13 December 2010

Snacking Sleigh

It's going to be a busy week for the Snacking Sleigh!
Because my Mom works as an Elementary School Librarian, she
 receives a bunch of different Christmas Gifts from the children... 

This varies from Chocolate, Candy, Ornaments, 
Bath & Body, Ceramics, Gift Cards, etc.

As the gifts arrive, you will see me post them up here on my blog :)

All Aboard!

Question: Do you or someone you know
 get free gifts because of your line of work?


Tod Taylor said... [reply]

It's no squirrel though :( ... atleast have some walnuts in the basket! :) Ha-ha

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

No, we work at home. I guess I give Tony random gifts of sweetness all the time!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Teacher here! :)

Heather (Where's the Beach) said... [reply]

Oh yes, my mom is a hair dresser and she always gets a million crazy gifts. My sis is a teacher so well, yes. ;-)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Similarly to your mom, my mom gets free gifts because she's a kindegarden teacher :P

Red Deception said... [reply]

I'm a student, so no one gives me gifts. Unless exams count!

Evan @swEEts said... [reply]

My mom used to be a preschool teacher and always get great little goodies. I think I need to change my job, because I definitely don't get anything good or sleigh worthy!

Anonymous said... [reply]

I'd love to receive presents like this from children! But as I'm still a student... no cute gifts for me during December (except for December 25th! Hehe)

Leah @ Why Deprive? said... [reply]

We get an insane amount of cookies and chocolates at work from our vendors. And sometimes from customers too.
My mom's a teacher, so she gets so much stuff its ridiculous. She doesnt seem to mind too much thouh. :)

Kate (What Kate is Cooking) said... [reply]

That's so cute! I don't get anything free at my job.... except once, when Panera randomly brought in egg souffles. That was a nice treat!

Jess@atasteofconfidence said... [reply]

How cute! My dad usually gets gifts at work.

Meri said... [reply]

Uh, my best friend got an IPAD from work for Christmas...

Your succession of sleigh pictures is making me giggle- I love it

Chelsea said... [reply]

I hope your mom shares some of her treats with you. ;)

Emily said... [reply]

my dad is a pastor, so he gets some pretty interesting gifts...all of them food related so far...chocolate sauce + hot cocoa mix. :)

Mary @ Bites and Bliss said... [reply]

That reindeer looks ready for all the snacks, too! I've gotten a few free foodie gifts since blogging but not too much. But hey, when you're a college student, any free food is greatly appreciated.

Carolyn said... [reply]

The stir-fry looks phenomenal, all of those gorgeous colours. The biscotti is very pretty too!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

I get gifts from students sometimes :-)

Krista said... [reply]

Kelsey, these photos are SO cute!!! ;)

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