08 July 2011

Mr. Squirrel Gets a Name

Don't worry, I didn't forget about the Mr. Squirrel naming post. After 
looking through some creative, and hilarious names, a winner has been chosen! 

Mr. Squirrel's new official name
soon to be written on his birth certificate, is...

As chosen by Cupcake Kat 

What does Kat win for choosing the name? Well, you get the 
rights/responsibility to be Nutters Godmother. Do you accept?

Fruit, Yogurt, and Fiber Bowl

Sliced Nectarine, Plain Organic Plain Yogurt, 
and Flax Seed-Fiber Blend (more about this later) 

Important: It seems many of my comments are automatically being sent to people's junk mail box. So if some of my comments aren't showing on your blog, please check your junk mail folder!


Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said... [reply]

Great name! That fruit bowl looks so good! YUM!

We Are Not Martha said... [reply]

Aww nutters. So cute and appropriate! The bowl looks delicious :)


Kat @ Cupcake Kat said... [reply]

yay! I'm so happy to be Nutters' Godmother! Thanks for choosing my name

Cassie said... [reply]

Fruit and yogurt--the perfect summer treat!

Anonymous said... [reply]

So cute! I just found this blog and love the name and theme!

Lauren@What Lauren LIkes said... [reply]

I literaly squeeled when I saw that baby squirrel pic!! hee hee its so little and pink. Oh and the yogurt bowl looks good too ;)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Nutters! How cute! And yes I found your comment in my spam box too- weirddd (I unspammed it obviously :D)

Anonymous said... [reply]

Nutters is such an adorable name for a squirrel! I just discovered your blond I love it! I noticed you live in Victoria, BC and my family almost moved ther. It is really beautiful

chow and chatter said... [reply]

tasty bowl of goodness and love mr squirrel so cute

Roz @ weightingfor50 said... [reply]

That is FANTASTIC!! Love the name, and love Nutters!!!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Nutters is cute! And that fruit, yogurt and fiber bowl looks good, especially the fresh nectarines! Thamks for commenting on my blog. I've added yours to my Google Reader amd look forward to reading your future posts!

maiylah said... [reply]

cute (both the name and the squirrel)!
...and that food bowl looks delish!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Awww how cute!! :) I used to have a squirrel in my garden that I decided to make my 'pet' and I called him Pebbles because he was the color of our pebbles in the garden haha.
I love nectarines at the moment too, yumm!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Interestingly enough, your comment on my blog was in my spam! I just found it. Weird.

Fruit and yogurt is my FAVE snack!

Jayanthy Kumaran said... [reply]

ohhhhhhhh...love the squirrel...
yummy food bowl..
first time here..wonderful space you have..
very interesting posts..
Am your happy follower now..:)
do stop by mine sometime..
Tasty Appetite

Tara said... [reply]

Nutters is adorable!! That has to be the best name ever. I'm jealous of Kat for her creativity and that she is now Nutter's godmother.

Your comment came into my spam folder, but I'm a smart cookie and fished it out. I hope this issue fixes for ya.. there was nothing weird about the comment that should have made it go there! Computers are bizarre.

peachkins said... [reply]

cute squirrel!

I love that fruit n' yogurt bowl!

Alaina Rose said... [reply]

You are just too sweet! Thank you for all your sweet, amazing comments on my blog :-) You totally touched my heart and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. And I'm so honored that you added me to your blogroll. I'm glad we're finally connecting. I've been checking out your blog for a few months now. I've just never commented. I don't know why! I tend to "stalk" blogs for a while before I finally say hello :-) Much love to you girl! Thanks again for such sweetness <3

Anonymous said... [reply]

youre so adorable! I miss you!! Ive still been catching up with you and your sweet self tho!

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

What a sweet little squirrel - just like you :-)

Danielle said... [reply]

I have a squirrel just like that in my car! And in my room..lol I'm so glad I've found another squirrel/good food/yoga lover! :)

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