You didn't really think i'd cut sweet potatoes out of my life forever, did you?
That savory, crispy, sweet, comforting bowl of
spuds; Love them as much as a fat kid loves cake!
Seriously though, the serotonin boost
from potatoes is awesome...
you can feel all the little happy chemicals
dancing around in your brain :)
I'm obsessed with the seasoning combo of Thyme, Basil and Oregano.
Health Updates:
1. Feeling better: I'm happy with my decision to go back on medicine.
2. Giving up Gluten: No more bloating/swelling or rashes on my cheeks.
3. Your comments: I want to express how honored I am to have the best
readers in the world. Your support and words throughout my mood posts
and medicine posts has impacted me on a level I never thought possible.
Thank you.
You made me laugh at the analogy on the sweet potatoes! Seriously, I feel that way about oats! Enjoy your potatoes...I think I need to go cook some for a snack...yours just look too good!
So glad you're feeling better!
so glad to hear that your feeling better girlie :)
mmm life without sweet potatoes is like breathing with oxygen - just not possible :)
Can't live without sweet potatoes! Yum!
I'm just the same with squash (butternut, kabocha, acorn, crown prince...I love them all!) and easily eat a whole one at a time. They are my happy food, despite all the fibre...
SO happy that you've noticed an improvement in your mood. Reading your posts is always such a support and inspiration for me. I wish I had time to comment more often but I am always reading and hope that your struggles are finally coming to an end.
I think if you really crave them so much, then your body want to tell you something - namely that you should eat them. Maybe it's really due to the serotonine? And sweet potatoes are complex carbs, so basically healthy. Cutting out sugar, processed carbs, and gluten grains might work better for you than restricting overall carbs. I'm glad you're feeling better now!
Hi keeks!! U don't know me but I lurveee reading ur posts! wish I could give u a big bear hug cuz u rock and ur so real :* xoxo
Your sweet potatoes always look so good! Glad your feeling better, Kelsey!
Happy to hear you're health is improving... good food can work wonders!
You know, I would MUCH rather eat sweet potatoes then cake! They're so addicting and delicious. :)
I'm glad your mood is starting to lift!! Things WILL keep getting better.
So glad you're feeling better! I'm going to go make myself some sweet potatoes right now : )
They finally had sweet potatoes in the cafeteria this week! I was so excited when I saw :) I got a big plate and just savoured every bite. I can definitely make better at home, but I wasn't about to complain :P
You and your sweet potatoes ... I am pretty sure you are going to turn in to one :-)
They're baaaaaaaaaaack! =) such a healthy little vice you have <3 haha
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
Glad to hear you are feeling better Kelsey!!! I think you can still have sweet potatoes if you balance them out with the other food you consume daily no?
I send you loads of hugs, kisses and wish you all the best this weekend hun, you deserve it ;)
xoxo Lola
So glad to hear you are feeling better! I didn't think your belived sweet potatoes would be gone for long! ;)
I want one of your big potato bowls! They look so delicous. And very good to hear about your happiness and bloatinglessness! :)
Love you Kels. Sweet Potatoes look yummy.
All good things!
So happy to hear you're doing better, Kelsey!
I actually missed your baked sweet potato towers.
I need to try one on my own, someday!
Maybe when my parents are not around... I won't stand hearing the "are you going to eat ALL of that?!" again. Fools ;)
I had your sweet potatoes again yesterday, they're TOO GOOD!!
I hope you're doing better!
glad you are feeling better!
thoughts and prayers going your way, kelsey!
I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better beautiful! Keep rocking your sweet potato bowls when you can!! :)
You really should try Asian sweet potatoes, kelsey. I promise you, you'll flip. They taste so much more buttery and the sweetness is more subtle yet smooth, like roasted chestnuts. :-)
When I clicked on your blog I seriously wanted to DIVE into that bowl of sweet potatoes! They look delicious.
Glad to hear your feeling better!! I've been sick all week-- tried everything natural but seems like my body is taking a while to fight this one... :(
Ooh what a tasty looking pile of yumminess ;) Glad things are going well!
Sarah x
Haha I was wondering you long you'd last without your sweet potatoes! ;)
So glad to hear that you're feeling better now!
It's great to read that you are feeling better! Every time I see your sweet potatoes, I feel the need to go out and buy some. You make them look as yummy as the always taste!
I hope you are feeling even better today. :-)
There is nothing like the high from potatoes or chocolate! for me anyway.
Its great that you feel better!
Glad you are feeling better Kelsey! Those potatoes look great. I plan on roasting some sweets and regular potatoes.
My gosh - that is one delicious looking VAT of steamy sweet taters! I just had a sweet potato at breakfast today for the first time in a long time...don't know why I took such an extended break from them :)
so glad you are feeling better. Sweet potatoes can do wonders, eh? hehe.
Keep up posted friend.
I'm also so happy to hear that you are feeling better. You are such a joy to read...I only wish we lived closer so I could envelop you in a hug and share some mugs of sweet potatoes! Thank you for sharing, my dear. I hope you have a good Monday. Let the week begin!
glad your feeling better! it seems so many people feel so good after going gluten free- maybe ill look into that!
Oh good grief. Those look amazingly delicious! So sorry about your gluten issues. I know several people who've had to go gluten free!
Happy to hear that the changes you made have had positive results!
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