For the past few mornings, I've woken up to pinkish-purple, blue, and yellow skies.
So I stood in my living room for a good 10 minutes, blissfully
sipping my tea
and watching the sky transform in front of me.
It seemed like the perfect day to get in a good workout. For the past few weeks I
haven't done much besides walking and yoga, so I took to the hills for a hike/run...
Let's back-track a bit first. I needed a Protein Latte
before I headed out, just the right mid-morning boost :)
Okay, now back to my Trail Hike/Run... although I didn't bring
my camera with me, you can see the trail here on my last hike.
To make up for it, I took a few sweaty post-workout photos...
Sweaty mess... but it felt really good to get a good winter workout in!
I've gained a lot more muscle tone in my body. Mostly because
i'm doing less cardio and more resistance and strength training.
But building and maintaining muscle mass is essential
and I have no plans to decrease my protein powder intake just yet :)
Im so glad you are enjoying the more weight training and no cardio! I love weight training more, I do little cardio now days, maybe a day or two, but I am teaching a dance fitness which is cardio but I do lots of weight training and resistance exercises daily ; )
U look beautiful love! Happy Saturday!
These skies are so gorgeous - I cant imagine tere is a better way to start or end a day - starbucks and a beautiful sky with yoga! Bliss =]
Hi Snackingsquirrel,
You have a nice blog.
I don't do any cardio other than a short daily walk. And occasionally during the week, I try to do 15-20 minutes of yoga. The 2 tapes I have are really basic though. Any suggestions for others? I don't do "yoga download" cause viewing things off a computer is weird and awkward.
Have you ever had a long period in life where you only walked? No other cardio? That would be my life :)
Love those photos! Sunsets are pretty much my fave thing to watch, ever. :)
Looks like you got a sick workout in-thata girl!!!!!
Those pics are crazy-so colorful!
such a pretty sunrise! You captured it well!
Such a gorgeous day in your part of the world!
Enjoy the weekend, Kelsey!
I love waking up to pretty skies. It puts me in such a good mood for the rest of the day!
Nice work on the muscles girl!
Gorgeous sky!
WOW! You are such a powerful woman in these pictures and you sound happy too! The protein latte sounds GREAT..YUM...and I have to say that I LOVE Roots and your Roots shirt is sooo cute. I wish we had Roots in America. When I was in Vancouver I bought like 3 pair of their sweatpants, which are so soft.
I'm going to try getting up at dawn as well...I read that it is very healthy to be outside at dawn. It is great for one's body to feel that cycle happen, if that makes any sense.
Take care!
those are such gorgeous photos!!
Those pictures are so pretty! The best sunsets / sunrises are in the winter :)
ooohhh I want a protein latte! I'm glad you enjoyed your run! I'm more of of a yoga person myself but I do have to admit Belly Dancing is a lot of fun too! : )
looking cute even when you're sweaty! =P
i love that starbucks mug!
Beautiful pictures!! The feeling after a good workout is the best!
What an amazing view! Such a beautiful site to see in the morning! I adore weight training...I do cardio a few days a week, but lifting just makes me feel so strong and confident!
Those pictures look beautiful, such a nice sight to wake up to. :)
What a beautiful morning<3
I've never thought about putting protein powder in my coffee - thanks for the great idea!
You can totally tell how the shape of your body has changed!
Congratulations on being one strong girl! :P
Awesome winter workout!!
AND awesome protein-ness ;)
I've been seeing the same gorgeous skies!! I took a few pictures on my camera too. :)
You're gorgeous. The sky is gorgeous. And that latte is definitely gorgeous! ;)
Those pictures are gorgeous!! By the way, the pic with me and the pumpkin head was taken around Halloween, so it was a decoration a friend of mine had haha!
That's a delicious looking latte!
You are sweating outside!
I haven't been outside for a walk even in months...I'm such a wimp in the cold ;) Oh well.
The latte looks great :) Do you find you don't get enough protein without the supplements?
Sunsets and sunrises mesmerise me. So many vibrant colours than nature only puts together at special moments like that.
I love walking when its cold outside, so refreshing!
Beautiful photos! Glad you had a good hike and were able to enoy the weather. :)
Beautiful sky!
I hate cardio, but I walk a lot. When I need to do some cardio, I download a bunch of movies and podcasts. Love the FitCast.
Nothing beats a hike/run on a gorgeous morning! Breathing fresh air and taking in the scenery is so invigorating.
Horray for pumping iron! Weight lifting has *completely* changed my relationship with exercise, as well as my perception of my body. And not from a vanity point of view (although the muscle definition IS nice)...I truly feel stronger on the inside!
I love your idea of mixing protein powder into a latte!
I would LOVE to run with skies like that in the background. So pretty!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Those sunrise pictures are breathtaking - it makes me wish I were ever up at this time of morning. And protein lattes are a brilliant idea!
The sunsets/rises have been beautiful lately. I just adore all the colours the sky turns! And I love your Starbuck's cup!!
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