What do I do when I crave both a Taco Bowl Salad for lunch and a Salmon Salad too?
I simply combine the two into a Taco Bowl Salmon Salad!!
Wild salmon
, canola mayonnaise
, red onions, green onions, lemon juice, salt,
pepper, and dill... sitting on a bed of lettuce tucked into a warm tortilla
taco bowl.
You can find how to make quick and easy crispy tortilla bowls here.
Finding balance means allowing yourself to occasionally enjoy a gluttony plethora gargantuan an abundance of orgasmic delicious Oven Roasted Sweet Potatoes!
Through many trials, I have found my favorite combination of
, cayenne
, paprika
, parsley flakes
and a dash of sage
Yes, it's still embarrassing to admit I eat all of this in one sitting...
but it's also fun to hear all of you gasp at the fact hehe
To say I am addicted or obsessed to sweet potatoes is an UNDERSTATEMENT!
Mama Mia! Gotta love how the oven works its magic ;)
Questions: Do you add spices to your meals
often? What spices do you use most frequently?
I have been using a lot of cumin lately, but I also love chili powder and cinnamon. I love the idea of making my own taco bowl with a tortilla - yum!
YUM! All your food looks fantastic like always :)
I like adding spices to everything! I use cinnamon a lot on oats and apples. Curry and indian spices with eggplant. Chili powder, rosemary, oregano on different veggies. BASIL! On pizza :)
i am in love with your potato addiction :) that taco bowl looks SO good, something I would totally make! i love thyme, oregano, parsley and basil- especially when they're fresh!
I LOVE adding spices! I use curry powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, oregano, thyme, and chili flakes the most.
mexican lunches are the BEST lunches. fact
holy cow, yes still gasping over here :p how many potatoes is that? I think it's hilarious that you are so ridiculously tiny yet eat that many potatoes in one sitting. oh i love you kelsey :)
I love cinnamon!! and basil! cayenne, parsely, onion... :)
garlic :) haha
How many potatos do you use?
it looks SOOO goooooood <3
Oh it looks delish!
I always put chili flakes in about everything!
Just curious, do all those sweet potatoes make your skin orange? That's a lotta vitamin a! Lol. My favorite seasonings are Italian, lemon pepper, Cayenne, and cinnamon
Heheheh I'm always amazed at the fact your tiny stomach can fit all of those sweet potatoes! Stretchy pants ! hahaha
Love you girlie,
I'm obsessed with sweet potato too! I'm just afraid I'll turn orange :D
I love cinnamon, curry and cumin. Oh and oregano. and dill, but the fresh one :)
You gotta try adding CUMIN as a spice, SO SO SO good!!!!
I don't know how you fit all those sweet potatoes in your tummy! I had to show my boyfriend and he was shocked, not even he could eat that much and he loves potatoes!
I would totally eat that whole tray as well. Ain't no shame in my game! ;)
And that taco bowl is brillz... totally gonna be copying that one!
ah!! thank you for remindingme to make your taco tortilla creation!!
Although it's a little boring, I add garlic and black pepper to almost everything I cook! Love their simplicity. Dill is another favourite, as is parsley, onion, chives, and red pepper flakes.
I have to say that I am totally head over heals in love with sweet potatoes! I roasted them with ginger, oranges and tumeric this week and have been lovin' them especially mashed up in my oats!
I use dill in EVERYTHING, I swear. It's my go-to herb. (I'm assuming it's not a spice.)
Curry powder, pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon are the most used spices of mine. I like my sweet potatoes plain though.
Eek! I would INHALE that rather small, totally one serving of potatoes. my mouth is watering..
You do not eat that many roasted vegetables at one time! Do you?! Haha!
I absolutely adore rosemary. And I've really been into Indian spices lately: turmeric, coriander, cumin. All so good!
Oh my...that really is a LOT of sweet potatoes! My favourite spices are coriander, cumin, paprika (mainly for colour!) and turmeric. For fresh herbs, I love basil, cilantro, chives.
I don't like eating anything plan. I love pepper, crushed red pepper, basil, and cilantro. I always have to be putting a little added something to all my food.
I just love your spice combination! That sounds excellent!
I am trying to experiment with more spice combinations. It makes such a difference with taste.
I love looking at your pictures of Oven roasted sweet potatos. They look soo amazing, especially with all that steam rising up!! Yum!
I like the only spices I like on savory dishes are pepper and cumin. Cinnamon, for me, is reserved for ice cream ;)
Your potato addiction sounds like it can rival my utter devotion to ketchup :)
Oh man, those look SO good! I love sweet potatoes, but have never tried them with those seasonings before...I will now though! :)
Haha, I love the fact that you eat it all at once- cause I totally would too!
That spice combo sounds delicious! I'm going to have to try that sometime. I usually like to put cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice on my sweet potatoes. It makes me feel like I'm eating dessert. ;)
I don't use a lot of spices, although I should!
I should start buying them in bulk, because the ones in the jars are usually expensive. Two spices that I always have on hand are cinnamon and ginger. I also always have himalayan sea salt with kelp, and herbamare seasoning. and I add dulse flakes as a seasoning to savoury dishes.
Cinnamon is actually awesome on sweet potatoes....with a big spoonful of coconut butter...have you ever tried that? I know you like your savoury, but if you're ever in the mood for sweet I promise that combo is amazinggg :)
i hope you and potatoes never break up - your love is so enduring :)
(. . . how many potaotes is that?)
I love spices!!! Your Potatoes look AMAZING!!!!
Girlll, I am addicted to sweet potatoes too. NO SHAME!!
Love spices! I use cinnamon & ginger a lot in baking and oatmeal. Cinnamon is one of my favorite flavors. It's really good on sweet potatoes too!
For spicy foods, I use tons of cumin and curry.
Oooh I love your sweet potato bowls!!! Honestly I've tried to eat as many at once as you do, but I can never seem to make it past 5 without getting a realllllly bad stomach ache! I use cumin, cinnamon, cayenne, curry powder and garlic salt literally everyday and all the time. 'Es 'ze best:)
I absolutely love sweet potatoes, and yours look so good! One spice I use absolutely all the time is cinnamon, and A LOT of it.
Yum! I'm in a total spice rut - I think when I go to the store this weekend, I'm going to buy a new one!
Those sweet potatoes look absolutely amazing!
this is a wonderful salad right up my alley oh and I use spices all the time, Indian, Middle Eastern Herbs love em all
As an avid lover of roasted sweet potatoes also, I highllllyyyyyy recommend (highly) to try oregano, basil, rosemary, cumin, coriander, pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, thyme, garlic, and onion
I know, its a lot, but i basically toss almost everything from my cabinet. Also, i make wedges then i dip them into plain greek yogurt. Holy orgasm.
Good eating! :)
I love adding curry to my veggies! That, or Mrs. Dash's Extra Spicy. :)
I have been trying to add more curry powder to my roasted veggies. I've heard that tumeric does amazing things for your body! And I love seeing your bowls/mugs of sweet potatoes. They make me happy because they make you so happy! Thank you for sharing with me. I hope you have a great weekend. I'm ready for some warmth!
Oh! The oven roasted sweet potatoes are back in town! ;)
I love to use thyme on my steamed vegetables like broccoli and carrots.
I always use dill in dishes with salmon. And curry when I eat prawns.
And basil on my tomatoes. Yummy!
I use spices whenever possible! I try to add them to my toddler's food, too, whenever I can because I want him to develop a varied palate early on. No bland baby food here! lol
He's loving roasted sweet potato sticks, and I think of you every time I make them for him! :)
I love, love, love sweet potatoes with a bit of sweet curry powder! Or italian seasoning (similar to what you do) and then dipped in hummus. YUM!
Whenever I roast sweet potatoes, I typically just throw some salt on em and let em go. But next time I am SO trying this spice blend!
That looks like my type of pile that I'd shovel in my mouth after a run! I often use Turmeric and am just about to embrace the elusive WHOLE cardamon seeds! Dunno what I'm going to do with them yet! I also adore and abuse cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and although not a ground spice...I love sriracha! So glad I found your blog Kelsey! Healthy Day!
YIPEEE! Your sweet potatoes look as amazing as ever! I have gone without sweet potatoes for a few days now and I forgot how much I NEED them again!
I use spices all the time, and I use a little of everything.
spice is the way of life! And you got it covered girl.
I'm waiting for you to create a potato cookbook!
i always season with cumin. practically everything.
I love em all...especially rosemary..but I must admit I recently picked up some smoked paprika and after adjusting to the taste I think I am addicted!
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