19 August 2011

Cherry Soft Serve and Hybrid Sweet Potatoes

Yesterday morning I whipped up another Cherry Soft Serve/Smoothie

Frozen Cherries, Banana, Almond Milk, and Ice

The finished swirled and layered result

With a fresh plump cherry on top 

But make sure you eat it quickly before it starts to melt!

Lunch was a slightly burnt Grilled Wrap

 Sauteed Spinach, Cottage Cheese, Chicken, and Red Onion

And like always, I put it in the George Foreman Grill, only this time I got distracted 
reading the horoscopes in yesterday's paper! ...hence the reason it got a little charred

Here's a new Sweet Potato/Yam we haven't seen on Snacking Squirrel yet

I found it at Red Barn Market, thinking it was 
a jumbo version of a Japanese Sweet Potato

But when I looked inside, it was orange! 

The ironic thing is that it tastes exactly like a hybrid of a


Christin@purplebirdblog said... [reply]

Lovely set of eats, my dear! I am coveting that giant sweet potato, and I'll be right over if you promise to whip up a bowl of that breakfast amazingness! ;)

Felicia (Natural + Balanced) said... [reply]

that soft serve looks gorgeous + delicious!!

Lauren said... [reply]

Ahh that potato is crazy weird! But probs delish :)

Jessica said... [reply]

So pretty: I can only aspire to presentation like that.

After finally finding Japanese sweet potatoes I have become addicted to them: fourth day in a row I'm going to have them for dinner!


Anonymous said... [reply]

What a lovely breakfast! I have to try the slanted layered style-- it is so pretty! (I think I know what breakfast tomorrow ;))

Unknown said... [reply]

i like those japanses sweet potatoes. maybe its the deep purple, hehe.
hows your yoga teaching going??

Natalie @ TheFirstKitchen.com said... [reply]

That lovely cherry soft serve parfait looks delicious! I love Japanese sweet potatoes but I've only seen the type that has purple in the middle.

Anonymous said... [reply]

I made pretty much the exact same cherry smoothie for breakkie today... only with a few blackberries thrown in for fun!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Love the look of your oatmeal swirl in the cherry soft serve! Yum!

Marianne (frenchfriestoflaxseeds) said... [reply]

Your parfait is very stunning - love the vibrant colour from the cherry soft serve. And as always I am amazed by the flakiness of those grilled tortilla wraps.

Anonymous said... [reply]

That parfait looks really fun and healthy :) what a great colour too!
*kisses* HH

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oh my gosh how'd you get to swirl?! That's beautiful! And looks soo good! One thing I have to say is that your wraps always look like something I want to eat (sans the meat lol). But seriously, they look so full of yummy bites. I love Japanese sweet potatoes... I wonder if maybe they mislabeled it? Or maybe it is a hybrid? Call in the experts! :p


Lucie said... [reply]

Oh, soft serve - i love this idea!


Anna said... [reply]

Ahaha, I think it's too early in the morning for me to be reading blogs - I thought that first shot of the cherry softserve was a lung or a tongue or something!! I definitely need more caffeine. But I love how you swirled it; how did you do that?!

Hannah Bone said... [reply]

I quite like the swirl of your soft serve!

I always liked a bit of burnt crispness, your wraps always look so mouthwatering!
And your eats are always so colorful, you seem to have a rainbow for a diet :)

Chelsea said... [reply]

Your swirled breakfast looks so pretty!

Sarah B @ Bake + Bike said... [reply]

Beautiful breakfast! I love the swirl effect.

Your grilled wraps always make me hungry!! Maybe one day I'll get a sandwich press...

Anonymous said... [reply]

That cherry softserve/overnight oats combo looks so pretty swirled! Love the presentation, it makes me feel hungry for breakfast already and I just ate dinner...

Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean said... [reply]

that is the prettiest smoothie bowl i've ever seen! love it! and i also love that sweet potato. i'm obsessed with them and that one is so pretty. you've inspired me to find a japanese sweet potato!

Anonymous said... [reply]

That is by far the best looking oats + smoothie combo I've ever seen. I'm loving the swirl! Perfect photo op.

Anonymous said... [reply]

The swirl is beautiful! I just froze a few bananas to make smoothies this weekend. I like your idea of cottage cheese in a wrap, haven't seen that before!

Aine @ Something to Chew Over said... [reply]

Yum I love the idea of cherry soft serve! I've only had it with bananas - this looks delicious :)

Femme Virtue said... [reply]

they all look so yummy, and healthy too!!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Can I come round for breakfast?!

Anonymous said... [reply]

That panini looks INSANE, oh man like so good! I love the George Forman, makes any sandwich better!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I am amazed that you can tell the difference between two types of sweet potatoes enough to be able to spot a hybrid! That is impressive!

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