Santa's Little Elves must have paid a visit!!!
A delivery courtesy of the Snacking Sleigh :)
My Oh My, What could it be?
Homemade Chocolate Almond Biscotti
Nom Nom Nom Score! Haha... Wait maybe I should ask
my mom first if she doesnt mind me taking her gifts...
Sometimes I decide not to take pictures of my
Stir-Fries out of fear of them being boring...
But since I used eggplant
today, I thought i'd share the prettiness :)
So many different vegetables! See if you can spot them all ;)
Kabocha Squash a.k.a Winter Squash
On the George Foreman Grill
Lastly, Eden Mustard
and brown
) to tie it all together...
It's crazy how easy Stir-Fries
are, yet they require quite the process...
well maybe just for me and my million spices/seasonings haha
Question: Turns out I STILL HATE EGGPLANT!
Anyone else feel me? I wanna love it so much but it
tastes "perfumy"... maybe i'm doing something wrong?
I can't join your club, Kelsey because I love eggplant!!!!
But I think it is an acquired taste, because my mom hates it, too! She doesn't like the texture ;)
what a great stir fry! so many colorful veggies.
though i have to say... i LOVE eggplant!
I dont like any veggie that's brighter than me. ahahaha
I can't join the club either because I love the stuff. I make them into fries with lotsa garlic powder and paprika. Nommmmmm.
If YOU don't like eggplant then I am sure I will loathe it! I have never actually tried it :)
I am jealous of teachers for this only reason....I will get 0 gifts from work this year:(
Aww, I'm loving the Snacking Sleigh! I used to mooch off my mom's gifts when I lived with her...She's a third grade teacher and always comes home with a loot of goodies this time of year. I fly home next week and can't wait to see what's waiting for me!
That chocolate almond biscotti looks very yummy!
I usually just cut eggplant into discs and then pop them in the George Foreman. I eat them with ketchup (like almost everything else...)
Sometimes I get a yucky one though- perhaps youve had bad luck?
Totally mom grills it on the barbecue for an indian dish she makes and the dish tastes like smokey perfume. PASS!
Stir fry looks amazing though heh
Its all about the way you cook it, the texture can definitely be wacky.
I LOVE eggplant!!! But sometimes it can kind of suck... I prefer to buy smaller ones, because the bigger they get, the more bitter they taste. And it's kind of really important to sweat the eggplant before you cook it, because that gets rid of the bitter juices.
Best eggplant recipe I ever made was some sort of roasted concoction with miso and citrus, which I only made because I was trying to finish up the miso... but now I think I need to go buy some more, because I want eggplant! :p
<3 <3
I <3 eggplant... here's a trick: slice your eggplant 30 minutes before you want to use it. Place it on a baking sheet, and sprinkle your slices with salt. After 30 minutes, you should get a brownish liquid coming out of the eggplant. Wash your slices off, and cook! This gets the bitterness out!
i love eggplants! but hubby hates it and i know he would love to join your club.
YUUUM - what a delicious stir-fry!
Those biscottis looked pretty good, too :D
Your Mom's so lucky!
I used to not like eggplant, but now I do. I think it has to be just right though. I love it with BBQ sauce oh and I smoked one at was so good!
That stir fry looks awesome :D I love eating huge amounts of veggies because one minute I feel so full that I can't get up from the table, and a minute later I feel like dancing! Hahahah, my mom calls me her little veggie monster because of the insane amounts of vegetables I can fit into my tiny belly!
I adore eggplant, but I like to buy the mini or Chinese version. It tastes a lot more mild...maybe you should give that a try? What a cute post...I loved that sleigh and Santa's goodies! I need some of those delicious treats just about now. Thanks for sharing, sweet girl. I hope you have a lovely afternoon!
i love eggplant! however, i slice mine into circles and sprinkle salt on them and let them sit in a colander for an hour (it sucks out the weird flavor) give them a quick rinse and then grill. mmmm
I join in! I've given eggplant several chances and found it disgusting every single time!
I actually like eggplant. It always tastes good, but whenever I cook it, something is up with the texture!
I've only made eggplant a few times but I hated it each time! The texture and lack of taste is just not appealing. :(
Have you tried roasted eggplant??? Its YUM!
Ugh, don't worry, i hate eggplant too!! Even after years of my mom forcing it down my throat, i still can't stand it!!
I've only cooked with eggplant once but.. I liked it! And the few times I've had it at restaurants I've also liked it. Maybe it's just one of those things you either like or you don't?
hahaha...oh dear, I thought I was the only one who didn't like eggplant. Stir-fry looks delicious though! Not sure if I have commented or not before, but as a fellow Canadian, and one who loves Vancouver Island too much, just wanted to say "hello" and that I love your blog.
Have a happy week!
Whoa!! That's alike a stir fry made for a king! Love :)
My husband isn't a fan of eggplant either. I think it's OK.
I'm in the in-between club! :P I like eggplant in restaurant dishes, but I can never seem to cook it properly for myself!
I like eggplant only in restaurant dishes, too! I just can't pull it off at home.
I hate hate hate it! It's a texture thing for me!
i usually sweat the eggplant or sprinkle salt on it and let it sit for a half hour on each side to get the bitter flavor out. i also love eggplant in eggplant parmesan. :)
My dear, please never fear your stir-fries being too boring for the blog again. They look absolutely vibrant and delicious! The key to good eggplant is "tenderizing" it, as other commenters mentioned (it's basically salting it and waiting; I like to use a paper towel to remove the excess salt and moisture after, too). Also, I think it is much better roasted whole (like in Baba Ghanoush) or in thick slices, like eggplant fries (my favorite!) Also, I may have missed it, but are you still gluten free? Gluten free or not, those biscotti are such a nice treat!
Have a lovely day!
If I had to pick a veggie that I liked least, eggplant would be it - although I still like it, it is just not my fave.
I don't hate eggplant, but I also don't crave it. It's just one of those "meh" veggies for me. I do like grilling it with some other veggies like peppers and mushrooms and making delicious veggie, pesto, and cheese sandwiches though!
And stir fries sure are a process, what with all the veggie chopping prep before hand. but once it gets started, it's rather quick :)
I don't like eggplant either! But, it is less bitter if you soak it for about 30 minutes in some water with salt. The bitterness will come right out.
I love my eggplant and would rather join the club of the eggplant-obsessed. I really got on my mother's nerves this summer because every time she asked me what to cook I wanted either eggplant or broccoli. I love eggplant so much that once I ate it almost raw despite of the bitterness :D .
My husband despises eggplant! You aren't alone. I love it, but never eat it, because of him.
Holy bagezis! I need that biscotti recipe- it looks amazing!
Try making some baba-ganoush....that's my suggestion -- though I only faile to make my own.
I also can dig it in soups. Oh, and I have a distant recall of fried eggplant parm...but is that really eggplant? What doesn't taste good fried and covered in cheese and marinara?
Finally! Someone else who hates eggplant! It's the only veg I can't stand and it's my fave colour, to boot....
I've only had it once. My roommate made eggplant rollitini and it was delicious, but you could hardly taste the eggplant so I really have no idea if I truly like it.
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