Time to beat my personal record with 7 Sweet Potatoes
It's both funny and sad that the moments I take a break from
writing essays or creating Yoga Sequences
to teach, I use my
spare time creating "Mountains" from Sweet Potatoes
Sprinkling on Spices: Cayenne Pepper, Paprika
and Whole Rubbed Basil from Lifestyle Markets
They smell so good straight out of the oven :)
'Spud Mountain' was a little shaky
Ohhh no... AVALANCHE!!!
Ohhh no... AVALANCHE!!!
You might be able to see my hand reaching through
the computer screen to receive your virtual high fives!
And even better, I ate the WHOLE thing! All seven of them.
I have no limit when it comes to Sweet Potatoes
, my tummy
loves them so much it probably creates a second stomach ;)
MmMmm I'm hungry just looking at my own pictures haha
Soon grocery stores are going to start having a
"limit one per customer" rule because of me!
A second stomach!!! ohhh girl! love you!
I do that with apples! NO LIMITS! lol
haha wow I love you for this :)
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