Randomly amidst folding laundry and daydreaming...
I thought up a brilliant snack idea using a mini
box of Smarties
from Halloween...
And not the U.S. version of Smarties
but the Canadian one!
I need a name for these; Rice Crackers
topped with Peanut Butter
and a Smartie
The red one tasted the best :)
What a "smartie" you are! (Pun intended. :P) PB + chocolate is the greatest combination known to mankind. I wish I could think of a name for them, but I am not a creative one! hahah.
YUM! I love quickie treats!
Smarties are my favorite candy of all time! <3
we don't have smarties here, but your snack looks super inventive and delish. :)
shoot. They DO need a name.
I'm thinking...
Gems on a (rice) patty ... in lieu of ants on a log.
Smarty Party Crack-uhs?
Candy Hors d'oeuvres?
you know what?
I think we might just have to go with...
Rice Crackers
topped with Peanut Butter and a Smartie.
Smarties! Another blogger friend sent me those from your fine country once and I definitely approve! :)
brilliant! I love it! I might try it with dark chocolate almond butter. now we're talking!
my BFF is from Canada and he thinks its totally weird that American Smarties are completely different from Canadian.
Hahah what a creative snack. I love those rice crackers. Pairing them w pb+smarties = yes pleeease.
I hate to admit it though.. I'm a poor canadian...I like m&ms better than smarties! eek! haha
Heh they kind of look like colourful eyeballs...what a neat snack idea!
I didn't know American and Canadian Smarties were different!
Those are cute ... I am not a huge fan of smarties though - I find them too sweet or something. M&Ms are better, if I had to have one. I had no idea the American and Canadian Smarties were different!
interesting!!! looks good :)
Cute! They remind me of little UFOs.
Haha these are cute! Smarties were never my favourite though. I'm much more of a Kit Kat or Coffee Crisp girl. ;)
You are so funny Kelsey - only you could come up with that snack! :D
Canadian smarties are soooo much better!
Crazy...those are NOT US smarties. :) They look like M&M's.
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