1. Francine's Finest Protein Bars
2. Zevia Natural Stevia Soda
Found it at Value Village
for $3.29 today!
How's that for some good luck?
5. CSN Giveaway Package

Yes, I finally got my JUMBO muffin tin
Time to make it feel comfortable at home...
... well not that comfortable!!!
So if you're feeling kind of bummed that you're not
here enjoying these Fall Favorites
with me, well stress
no further because soon I'm having my first...
Snacking Squirrel Giveaway !!!
so make sure you check back
Question: What's the last
autumn-ish food
you ate?
Moosewood--I have heard amazing things about that book from tons and tons of people. Keep us posted on how you like it.
And congrats on the muffin tin showing up! gotta love the jumbo muffies that i know you're going to crank out with that bad boy!
Have a great week Kelsey!
Obviously I need to hit up Value Village more often, because hello, mint condition cheap cookbooks? It's not just for hallowe'en costumes anymore!
Love that you ordered a giant muffin tin too. Perfect choice.
wow! a little over $3 for a cookbook, what a price! too cute with your jumbo muffin tin :-D
i had a bowl of Vietnamese beef noodle soup today :-P
I love your blog, even though I am German. *cough*
Ummmm....the last Autumish thing I ate? It was pumpkinsoup at my birthday party (September 17th). Made by a good friend and it tasted really good. :D
Ps. Kinda jealous of your stevia soda.
I haven't had anything autumish yet...it has been over 90 degrees outside,lol
Those protein bars look awesome - love that ingredients list!! And those are gonna be some biiiig muffins - can't wait to see them :)
I'm loving the autumn leaves - though I'm sort of bummed they're already half on the ground!
Last autumn-ish food was the stuffed butternut squash last night. Yum!
A jumbo muffin tin! That's so fantastic! Or possibly a little trouble? If you have issues with the baking increasing too much, you know where to send the extras... lol
The last "autumn" food I ate was probably the sweet potato and pecan pancakes I had yesterday for brunch. It was the debut of the Fall Menu at the breakfast spot we chose- delish!
A giveaway? How exciting!
The last autumn-y food I ate has to be those squash fries I had last night, you can even see a picture on my blog
Enjoy your muffin tin! I can't wait to see what kind of crazy jumbo delicious muffins you make next ;D
I love my jumbo muffin tin! I roasted a pumpkin yesterday and ate 3/4 of the thing. Love it!
All of my foods have been "autumn"'ish lately!!! I'm eating more of my kabocha squash up today! Yum! I'm also enjoying pumpkin oats and forcing the rest down because I am fullll!!
I love your muffin tin - I also love that you're having a giveaway!
Yay for you! A jumbo muffin pan :)
I love fall, but I will be in Florida this year :( Which means no pretty leaves changing colors :( :(
I just bought a ton of fall squash and a pumpkin this weekend. I'm trying to ease myself into saying goodbye to summer.
I've never seen those protein bars--they sound good. And I love Stevia..unfortunately, it's SO expensive around here though!
HAHAH Your jumbo pan!! Finally you got one! Love the picture of it in bed! You're so cute. I'm really excited for Fall. Even more excited that it's one step closer to Christmas! :D
Love the muffin pans ;-) I made both soup and chili this weekend in celebration of fall. Though, I must admit I don't like cold one bit! I have one of the Moosewood cookbooks, but I've never made anything out of it.
I am waiting for the perfect time to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks. It is my favorite drink but I try not to drink my calories. I cannot wait for this moment.
i wish i could get "into" oolong...it's just a bit too earthy for me ;) hahahaha the muffin tin in the bed, you would! i bet you are thrilled! last fall food i had was yesterday when i scored a lb can of libby's pumpkin! i'm trying to make it last all week but it will prob be gone in 4 days ha
I love how you made the muffin pan comfy lol.. but not too comfy ;)
Wow! And waht a great find with the cook book! I often overlook the book section at the thriftstore.. I should definitely check it out next time I go. As for the last fall thing I ate? Some pumpkin ginger cookies I baked the other day :)
I love that jumbo muffin tin -- and you are treating it so well already :)
The last fall thing I ate: chili last night and also a pumpkin spice latte yesterday morning!
Yummmm...love Moosewood cookbooks! That is awesome you found it thrifting...jealous! I also adore oolong tea, so good! Can't wait to see ya make some jumbo muffins soon!
Hahaha I love how comfortable you made your muffin tin! And those protein bars look yummy. Love zevia too! My recent fall-ish eat was a bowl of pmupkin oatmeal topped with peanut butter. I can tell I'll be having that a lottt this season!!
Lol, I love the pic of the muffin tin in your bed!
The last autumn-ish food I ate was pumpkin yogurt with maple syrup :)
Haha that muffin tin in your bed picture cracked me up. I have a very bizzare obsession with super tiny or super big muffin tins. It seems like the normal ones are so boring!
I can't believe pumpkin didn't make the list! Weirdo! Just kidding!! :) I love the jumbo muffin pan! It's so you! The regular sized ones should be counted as mini muffins now Haha!
Stevia is addicting!!
<3 Tori
Jumbo muffin tin = big excitement!! I'll be drooling extra hard at all your muffins now :)
I had a delectable pumpkin whoopie pie over the weekend. mmmm x
hooray for fall! love your collection, and your new muffin tin is so perfect for making delicious treats.
i just had pumpkin bread the other day, and i think i am making pumpkin muffins today!
Does the giveaway have anything to do with those protein bars? I would LOVE to try them!
Those bars look wicked! I've never seen them around here :)
Last fall food? Butternut squash of course! Yummm
<3 Tat
Love these fall faves!!! especially the muffin tin!!!!!!!
I just bought a zevia for the first time, going to try it tis week, I got the rootbeer flavor one!
Love u!!!
such great finds,, especially the cookbook!
YAY!! Im glad you got the muffin tin!! :)
I just made the pumpkin millet and chocolate espresso muffins. OH. MY. GOSH. check my blog when you get a chance :) thank you SO MUCH for sharing!!! and i love using those jumbo muffin tins!
yay for jumbo muffins!! i love that you put it in your bed, you are so cute! my apple cinnamon sweet potato muffins were very fall-ish! :)
Moosewood is king. It's like my other bible. I love that book.
Your posts are always so witty and funny. I love it! Gettin' comfy with the muffin tin, huh? lol
I have never heard of or seen those Francines Finest protein bars before. I would really like to try those! Any suggestions on where I can get them..? I'll do some online searching. :)
The last autumn-ish food I ate was a baked kabocha... it's my love. I'll get comfy with a kabocha any day! ;)
I've been eating a lot of warmed apples with cinnamon...apple season is the best.
And roast squash...though Calabaza is on sale so mostly that variety.
I am obsessed with Stevia soda! Omg its so good and def the best invention ever! =)
Love your fall favorites and I need that muffin tin!
I am too excited about pumpkin for fall! I had pumpkin in my yogurt today and it was delicious! It doesn't feel like fall in Vegas yet though. It needs to cool down!
Haha, hooray for jumbo muffin tins! The autumn-ish food? Hmmm...does a cranberry muffin form Starbucks count??
I have been eating figs like they're going out of style- I love them! I am hoping to get some banana bread made pretty soon though.
(Thank you for the sweet comment the other day! You are such a doll!)
I can't wait for the give away!
I LOVE Zevia!! For me its more of a summer favorite though...but its SOO hot in LA right now that I have really been enjoying them, especially the root beer flavor :) YAY.
I have to say another fall favorite are soups and making soups. And pumpkin pie soups are a great and healthy dessert.
Awesome post!
where do you get all your vegan goodness, girl?? are there that many vegans on the island?
haha...i'm not even sure what autumn-is foods are anymore. (our seasons don't change as drastic over here.) er, i think blueberries were in season a few months ago.... :)
I can only imagine what awesome muffin goodness you'll create with those tins :)
The last Autumn-ish food I had was probably the Beet Risotto I made last week. But that will change after tonight!
Yay you got the cookbook!!! What are you going to make first? :) Go with the cauliflower pie. Oh my gosh it's so so good!
I've been loving sweet potatoes lately. Topped with almond butter and granola. New favorite snack :)
Thank you for your kind comments! It looks like we have a lot in common! :)
Whee, you have a jumbo muffin form now! I'm excited to see the creations you'll make with that! (I've never made muffins, but I want to try, and I'll look around your blog for a good recipe!
My last autumn-ish food was a pumpkin and kale stir-fry (fur lunch today), with lots of cinnamom! I could eat that every day!
I love the Moosewood cookbooks! I can't believe you found it for such a fabulous price!! I love everything autumn, especially sipping on pumpkin spice coffee and hot cider :)
I am so jealous of your jumbo muffin tin! I'm searing for one myself. Muffins are so "fall" to me - or "Autumn" for us Aussies ;) I have made lots lately even though it is supposed to be Spring here. Autumn to me also means wholesome soups with sourdough bread.
Heidi xo
I'm so jealous of that great deal on the Moosewood Cookbook! I recently bought one of their cookbooks for almost $40. Yikes!
That tin looks like it's going to make HUGE muffins. Can't wait to see your creations with it. :D
The last fall-ish food I ate is probably the warm grilled vegetable salad that I'm eating right now.
hot pumpkin buckwheat with raisins, vegan protein powder, and coconut butter on top :)
and o.m.g. jumbo muffin tins? im so jealous!!!
I have never heard of the moosewood cook book? looks awesome though! I seriously need your muffin secret, how do they rise SO high for you??? the last fall thing I ate were the pumpkin muffins I made Sunday (recipe tomorrow, and Kelsey reference along with it)
LOVE LOVE LOVE that new muffin tin - and I cant wait to see all the goodies that you make in it!
Yay for a new muffin tin! I'm sure you'll put that to goo use:)
Today I had a pumpkin smoothie for breakfast, and it totally made me feel all warm inside. I love autumn!!
my fall food today was sliced honey maple turkey and white cheese on white bread and dr.pepper. Such tones on autumn.!
Haha.. I don't think any of us are truly surprised by your CSN present. I can't wait to see some gigantic muffins!
The last autumn-ish food I ate would probably have to be a sweet potato.
Thanks for that protein bar link! I have never heard of/seen those!!
And muffin tins are probably one of my most favorite things ever.
Happy Tuesday!
I can't express enough how much I love francine's finest bars!! sooo yummy!!
hmm.. i just ate kabocha squash and I'm thinking that that's pretty autumn-ish ;)
I ate a pumpkin muffin just a few minutes ago...now I wish I had your muffin tins so I could make mine larger! And I love Moosewood cookbooks too...they are one of my healthy favorites, and I have quite a few sitting on my shelf.
I love autumn foods. I really liked the apple pie oats that I had the other day.
Sweet muffin tin!!! That will come in handy!
I love LOVE that Moosewood cookbook! I'm sure you will too. I finally found Libby's pumpkin in my grocery store, so my meals are looking much more "fall like!"
Awesome jumbo muffin tin! What goodies are you going to make with it? Recent fall eats have been pumpkin, pumpkin, squash, pumpkin, pumpkin! :)
Thanks for much for leaving me such an adorable comment! I frequently stop by your blog without commenting :(, but no worries I'm always all caught up! And of course always hoping that you're doing wonderfully and enjoying every last muffin morsel! You are amazing :)
I have that cookbook! I just cooked from it this past weekend, actually - aren't the Moosewood cookbooks great? :)
I can't think of anyone who deserves a jumbo muffin tin more than you! Nice to see you're making it feel right at home ;) Have a great day!
hahhahahah I love the muffin tin in bed. That is like the perfect CSN stores purchase for you. Can't wait to see what you make with it. Last fallish food I ate- squash!
The noodle kugel from that cookbook is my family's go-to recipe. We modify it to make it *a lot* sweeter, but it's crazy good as is.
As far as the last autumn-ish food I ate: I made some stuff acorn squash on Saturday that was de-freaking-licious!
Anything with pumpkin makes me feel "fall-ish".
The protein bars look great. Low fat, all natural and 18 g of protein. Super bar!
I tried that soda for the first time 2 weeks ago. It was the root beer flavor. Wow! it was good.
GREAT deal on that Moosewoods cookbook. Ever been to the restaurant? We went there last summer. It was wonderful! My hubby was a bit scared since he is a meat eater but soon calmed down once he tasted his food.
am finishing up a bowl of pear baked oatmeal as i type. i love fall flavors!
i have three moosewood cookbook and cherish them all. they too remind me of fall. lots of good recipes for soups and oven meals. i don't think you will regret your purchase!
I've never heard of those Protein bars before. I'm always on the look out for gluten-free... I believe the hunt is on! Thanks, Kelsey!
Looking forward to your first giveaway...
I've been eating at least two apples a day. I love them - they quench my thirst, and have been so delicious lately. I have two packed in my purse right now.
hahaha I just cracked up at the image of your cupcake pan under the covers! too funny!
Looking forward to your Giveaway :)
Have a great day chica!!
Yay for the jumbo muffin pan! Whit and I just made your Espresso Choc. Chip mufffins. They were amazing. We have been having them for breakfast, snack, and now I am enjoying one crumbled over my oats. We are definitely going to make the other ones now :P
I love pumpkin!
You are so cute with your giant muffins tins, I just love you and your blog!!
Dana xox
You needed those giant muffin tins! ;)
And exciting about the upcoming giveaway.
Kelsey, that muffin tin is PERFECT for you!!! ;) Those bars sound fantastic, too. Chocolate pumpkin seed...yum!
Sweet! I cannot wait to see what wonderful things you make in that muffin pan. Ahhh.
I love autumn food! I'm ecstatic for fall, pumpkin and all those wonderful things. The last fall-type food I had was an apple pie protein shake this morning. It was wonderful; I'm posting about it tomorrow. :)
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