I wish it was a Sunny Sunday here...
But that's okay, just pull out the sweatshirts
and keep on pedaling!
Speaking of pedaling, My Mom, Dad, and I had some
"wholesome family fun" by enjoying a nice bike ride.
"wholesome family fun" by enjoying a nice bike ride.
Before heading out I made a fruit bowl containing summer
essentials like strawberries, blueberries, bananas, prunes, and cherries.
essentials like strawberries, blueberries, bananas, prunes, and cherries.
I added some Kefir
and cinnamon to the mix
Liberte Organic Plain Kefir
Then the biking commenced!
OoOo and because I saw Adrien take photos of this pig farm
on her blog, I decided i'd pay respect to the little porkers too...
Haha and my Mom kept yelling "Kelsey, don't back up into the electrical fence!!!"
I guess for a belated Father's Day
post I could throw in a picture of me and my Dad...
I love how he can't take a serious picture
with me lol
See what I mean! What a laugh...
Okay, then we headed for coffee
like any good bikers!
Snap Snap photo time
We were all hungry for lunch but seriously couldn't find any place in Sidney
to grab something to-go. So we found a grocery store and all got energy bars
Fibre Chocolate Delite
Raw Organic Food Bar
... And then we saw this contraption
on the way home: A German couple who were
travelling around Victoria and then heading down to San Fransisco... pretty cool!
When I got home I cut up some massive sweet potatoes to pop into the oven. Yum Yum
Question: What are your favorite
ways to spend time with family?
oooh I love that you go bike riding with your parents! My dad and I like hiking together - but we dont live in the same state anymore so it has been AGES!
That's so awesome you all went on a bike ride together! I like to spend time with my family at the beach because when we go, it's usually just us so we do fun things like play tennis, go out to eat, take walks on the beach, play random games, etc!
What an awesome breakfast and I love that your family does bike rides together AND starbucks after. Yall do it right.
One of my fams favorite things to do are have scrabble throw downs! I love that game.
What a fun way to spend a Sunday together. You all look so happy.
My favorite thing to do with family is just relax and eat breakfast at home together. It's a leisurely time, usually while reading The New York Times, and with lots of chatting.
Summer fruit definitely makes a great start to your fun-filled day. It's great that you and your family were able to share in something you all enjoy: biking! My mom and I have very busy schedules that don't usually coincide, but one thing that is on our agenda every weekend is going to the farmer's market together. We both love strolling around, talking to farmers, and sharing the excitement of a good deal and beautiful produce.
Have a lovely day!
P.S. I'm glad to see you're mouth is doing well enough that you can enjoy your favorite activities and food (I've seen those bars before and they look good!) again!
Okay, coolio. My family time consists of us sitting around the dinner table and just chatting. No cool bike rides for us.
Unfortunately I now live about an hour and a half away from my folks so I don't get to see them nearly as much as I would like to.
Oh and funny story. Sweet potatoes were on sale at the grocery store last week and I thought of you. Then I proceeded to purchase said sweet potatoes and I'm debating either turning them into fries or just mashing 'em up with some rosemary. What do you think?? You are the sweet potato queen and all...
First off, fruit looks so good. How fun on the family bike ride! Love it. One favorite thing my family (well, with my dad) likes to spend time is on the lake. My parents are divorced so time with each differs of course.
What a great way to spend some quality family time together! My family loves to play games - outdoor ones like croquet and bocce ball, and also board games. We have a great time getting a little competitive with each other! :)
kelsey! You look tan and beautiful!!!
It's so nice to spend time with family. My family lives in Texas and I am in California and rarely get to see them. My boyfriend and I spend weekends at his parents sometimes, though, and we go out to eat, go walking with their dog, and just hang out in their backyard.
Oh my gosh this is awesome - I love bike rides, and with the fam, even better! You look gorgeous! I like the Father's day pose - super cute. Those energy bars are the best - they remind me of cookie dough, thanks for reminding me to stock up the next time I see em', and coffee?? Yes please! Enjoy your evening girl!
Lovely post :)
your family bike trip looks so fun! and your parents are very cute =)
there are so many things i love in this post: family (i love seeing/hearing about other people's families), bikes, how the pigs are positioned in the photo... (theyre like like spokes of a wheel, with their butts all in the center! its so funny-lookin!!! but endearing of course.. very endearing), that raw organic bar! (did you enjoy it? i actually like that brand a lot!), coffee, and sweet potatoes! goodness, kelsey - all the components of a great day =)
looks like a great day! my fam and i really enjoy board games and nice meals out. we all live about an hour away which is nice as i can see them more frequently.
What a fun day, your family is so cute! I love kefir and don't buy it enough, that needs to change.
And it's just a sweet potato kinda day! :)
hahaha, what the crap is that weird traveling vehicle?!?! Pretty neat trip though, if you ask me! :)
I like to drink wine with my family. We're crazy.
What a cute little outing today with the fam! I love going for family bike rides when we go away somewhere of the summer.
Normally now we just spend time together going out for dinner or out for coffee :)
Have a great night!
Firstly, your shoes ROCK!
Secondly, your family is adorable! :-) I think it's super-neat that you guys take bike rides together... unfortunately, my Mom is a non-biker (never learned!) and so a family bike ride wouldn't be possible! Instead, although it sounds very uninteresting, my favourite way to spend time with the fam is actually just to chillax around the dinner table, after dinner. Or sometimes we just hang out in the family room with the TV on, for some comforting background noise, while my parents try to catch up with me and my brother's life away at university. :-)
Warm wishes,
XO Aletheia
What a great time! We like to hike, watch movies and play games! I love doing picnic hikes! I know what you mean about serious pictures. My husband always looks like he is eating my head in pictures! I am lucky if I get any good shots of us!
These berries look delicious and so summery!
What a great way to spend time with your parents. We used to go on lots of family bike rides when I was a little kid.
YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE SOOO CUTE!! oh my gosh- i love your parents! family bikerides sound so much fun girl!!! LOVE the berries in here. and the starbucks pit stop!
Your fruit bowl looks fit for royalty! And kefir? Girl, are you trying to win me over? Because it's working ;)
That's so sweet that you go on bike rides with your family. My mom isn't really into sports, but I used to do a lot with my dad. These days we usually just go out to coffee and chat, or whip up a big bowl of popcorn and watch a movie. Ooo and can't forget about family game night. Scrabble and card games? Always fun.
Seems that your comment form looks a little diff. You're just tweaking away I think to your site :)
Love the family fun pics!
And i am impressed that 2 days after surgery you are out biking like no biggie. Just proves how healthy you are that you're recovery this fast!
I love that fruit bowl and your family pics! What a wonderful weekend. I love baking and cooking with my mom and sisters...and then sitting down to a warm meal. I'm glad you are doing well!
Looks like a good time! I liked looking at the pics. With my family, I like to cook together
I knew Denny's had something shady!!! I could feel the yucky vibes all over me, just gross!! even if the food wasn't so bad :P hey what's kefir? is it like yogurt? i've never had kefir actually, but your fruit salad looks really good! blueberries are not very common around here.
You look very tanned and cute :) and the pic with your dad is lovely!
Oh and i hope that one day when I'm old I'll be one of those excentric couples!
Such majorly CUTE photos!! Those pigs look HUGE, like little ponies!! Hehe. Looks like your family bike ride was super fun. We used to go on family bike rides by the beach years back... Good times. xoxo
Your fam bike ride is too cute. I love hearing about people doing family things.
I like to go to the gym with my mom and run w/her on the tread. I also like to just go to the stores with my mom and shop (even household stuff or groceries).
I like to cook with my dad because he teaches me a lot of random things I didn't know before!
I love eating with my family! At times I feel like it's all we do haha!
All that fresh fruit looks just delicious!
I love that you go on family bike rides! We haven't done that in years. We usually spend time together by relaxing on our porch or going out to dinner.
That fruit bowl looks like the perfect start to a day! I saw that kefir in my grocery store the other day and I almost bought it.
This sounds like an awesome day!! When I was younger (and living at home), we used to go on family bike rides all the time. I loved them! I'm thankful that my family are all pretty active people -- it's fun to be able to go out and do stuff together.
I love that your family gets together and does something active...I can't image my dad and I on a bike ride. He is more of the lazy type! I need to get him in gear though, now that I saw a picture of your very active dad. :)
Have a great Monday!
Sounds like a great day! Your parents are too cute! My family and I love spending time outside and we are always cooking up something!
I actually dislike spending time with my family. So, if it does happen...I prefer watching movies with them. Unless, it is a movie about political issues. Oh, family! wah, wah.
That bike you saw is so cool! I love eating (go figure) with my family. There's just something about sitting around the dinner table enjoying delicious food together that I love.
I also love shopping with my momma!
That bowl of fruit looks so good! I can't start the day without some kind of fruit! And I hope you had a fun bike ride! I went on one with my aunt and cousin a few weeks ago and it was a blast!
I wish my family would do active things together... for some reason, they all seem to think I'm crazy that I prefer moving over sitting on my butt all day!
<3 <3
LOVE your breakfast! We like playing board games together. and basketball-even though we all stink!
We love family bike rides, too! Or trail walking when it's nice out. Sounds like you all had a great time. Funny how those pigs are sleeping with their butts in one direction. LOL
Aww SO cute. Your parents are so adorable, they look so inlove haha My favorite way to spend time with my family is ANY time really. Except for work I guess haha no one is as fun at work. But at the same time it's nice to see them everyday. Everytime I see your Sweet Potato suppers I get jealous. I can't wait for you to have Super Salad! Hope you're having a great day! Bachelorette tonight!!!
What a cute family and a great way to get in some family time! I love waking up early and sipping coffee with my mom before the sun rises! Can't wait to see her Friday!
We love to spend time outdoors, in the pool, garden, whatever! I also really love when we do family movie night. Unfortunately, The Lover usually falls asleep. Looks like you had a great weekend!
Re: your last post, yes, I do try to take a negative situation and turn it into a positive! It might take me some sulking first though.
Awww - such lovely pics, Kelsey!
Gotta love family time =D
Oh - and fresh fruit! Hahahahaha!
Wish you a wonderful week, dear ;)
You look so cute with your boots, jeans, and braided pigtails!! Love it!!! Glad you had a great day with the family yesterday! Your parents are sweet!
Ohhhhhhhhhh I have dessert cooking in the oven right now too! Except mine is boxed brownies!! lol!! I am making hershey chocolate brownies for my boys! Cant wait to see what your dessert is!
Muah!!!!! xoxo
I think we should be sweet potato buddies. Im just saying.
I love just helping my parents make dinner and jut spending time with them at their house. It's just so relaxing and fun. :)
Have a great day, Miss!
My family and I love going on bike rides too! Wow it does look really cold there. Mittens in the middle of June???
Hmmm thought I left a comment. Darn you, iphone (I don't understand technological gadgets!). Wanted to say your family is gorgeous :).
YAY your cheeks are no longer chipmunk like! :) congrats haha
Awwww your family is so adorable!!! Looks like you had such a great day together! The fruit bowl has my mouth watering!!! I wish my family were more into outdoor activities, but they are not. I love doing active things!!! Otherwise, its a nice relaxing afternoon of cooking and some good movies or sports!!!
Glad to see that your mouth is all healed!
What is that contraption? Looks cool but pretty crazy!
The photos from bike riding look like a lot of fun. Ending in coffee is the way to go :)
Your family is so so so cute!!!! That looked like so much fun! We used to bike ride as a family all the time.... but I haven't been on a bike in years now. We tend to be boring and just have dinner together..... although it is so stressfulllll...... my ED seems to be the elephant in the room. I think we should get back into bike riding.... or hiking. I should suggest more family activities that don't stress me out with the food.
We do go on walks sometimes...... and drives.... which in my opinion is a waste of gas! haha.... walking is better!
Aww, you and your parents are so adorable! And it is so awesome that you guys go for bike rides together. I wish I could ride a bike...honestly, I don't know what happened to me. I could ride when I was a little kid but after taking a 12 year hiatus, I just can't do it anymore. Last year I went bike riding with my dad and my sister and I had to rent this bike with three wheels and a chair...I called it my "tricycle" because I guess technically that is what it was. It was so comfy though! I loved it! I wish I owned one. I would also really like to become more comfortable on a real bike though. Its all about nerves for me...I just get panicky.
Anyway, it looks like you had a lovely family bike ride and I love how adorable and close you guys are. It makes me happy.
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