03 May 2012

Sweeten Up Your Mornings

While I was making a healthy yogurt parfait with sliced granny smith
 apple, I noticed the leftover apple pie staring at me from the fridge...

And when the idea of topping my parfait with a slice of 
pie popped into my head, I couldn't resist the temptation!

How delicious does that look?

Question: Do you ever add leftover desserts and 
pastries to certain meals like oatmeal, yogurt, fruit etc.?


Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

Yes! I mean seriously, how can you resist?!!!

Tip Top Shape said... [reply]

I eat them all on their own. And then usually go back for seconds. lol

Cotter Crunch said... [reply]

i do that too! anything goes with yogurt and oatmeal. BEST IDEA!

Kat @ Cupcake Kat said... [reply]

Looks so good! I once added a slice of pumpkin pie into a crepe. It was delicious.

Anonymous said... [reply]

I would crumble cookies, leftover sweet potatoes in sour yogurt, quinoa, nutty bread/crackers, muffins, really anything...even plain pasta! But I like it hehe

N said... [reply]

What do you mean "leftover desserts"? No such thing exists in my house, haha! That looks delectable though! No I want to make apple pie..

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I have never thought to add leftover desserts to oatmeal or yogurt, but it's a great idea!

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