Have you ever tried putting Jam/Jelly in your Cereal?
Superfruit Jam, Bananas, and Unsweetened Almond Milk
It's definitely a strange food combination, but I like it!
Lunch was a Cheesy Egg Burrito
Eggs, Leek, Asparagus, Cayenne Pepper and
This was unbelievably good :)
Later I took a shot of Bio-K Plus
for a healthy
dose of 50 Billion Probiotics to befriend my tummy
For Dinner, I made Roasted Vegetables... starting with frozen Brussel Sprouts
1 large diced Sweet Potato/Yam
Broccoli, Mushrooms, Swiss Chard, and Onion
This was my Spicy Cinnamon Dressing:
2 Tbsp lemon juice, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1-2 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp madras curry powder
, 1 tsp garlic powder
, 1 tsp cayenne pepper,
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
, 1/2 tsp paprika, and a dash of basil
Mixed everything together and tossed it into a baking pan lined with parchment paper
Oh, and bean sprouts too!
Baked at 400 Fahrenheit for approximately 50-60 minutes or so
When it was done, I added 1/2 cup cooked ground bison meat
I guess the moral of today is "The strangest combinations can be the yummiest"
Question: What are some weird food combos you enjoy?
that veggie dish looks amazing! and your pictures are phenomenal! I esp. like the pic of the cereal bowl! :)
Can you roast the frozen sprouts immediately?
I've never tried that!
I want that burrito!!!! Oh my goodness that thing looks heavenly!
My favorite "weird" food combo is eggs and jam. Or lately, eggs and pudding because I've run out of jam. ;)
going to buy more jam today! brilliant. :)
You and your wraps, always so jealous at your wraps...and roasted veggies :)
Weird food combos. Hm. I love apple/cheese combos, and cream cheese/jam on a slice of bread. That's the weirdest I can think of right now :))
mmm I'm gonna try jam and banana with my cereal!
I just love your big pans of roasted veggies. They always look so good!
I'll have to try PB and jam in cereal -- not sure how the texture will be, but it sounds good!
SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS! haha i love bio-k :)
so good and so good for you :)
I am in love with your pans of roasted DELICIOUSNESS.
Looks yummy to me! But I still don't get your portion sizes. ;)
I like raw apple or nectarine slices with roasted chicken and onions. Basil, pepper, and cinnamon for spicing. Almond butter goes well with it, too. :)
The lotus root is so pretty! I want to try your spicy cinnamon dressing. I think the weirdest thing about my food combos is that if I like two foods, I'll probably eat them together. Regardless :)
I love all your 'strange' combinations, they all look delicious! The only one I would consider strange is my carrot+salsa on crackers. It's like a mini veggie sandwich :)
I use jam for my cereal quite often. I only try to find some more liquid jam because it dissolves better in the milk. Welcome to the club :)
your cheesy egg burrito sounds fantastic. eggs are my fave thing lately for breakfast. :)
Your egg burrito looks SO good ... and, I think you eat more veggies than anyone I know! Good for you!
You and your wraps! They always look amazing. :)
My favorite "weird" combination is probably avocado in oatmeal. Though as I type, I am enjoying a tofutti-cream-cheese and vegan-bacon sandwich. ;)
Your lunches always make me want to lick my screen!
That burrito? Totally has my name on it!
And vie missed your roast veggies! (Whats the wheel thing in the pile of veggies?)
Love x
I love jam in cereal. I also love maple syrup in cereal! I joke that I have a sweet tooth like Elf. One of my favourite snacks is trail mix drizzled with maple syrup in a bowl!!
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