Growing up, I was an observant child,
with a mind that ran a mile a minute.
Everything I saw, felt, heard, ate and drank fascinated me,
and like a human sponge, I wanted to experience it all.
Creativity lead my life.
It's no surprise that childhood albums are filled with photos
of me baking in aprons
, whipping batter, folding in raisins,
and impatiently waiting for muffins to rise. Little Miss Muffet
was my hero and baking was my canvas.
21 years of watching my Mother in the kitchen baking muffins
garners me quite the culinary resume, or so I like to think.
From "Assistant Baker" to "Lead Baker", I've evolved
over the years. My muffins rise higher, settle faster, look
cleaner, and taste better. My hunger for technique only grows
stronger as I join the millions of others who strive to
Daily Muffin Runs to the Bakery have lead me to this post.
Could it be possible to adapt a bakery-style muffin
home, without the use of a recipe, and only using the
ingredient list as a guide?
Well, I took it upon myself to challenge that precise question...
1. Espresso Chocolate Chip Muffin
2. Pumpkin Millet Muffin
3. Vegan Bran Muffin
My favorite part of baking the day away?
xoxo Love,
Note: Over the week I will post the recipes I created from the
ingredient lists, so you too can have Bakery Muffins at home!
ingredient lists, so you too can have Bakery Muffins at home!
Good luck on your Project Food Blog Challenge - this is a great start :)
Good luck with the challenge, Kelsey!
I have to say, you did an amazing job with your muffins! It looks like THEY should be the ones in the bakery.
I love this challenge! Your muffins look more....flavourful(?)and prettier than the muffins from the bakery. I bet they tasted better too. :)
(I love your headband/scarf thinger!)
The espresso chocolate chip sounds fab.
I'm ridiculously awful at baking muffins. So I always seem to prefer the bakery ones as my "treat". I think it's fantastic you can do that at home!
Girl your muffins look way better than the bakery muffins - maybe it's the love you put into them ;-)
Kelsey you are a muffin machine! Your muffins look amazing.
Good luck with the challenge :D
Holy wow! I don't even know what to say.. you are a crafty lady :)
Thos actually look flawless. I am SO impressed, and I can't wait to see the recipes that you've created. I would have never thought to just use the ingredient list :P
<3 Tat
PS. You are so gorgeous!
You know I love your muffins! Good luck on the project!
I must say, your homemade muffins look equally, if not fantastically better, than the bakery ones. And they probably tasted better simply because you put love into them (i know you did..). Love it! Such a fun thing baking is!
Love the intro story too.
Great first post - I love how you've been experimenting with muffin recipes. Looks like you've really got the homemade muffins down. Those tops look like the best part.
You are so cute! And clearly a GENIUS in the kitchen. I am seriously impressed with your muffin skills!!
Too cute!! OMG I love your hair is soooo long and gorgeous!!
Your muffins look BETTER than the bakery ones. I think you found a calling of yours girl. I love baking relaxing to me!
i loveeeee this post. you remind me of me in so many ways :)
a few years ago my love for baking really took off. i was literally in the kitchen every day. i created my own muffin recipes and just got ideas from other recipes. i have some ridiculous ones written in my little recipe book, but they are delicious. im still in the kitchen baking like crazy when i can, it actually is relaxing for me and i love giving my family healthy baked goods, and nothing beats the feeling of all the compliments you get! my mom use to be the main baker too, now i took over. i always wanted to open my own homey cafe, and one day i still hope i can. anyway, when i first read your tip about heating up the oven to help them rise i got soo excited because i had never heard that before (ive only heard about having a baking dish of water underneath, and that didn't work for me) i'm looking forward to trying your recipes, i would choose homemade over bakery any day! send some my way?? :) xoxo
WOW - they look freakin' amazing!!!!
Amazing project! You're muffins look much better than the bakery ones - I can't wait for the recipes. Your baking talent never ceases to amaze me.
I'm really glad your yoga training went well yesterday. Wishing you the best of luck with it.
And thank you for your wonderful comment on my last post - that quote was so perfect. Just what I needed to hear! Thanks girl!
x Hannah x
I love this entry!! You're so incredible for being able to make those muffins look exactly like the bakery ones! and I'm sure they taste just as fabulous if not better :)
You're officially my muffin-idol having recreated those bakery style muffins! I've been trying, each time I bake at home - to recreate the crunchy, big-top muffins I see at bakeries and cafes and have failed desperately each time. Can't wait for your recipes (esspecially the pumpkin one!!! ;D).
Good luck on the Project Food Blog Challenge!!
I'll take homemade ;)
These all look fantastic!! I love your ability to just replicate them so perfectly. And good luck with Project Food Blog!!
kelsey! get on over here and make me some muffins!
heehee... just joking. but yours do look incredibly fantastic. and you know i have a weak spot for muffins ;)
how did yours taste in comparison to the bakery ones? they look even better... tbh :)
p.s. thank you for your comment on my post "Je veux"... you weren't negative at all. merely nostalgic and desiring of what you want, and there's nothing wrong with that. i think truly, everyone just wants to be loved underneath it all. we all want that special someone.
take care love. you're in my heart :)
I can't wait for the expresso chocolate chip muffin recipe! It sounds and looks so good! And I love the bow in your hair.
Oh and your suggestion on using a knife for nut butters is a great one! I have been doing that when putting pb on my sweet potatoes instead of using spoons. So far, so good. :)
Umm hi, can you PLEASE send me some of YOUR muffins. Oh my lanta my mouth was watering looking at all those gorgeous things! I can't wait for all the recipes. I will be running out asap to get the ingredients!
I love love love your long hair. For real, it's beautiful!
I'd have to say that YOUR muffins look better than homemade!
Cute post Kels! All of those muffins look fantastic! Way better than the bakery versions I think. I mean, they have the secret ingredient of LOVE so how could they not be?
Dang, Kelsey! You are incredible! I LOVE this post. Pleaseeeee send me some of those muffins, hehe. :P I can't wait for the recipes!
Kelsey! What a creative, cute post. You are going to do awesome at this challenge because each of your posts are bursting with vitality, creativity and so much beauty! Thanks for sharing with make me smile every day!
Oooo, are any of the muffins gluten-free? They just looks SOOO good. :)
Wow, those are some really good-looking muffins Kelsey:)
Also, did you dye your hair? It looks awesome!! You look really cute too!
Oh my, please share the recipes with us - these look so perfect, I´m in awe of your culinary ability!! I think I have to learn to cherish the muffin, hehe ;) somehow they´re still a fear food of mine, but I guess I simply have to change that!
Thanks lovie <3
xoxo Mel
your... muffins... are... incredible...!!! would loooooove to see those recipes. x
Your homemade muffins look sooo much better than the bakery! Awesome job girl!
That is so awesome that you did this. Yours look way better than the bakery's muffins! :D I seriously can't wait for you to post the recipes!!
PS. Your hair is so long and gorgeous!
So fun!!
I really love that book in the first pic, I have a thing for old book covers ;)
What a neat idea to do a baking comparison are definitely the muffin queen :-)
Sarah x
Oh my goodness, Kelsey, this was fabulous! You have to win this :) You look great, and so do your muffins! (I expect to be seeing those recipes!)
oh my goodness i had no idea your hair was that long!! gorgeous! the muffins are really really close! i doubt i'd have been able to tell them apart, nicely done miss squirrel!
Wow! I could have never chosen which is which. They look exactly like the bakery muffins! You got some talent :)
Mine would have came out looking like it's wimpy second cousin! Ha! I could never just bake something on whim with no recipe and only a list of ingredients. I need measurements and such!!!
<3 Tori
Your muffins look every bit as good as the bakery ones. I'd be interested to see your recipe for vegan bran muffins! I've been making a lot of vegan muffins lately but they tend to come out a wee bit dry.
p.s. I love the hairband/bow
Kelsey your muffins look so wonderful!
And you are so cute with the bow in your hair. What I love about your blog is that is so refreshing and I just smile every time I read your posts!
ah! this is great and you are too much fun :) in all cases, i think yours look BETTER than the bakery version. perhaps owning a bakery is in your future?!
I totally enjoyed this post. You are so creative and fun:-).
Makes me wish I lived a little closer so I could EAT some of those muffins.
Is that creepy? It might just be creepy.
YAY! I've been wanting to make some muffins soon so i am really glad you are going to share your recipes! :)
I think that all 3 of your homemade totally trump the store bought! Can't wait for the recipes to be posted!
you are so freaking cute! i love your muffins and wished you lived here so you could bake for me! :) XO
love it!! Your homemade muffins look much more moist and fresh!
Ooo I love that your muffins look as good, if not BETTER than the bakery muffins! Seems to me that maybe you should be the one with your muffins in the bakery! Goodluck on the challenge!
You are so adorable! And your muffins look amazing. I don't know much about this project food blog thing, but everyone seems to be doing it. Good luck! I can't wait to see some of your delicious muffy recipes.
By the way, congratulations on starting yoga teacher training! It sounds great. I hope you love it.
Your homemade creations look just as good, if not better, than the bakery versions.
I really wish I could taste that espresso chocolate chip muffin. Looks delish!
Yours look just as good as the restaurant ones, if not better! Can't wait for the recipes!
I love this post, and you look especially adorable! I love your hair and bow!
You are so cute!!! I wish I could enjoy these with you! :)
I love this! :)
Muffins are SO good and I never, ever make them. I really should, especially since I stole my mom's muffin tin.
I will be positively distraught if you don't post the recipes!! Those look DELICIOUS.
You are so wonderful, Kelsey! What a great post, and seriously.. I want to see these pictures of you when you were a wee one :D How adorable they must be! May I also mention that I love your muffins! They bakery ones look cool too, but yours have a real rustic quality about them.. truly artisan :) And I bet they taste awesome too. Gosh, everyone in your household is lucky to have you around. Of course for way more than your muffins. You are one of those people that is able to just transcend your spirit into lots of things I imagine.. I can feel it in your blog.
XOXO best of luck!!!
p.s. can't wait for the recipes!
Ohmygoodness, I freaking love your muffin pics. Hello, food porn! Yours look better...especially the first one. Yours looks like it has better texture and more chocolate chips...which is always a good thing ;) Love the headband, btw!
Creativity definitely leads your life. I cannot believe how incredibly talented you are. I love your first post! I hope you win :) You deserve it. I cannot wait for the muffin recipes! I want to make the pumpkin millet muffin :) Do you have a giant muffin pan?
You are so talented! I'm blown away by your muffin baking skills (and your beauty!)
I think yours look even better than bakery :)
WHAT?!?!?!!?!?!?! Your muffins look EXACTLY like the ones from the store. How crazy, and also, awesome! :)
I decided to save you a few steps and send you a recipe for floating islands (iles flottants):
Maybe you can make them at home now?? :)
I think, I just think, that the vegan bran muffin top (the homemade one) is my favourite. I'm a nibbler: I'm that person who picks at the muffin top bit by bit, til it's all gone, then I'll peel the bottom. But that particular muffin top is making my fingers all twitchy. I want!!
Ok, now that's out of my system I have a few issues to address: 1. Horay for being back at and enjoying school!! I'm quite excited to read about yoga-teachering :)
2. Your hair is magnificent!!I didn't realise it was so long. I keep wanting to cut mine all off, and then feel like it would be a little death, and so it stays.
3. Good luck with the foodbuzz challenge thing.
4. you make good muffins, but we already knew that, so this point is sort of redundant ;)
haha...those pictures are hilarious! but hey, why don't MY muffins look like that? seriously, i don't even get a muffin-top on my muffins (sigh.) one of these days i'll take a picture and you can tell me what i'm doing wrong :)
look how long your hair is!!! I love those pics of you, so pretty!!!
I think the homemade muffins look a little better than the bakery muffins :-)
I can't wait for the recipe, my muffins don't rise like that!!!!
omgoodness. that is amazing. how did you do that!!! so cool. wow. nice job. you should own a bakery! and wow your hair is so pretty and long! and..definatly homemade. :)
wow you are a muffin champion. I could never make muffins that look like that. Also I love your muffin modeling - prehaps you have a career there?!
Those pictures of you are just far, FAR too cute!
Oh Cascadia Bakery, how I miss thee. Especially their chocolate peanut butter oat bar. If you could, please recreate the delicious Lemon Cranberry muffin from Market On Yates. It is my muffin weakness.
Wow, your home-made muffins look adorable! I can't believe you made them from just the ingredients list, without a recipe! You're a muffin expert! :D
This post is so cute! I'm glad you were up for such a challenge! The muffins look EXACTLY the same, you did a great job! Enjoy your weekend :)
So cute! I love your blog! Your muffins are unbelievable and actually look better than store bought!
WowWowWow! So impressed with your baking prowess!
I have no doubt that you'll go far in this contest! And even if you don't win "The Next Food Blog Star," you already are THE Muffin Blog Star! xoxoxo
I love the idea of this post. And homemade, all the way - I believe the punk credo (from my long-ago punk days) is DIY for life!
Your muffin loyalty is admirable - they are, after all, among the world's cutest foods, and even the word makes you smile. I dare anyone to say muffin with a frown!
wow, I am SO impressed by your muffins! I think that this means your "homemade" needs to be sold in a bakery!
I love this! You totally can't tell the difference.
And you are the cutest!
This is genius. I can't believe it - they look JUST the same!
This is the coolest challeng I have seen yet for this competition. :) I can't wait to see the recipes you used. Muffins and scones are my favorite!
I find your muffin making to be quite genius like. I always wonder about making a store bought muffin at home using just the ingredients, but it would most definitely be a disaster if I did it. Yours is amazing!
Kelsey you are amazing!!!! AND SOO cute as little Miss Muppet :) You are so inspiring :)
You are so talented to come up with recipes like that!!
Yummmm you did an amazing job recreating all of these bakery muffins! I'll take a dozen please. :D
Amazing post! Good luck!
voted! a girl who loves muffins as much as I do :)
Do I have to say I love this? Do I have to say who I am voting for?
Such a good idea. And I think in all instances your muffins looks better than the bakery ones!
you're too cute. of course i voted!
such a cute post,..u definetly made my morning
Your homemade muffins look so close to the store bought ones, I'm impressed. You've got my vote!
Lick My Spoon
dang im impressed. anytime i need muffins i should just use your recipes!!!
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