The Ground Bison from Red Barn Market is a little
past its expiry, but thats why they made freezers...right?
Sometimes I crave a non-conventional breakfast, like a Bison Stir-Fry at 8:30 am!
Added in bok choy, spinach, red onion and dijon mustard
Slowly i'm adding in more and more proteins which is making a huge difference
in my emotional well being. Proteins and Fats = Balanced Blood Sugars
Love Elevate Me! Bars
I'm pretty sure the Cocoa Coconut Cluster
is the best flavor
And remember the little stuffed squirrel toy
I posted here...
It was a Christmas present to myself; A finger puppet from Bolen Books
Hmm is it weird probing a stuffed squirrel
? Yes, yes it is... haha
Question: Do you eat un-conventional
breakfast foods such as salads, tacos,
soup, stir-fries, burgers, spaghetti, etc?
If I have time, I am all for unconventionality (is that a word??) However I've never had stir fry for b-fast. I have had sushi though and it was fantastic and sometimes will nosh on cold spaghetti if the mood strikes.
I've never cookes bison before, it kinda scurres me.
Rarely do I stray from my oats. I love a toasted onion bagel with spinach, fried egg and sliced tomato too though. My youngest son will eat left over anything for breakfast. I don't mind though even if it is unconventional since he is getting great nutrition no matter what.
Sometimes I'll eat leftovers from the night before for breakfast if they were really good. I LOVE bison meat. I made some seriously delicious bison burgers over the summer.
yes, every single day. I never want to eat breakfast foods and if I want them I can't make eggs at 5am at work. :(
YES. Sometimes I eat whatever the hell I want for breaking the fast. No shame here.
And yes, yes that's exactly what they made freezers for.
I'm a big fan of the "whatever I made for dinner cold" breakfast, especially on the weekends (I know that sounds backwards, but when I'm off my routine I eat different too :)
I've never had bison for breakfast though! Or at all, for that matter... way to shake things up!
I HAVE eaten "unconventional" breakfasts before, but I don't usually do that, because, well, I like "breakfast food." :p
I have a koala finger puppet that looks remarkably like your squirrel! ;)
<3 <3
I'm not usually into lunch or dinner foods for breakfast, but when I traveled to Japan I loved eating rice balls, miso soup, and pickled vegetables for breakfast. I guess I just go with the culture around me.
I'd totally have bison for breakfast! I also like salmon and rice for breakfast. Savory is always good!
cold leftover pizza (it only happens once or twice a year. lol for obv. reasons!) and if anyone is mean enough to give my husband and I cake... we eat it for breakfast! weirdos eh? hahaha
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
I don't usually eat non-breakfast foods for breakfast, but have no qualms about it. I guess I just never want to put in the effort to make anything I would make for dinner. If there are leftovers though, I'll definitely dig in.
Mmmm, bison. Haven't had any in a long time, but it is rather tasty, no?
I usually eat a protein rich breakfast already, to stabilize my blood sugar levels for the day to come. I love grilled chicken with fruit and almond butter. Maybe a little unusual. Eggs and fruit would also be okay, but I like chicken better. :)
Hi Kelsey!
I'm really happy you are watching positive results with your diet changes!! I am constantly experimenting too, and after seeing the pic in your last post where it says that gluten can give you thyroid disease, I'm really thinking about giving a gluten-free diet a try!
I would die if I had to eat bison though hahaha I really hate beef. I can do fish and chicken though :)
I like leftover soup sometimes for breakfast!
I find it much easier to eat breakfast in general when it's past 9am - not sure why!
Wow! That is unconventional! :)
I have never seen the Elevate me Bars! I'm guessing with the provided link I can order them online!
i keep hearing about how great bison is and im dying to try it!!
& that bar looks delicious :) glad to hear that your mood/energy are up since increasing the protein.
ps. cute squirrel
thinking about anything other than traditional breakfast foods in the morning make me sick. It has to be the usual things or I have no interest
Yes! I eat greens with a little bit of eggs but mostly greens...with savory braggs aminos and salt and peppa.
I just don't wake up wanting oatmeal or anything like that.
Ooh yum!
I usually don't but I wan tto start eating more food vareity for breakfast!
Bison! Yum!
Today for breakfast I had a leftover roasted chickpea/broccoli/garlic dish.. it was delicious although definitely not a normal breakfast.
PS. That poor squirrel.. ;)
I am such a cereal girl...I could eat a big bowl of cereal and fruit everyday of the week. But I think I need to step out and try something new! Thank you so much for sharing with me. I hope you are having a day of love and joy.
Sometimes I definitely do crave some crazy breakfasts, especially if there are good leftovers in the fridge :) That bison breakfast sounds pretty darn good to me. I haven't ever tried bison yet but I think I need to!
I'm just catching up with blog reading and I'm really excited about this new gluten free direction of yours! I have a feeling I have some food sensitivities, not sure quite what but I know all of the extra wheat and sugar I've been eating the past.. oh few months now? It's messing with me and I don't love it. I'm looking forward to seeing your eating transitions and how they help!
MMmmm- sounds like a great breakfast to me! When I'm at home on the weekends I usually make myself something interesting (since I have to do smoothies during the week at work). Usually leftovers are my thing- or ANYTHING with Kabocha. I'm obsessed.
Super cute squirrel! And yes, I'll eat anything in the morning. My husband is a breakfast-items-only kind of guy, but I'm all about eating last nights leftovers in the mornin' ;)
I love your little squirrel! It's perfect!
We've been doing a lot of bison specials at the grocery store this past couple months. It's very popular, and quite tasty.
I always do oats in the morning, but when I was a kid I had leftover cold pizza ALL the time!
Lol love the finger puppet!
I think the only unconventional thing I sometimes eat for breakfast is cold pizza. yumm!
Mmm, that bacon looks yummy! Awesome about going gluten free, too! I hope it works for you!
When it is in the house, I eat cake for breakfast. Thats why I avoid having it in the house. :)
i thought i was the crazy one stocking up on cheap + high quality meat when it was close to its expiration, only to put it in the freezer right away! smarties we are ;)
I don't really eat non-traditional breakfast foods, but I have read that breakfast salads are excellent. I do want to try one of those sometime.
I know that I wasn't eating enough protein until about a month and a half ago. The day I started getting my protein intake in-gear, I felt immediately better. Good luck!
I LOVE bison!!!! And yes, for me breakfast is much better when it is similar to dinner...I love love love steamed veggies and warm greens for breakfast as well as a nice piece of grilled meat or fish. Soup is also awesome for breakfast. it is so much more satisfying to me then oatmeal or pancakes. I am glad you are feeling better on more protein/fat! Keep us updated :)
Kelsey!!! I've missed your posts :( But I'm back to blogging now! I love the finger puppet, and I love that you find so many special surprises. That Elevate Me! bar sounds soooo tasty! You know I love my coconut ;)
Lol I actually rarely eat savoury things for breakfast. Although I remember one time when I went out to eat at this delicious cafe I got their vegan tofu scramble over a large corncake. It was incredible, but sadly gave me indigestion for the whole day. I just like to start my day off on a sweet note :)
XOXO lots of love to you my dear!
I always crave really conventional breakfast foods like oatmeal and yogurt messes. My taste for savory things doesn't kick in until later in the day!
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day just so I can eat breakfast foods. I'm an oats, pancakes, or french toast kind of girl! It's just so good!
Last sunday I had Manicotti & Meatballs for breakfast. DEEEELISSSHHH!!
I prefer unconventional breakfasts ... Like pizza, or pasta, or chicken noodle soup like I had today :-)
One thing I love about traveling to other countries is finding breakfast that is unconventional to us in North America. In Asia, rice and noodle dishes were always available for breakfast. I have to admit I don't stray from oatmeal and eggs often at home, but I embrace and enjoy it when we travel. :)
The only dinner food I really eat for breakfast is pizza....but I do love having desserts in the morning! :)
I have a hard time with savoury for breakie unless it's eggs. My sister can eat dinner type food for breakfast, though...
That little squirrel is pretty cute, hun!
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