo
No tan! I've come to love my porcelain skin. :)
That salad looks amazing!
Oh wow I bet that bowl of oatmeal was super sweet because of all those dates. What a great sweetener idea! Usually I just use some banana in my oats. Also... everyday is an oatmeal day for me!
Real tan all the way!
I got so tan from running outside last summer, it was glorious (sunscreen included of course)...real tans rule!
It is always an oatmeal day for me...good stuff.
I love your fruit and greens salad!
Fake tan (no beds though) if it's not super orange... better for your skin!
Isn't every day an oatmeal day?! And I use self-tanner but like to lay out a bit too. Now that you mention it, tanning does make me super hungry/thirsty!
Yummy!! I love dates to death.. they truly are nature's candy. I also love how you can make a pasta out of them to help bind things (especially good when making raw treats). Anywho, as for tanning I prefer natural. It's not hard for my skin to tan, but I always use sunscreen!
p.s. any luck with the Bone Suckin' Sauce??
Your oats look far more appealing then mine from yesterday!
And that salad is insane- I'm eating a kiwi right now because of this post!
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