27 June 2013

Gluten Free Granola Parfait

It's been awhile since I've made a breakfast parfait
so I felt it was time to bring them back for the Summer!

I layered the parfait starting with a wee bit of granola on the bottom, yogurt (mixed 
with cinnamon), de-thawed frozen blackberries, granola, greek yogurt...repeat 

I even added a hint of cayenne pepper in the middle for a surprise 'kick'

It was extremely delicious!!!

Enjoy Life's Very Berry Crunch: Nut and Gluten-Free Granola

I love their products and have been raving about them 
since way back when I introduced my Gluten Free Guide

Low fat and higher in fiber than most granolas (but the
 sugar is still fairly high like many granolas on the market)


Free from the common food allergens

And insanely crunchy!!

Questions: Do you like crunchy foods?
What are your favourite granola brands?


Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I love crunchy foods! I don't eat a lot of granola, so I don't have any favourite brands. I just go for whatever is organic and has only ingredients that are "real" foods.

Kath (My Funny Little Life) said... [reply]

In the town where I grew up (Lübeck in northern Germany), there was one bakery that sold such parfaits. I liked them very much!

My hubby likes granola very much, but all brands are so loaded with sugar that I've started to make granola for him. I'll post the recipe. :)

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