DAVIDsTEA is a Canadian Franchise that has gained
thousands of tea followers from across North America
My best friend knows how much I love tea, and was more than generous
when she surprised me with a bag of their Super Chocolate Organic Green Tea!
I have never smelt a tea this delicious... it's smells as if someone rolled green
tea leaves in a field of cinnamon with streams of chocolate flowing throughout :)
You can even see the Cacao Nibs
in the tea blend!
I scooped a little into a paper tea sachet
(each bag makes approximately 30 cups)
Added boiling water and a little Stevia Powder
before drinking
Mornings don't get better than this...
Question: What are some of your
favourite flavoured blends
of tea?
Try their "Read My Lips"!!!! Mini chocolate chips and mini cinnamon hearts. It's my fave of their's.....
Krista @ Krista's Kraving's
Ooo how'd the chocolate tea taste? I've had some before and it's quite interesting :D You know I love my tea ;) Hmm.. for my birthday my friend got me these most wonderful loose tea! ZINGIBER GINGER COCONUT ROOIBOS TEA!!! It's so full of flavor oh my goodness. Lately, I've been loving rooibos teas :D
I definitely took a wander down there after our visit :) And ended up buying two different teas, plus a pitcher and glasses. It was all very exciting. And I realized that this is the same place I've seen en route to school, so I know I can get my tea fix even over here. So many delicious flavours to choose from - I got the Happy Kombucha and Jessie's Tea.
PS - Silk Road makes a great chocolate tea called Velvet Potion you should check out.
wow that tea sounds so delicious!!! yummy and good for you, too :) I love green teas, especially with cinnamon and ginger!
I've had the chocolate-flavored tea before (it was a gift from an old roomie). The flavor was very subtle, but it smelled SO good!
Shut the front door!!
This is a dream come true for me, I don't think it will be available in my area. I am definitely going to look into possibly looking into ordering some....
Green tea is my favorite tea, I don't really drink much of any other teas. I love everything that is green tea flavored too like ice cream, yogurts, etc.
I prefer black tea, regular. Every every morning!
But I also like rooibos and ginger. Mmm!
OH MY CHOCOLATE. Chocolate flavored TEA??? I have to make my own blend now!!
Life has only continued to get better over the past few days.
Yum! this sounds amazing! I love licorice tea and black tea usually :)
Oh my goodness, that sounds delicious!!
Um. Chocolate tea?! Does that get any better? I love apple cinnamon tea. Mmm...reminds me of fall!
I've tried chocolate tea before but I'm not a big fan! I prefer floral teas without any of the extra fruit, etc. flavors.
oh my goodness that sounds like heaven in a cup... I drink a lot of green tea and chai!
I love tea, but I'll always prefer coffee!
Thanks for commenting on my blog in spanish Kelsey!!
Love you little squirrel ;)
Yum that tea sounds so good! Have you ever tried the President's Choice Chocolate Chai tea from Loblaws (or one of the other PC stores)? It's amazing!
One of my favourite blends of tea is from Tealish in Toronto and it contains fennel, cardamom, anise, ginger, rose petals and coriander seeds.
Chocolate tea sounds really good but flavEnoids? What the...? The biologist in me is deeply offended and would never buy it. I hate it when companies don't pay enough attention to the information they provide. It feels like they think the customers are so dumb that they will never notice.
I am not sure about flavored teas. Maybe the camomile, honey and vanilla tea from Twinnings. But I prefer fruit teas with pieces of dried fruit in the teabag.
This sounds divine Kelsey!
Right now my favorite tea is the Trader Joe's decaf green tea. It hits the spot but doesn't keep me awake. I love it!
Super and chocolate? Thumbs up!
MMMMM! that sounds fantastic! I love anything mixed with rooibos tea, jasmine green is good too. oh!oh! and anything with cinnamon, I am a cinnamon fanatic. :)
Toffee-flavored tea...so good :)
I love most of Harney & Sons' teas - they have a chocolate mint that is to die for, and I don't usually like mint tea!
I've never had a tea with chocolate but I would love it! My favorite tea is the sugar cookie sleighride tea that is out during winter:-)
Chocolate tea?! That sounds heavenly :)
Oh, this sounds so lovely!
Lately, I've been very into pineapple tea. Lipton makes one with little bits of pineapple chunks, and it's just heavenly. Especially with a bowl of steaming hot, banana-coconut oats in the morning. =)
love tea, especially loose tea! i've been drinking homebrewed kombucha every day (made with green tea), but once it gets cooler out, i break out the stash of hot tea :)
I'm an iced green addict in the summer. I think as the weather gets cooler, this could definitely replace it! Chocolate is the best way to start the day sometimes :)
oh yummy... its like drinking chooclate less the calories.. i like!!
ive got a soft spot for chai .. mmhh
This sounds quite divine! It's too hard to pick a favourite tea, I like almost all types... but I do often go for fruity ones.
Chocolate tea?!?! Sounds almost unreal.
Does it really taste of chocolate?
Though I am usually more of a coffee drinker, Chamomile has really becoming a staple as it helps ease my tum!
I like a spiced tea (like pumpkin spice, or cinnamon or something like that), and have yet to try a chocolate or coconut tea, but I am sure that I would like those the best if I ever get around to trying them.
It's been really great going through your blog post, very well informed and described. Great to read and know more about such kind of stuff.
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