Follow me as a tour through Whole Foods for the first time
Capers Community Market & Whole Foods on Cambie
The Cambie Whole Foods is modern and gorgeous,
with greenery growing up the side of the building
Stepping inside
Smoothie and Juice Bar
You know me, I headed to the Bakery right away
Massive Muffins!!!
Power Muffins, Kitchen Sink Muffins (which contains everything but the
kitchen sink), Banana Chocolate Chip, Cranberry Orange, Lemon Blueberry,
Raspberry Oatmeal, Chocolate Espresso, and The Vegan "Supa" Muffin
They also have two Gluten Free options; Ginger Rice and Banana Rice Muffins
Not to forget the Cookies along with many other Desserts and Pastries
Organic Oats
: Rolled, Quick, Steel Cut, Baby
Local and Organic Granolas
& Cereals
Wall of Nut and Seed Butters
Wall of Energy Bars
and Snack Bars
Clif Bars, Larabars, ProBars, MacroBars, Elevate Me Bars, Luna Bars etc.
Wall of Chocolate Bars
Organic Trail Mix
Hazelnuts, Cashews, Raisins, Almonds, Chocolate Wafers, Dried Cranberries etc.
"Hit the trail today"
Meat Department and Deli - all the Sausage and Bacon you want
Canned Salmon
They had my favourite Raincoast Trading Wild Canned Salmon on sale!
Wall of Tea
Om Tea :)
Wall of Coffee
Cute labels on Backyard Beans
Hot and Cold Buffet Bar
Casseroles, Stews, Roasted Vegetables, Pastas. Potato Salad, Macaroni, Falafels...
Plenty of take-out meal options
Chickpea Salad, Kale and Quinoa Salad, Macaroni Salad,
Beet Slaw, Coleslaw, Broccoli Salad, Tomato Salad etc.
The Salad Bar
Three different varieties of Lettuce and Mixed Greens
Raw Vegetables: Red Onion, Cucumber, Red Pepper,
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cherry Tomatoes, Corn Kernels
Proteins: Edamame, Marinated Tofu, Peas, Tuna and Chicken
Salad Toppings: Cashews, Pecans, Almonds,
Currants, Raisins, Cranberries, Mixed Cheeses and Feta
Cooked Grains: Barley, Quinoa, Wheatberry, Wild Rice,
Black Pearl Barley, Pearl Barley, and Black Beans (non-grain)
Salad Dressings
and Seasonings
Fruit Salad Bar: Yogurt, Granola, Strawberries,
Cantaloupe, Honeydew Melon and Red Grapes
They also carry plenty of pre-made meals like Pizza...
Sandwiches, Subs, and Wraps
Every Salad imaginable
Raw Walnut Fudge Brownies
from Organic Lives in Vancouver
Entrees and Ethnic Foods
Chicken Dinners, Rice, and Lasagna
Adorable pre-packed Kid's Lunch Boxes Bags; Ham &
Cheese Sandwich with Apple Juice, Raisins, and a Cookie
And lastly, Sushi
After you're done shopping for groceries, you can hit up
the Authentic Foods Station to order Breakfast or Lunch
Or sit in the designated Cafe Lounge while enjoying a tea and muffin (or cookie)
And if all else fails, grab some Gelato at the
Allegro Espresso Bar before heading out the door
Up Next: Find out what I bought at Whole
Foods with a look inside my Grocery Bag
Spoiler: I bought 3 kinds of muffins;
I know you want to know which ones :)
Whole foods is amazing..another thing I'll miss about California lol But MAYBE it's a good thing that there's no Whole Foods in Florida! ;)
Aaaaah, that store is glorious!!! Our closest obe us 75 miles away but still worth the trip now and then. Love! Can't wait to see your loot. :)
Waw, I like that granola and oat bar!
Garsh I just adore Whole Foods. If only I had the money to shop there everyday!!!!
Love Whole Foods!! I wish I could go more :) can't wait to see more pics!
This is so... mean. All that food - AND IT'S SO FAR AWAY!!
Damn you, Canada. We need more Whole Foods everywhere!
I'm surprised you got away with taking so many photos in there - they are generally not photo friendly in their stores. It was fun to see all the pics though, because I know exactly where everything is in the store. I miss not being in class, because it means I don't get to pop in on my way home from school to browse.
Oh my. You did such an amazing job of capturing the overwhelming plethora within whole foods. Yum!
I LOVE whole foods!
I'll go as far to say that it might just be heaven on earth! ;)
I'm excited to see what you bought in there! :D
This was the first Whole Foods I ever went to! (I live in Chilliwack).
I'm heading to Van this weekend for the fireworks, I might just have to make another pit stop!
That WF is huge! Mine doesn't even have a juice bar. :( But it does have an awesome tea wall. I love all the different types of tea that WF carries!
Wow!!!! Kelsey, you and your crazy camera girl. Whole Foods should give you marketing residuals for this post!!! I feel like I just took a tour of the whole store. In fact I was only enamoured more of your gorgeous purple nail polish!! LOVE IT!.
You are so talented, I just love your blog!
In fact I was just nominated for the "One Lovely Blog Award" and I had to nominate you for it as well. You are welcome to stop by my latest post to see my toast to you and your blog - you can find it here.
That's the exact store I used to shop at! Bahhhh I miss it.
Umm ok I think I am going ti make a trip to Vancouver just to go to that Whole Foods. Looks amazing!
I have been to quite a few whole foods in my life but i have NEVER seen one that nice! I can't believe they had gf muffins in the bakery...wish they had that here! And that trail mix bar! would definitely use that ;)
omg I am so so jealous, I could literally spend hours in their. wish we had something like that:(
Ahhhhh, I love Whole Foods. I wish they had one anywhere near me. I won't get to go again for probably a year ... le sigh.
Ohh, I LOVE your nail polish! Funny that it matches the packages you held up too! Haha!
I wish my WF's had a trail mix station...wait, no I don't! I'd get myself into serious trouble..."hey guys, can you just back my car up to the bar??" Lol
Maaaan as someone who used to work at the bar at Whole Foods, it ain't all that cracked up to be! You'd be surprised!
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