21 April 2012

Yoga Kitty

During my morning meditation, Camille sauntered 
over, patiently sitting, observing my inhales and exhales

I could tell her curiosity was getting the better of her, but 
aside from a few meows and gentle whimpers, Camille was 
afraid to tell me directly that she wanted to learn more about yoga 

Her eyes told me, "Teach me to be a yoga kitty Kelsey!"

So I dedicated a good 20 minutes teaching Camille the ways of the yoga 
masters through gentle movements coordinated with her rhythmic *purrs*

Stretching was her favorite part...

But she stubbornly refused to learn the downward dog, for obvious feline reasons

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" -Buddhist  proverb

Yogi Camille agreed to continue practicing and learning, 
just as long as I continue to bribe her with Starbucks coffee


Kath (My Funny Little Life) said... [reply]

Cute! :D

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

Cute cat!!! I haven't ever tried yoga ...

Chris said... [reply]

I was reading one of the Hindu religious books, there they said cats and dogs when they get up stretch a bit before they start doing other things, we humans do that. I think cats know more about yoga than us, the way they relax proves it :-)

Krista said... [reply]

What a sweet kitty cat!!!

Marianne (frenchfriestoflaxseeds) said... [reply]

My cat tries to come help when I do yoga sometimes too.

75 gallon aquarium said... [reply]

Loe that cat, so cute!

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