22 June 2011

R.I.P. Baby Bird

Let me start by saying that this is by far the saddest post I have ever done. 
In my carport there is a large hollow beam that is seasonally inhabited by birds. 
They lay their nests inside and you can hear the babies chirping when they hatch. 

Only this time, as I was arriving home, I was horrified by what I saw.
 Warning: If you are currently eating food and/or do not 
want to see pictures of a dead baby bird, stop reading now!

An undeveloped newborn baby bird had fallen from it's nest. If 
you're like me, your heart probably dropped to the floor just now :(

I know these photos are heartbreaking and may be too graphic 
for some... and maybe I shouldn't be showing you something so sad...

But a Life is a Life no matter how small, and all Life needs to be appreciated and loved

I felt it was important to have a funeral for 
Baby Bird, so I started by writing him/her a note...

I placed my note in an empty box that I decorated...

A bejeweled (Mighty Leaf Tea Tumbler) cardboard casket 

Complete with gold rhinestones and a bird sticker

Then I found a sunny spot outside, next to some pretty pink flowers, to bury the box 

Dug a hole with the shovel, gently laid Birdy to rest, then covered back up again

Baby Bird 
06/22/2011 - 06/22/2011


Lee said... [reply]


chow and chatter said... [reply]

oh that is so sad

Alexia said... [reply]

Very very sad, but your respectful burial made me smile :)

Kristina @ spabettie said... [reply]

oh, Kelsey... sorry this happened, and thank you SO much for taking care of the sweet little bird, giving it a proper send off <3

Leah @ Why Deprive? said... [reply]

So sad! That happened to a baby bird once at my barn, and one of my friends took him in and took care of him. He was just learning to fly when the cat got him. It was awful.
I think its nice that you had a little funeral for him.

Toronto Girl West said... [reply]


Nicole @ Of Cookies and Carrots said... [reply]

That is absolutely heart-wrenching, but you are the sweetest person ever for giving this little life such beautiful recognition <3 props to you, love


Jessica said... [reply]

Yes, this post is achingly sad but it's also a beautiful testament to how sensitive and caring you are as a person.

I am sure the baby bird is in a better place, and that it would have been touched that someone cared enough to display such kindness.



Goldberry said... [reply]

Horribly sad, but at least you gave Baby Bird a beautiful burial... and Baby Bird is thanking you from Birdie Heaven.

jess@atasteofconfidence said... [reply]

So sad, but you are so sweet!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Aw that is so sad but I like what you did for it :)

Lana said... [reply]

this is sad. But beautiful too...because you are such a beautiful soul♥♥♥

Kath (My Funny Little Life) said... [reply]

:( ...

Alexa @ SimpleEats said... [reply]

Oh my gosh, that poor little thing! I'm glad you did something special for it :)

zoe (and the beatles) said... [reply]

sad day! when i was little baby birds like that used to fall onto the ground from their nests at my elementary school. it's still sad :(

Missy said... [reply]

You are the sweetest thing. So, so sad.
I am glad you gave birdie a proper adieu. You need comfort after such sad day.
Go eat some chocolate and cuddle with your squirrel. Did you find a name for him?

Jess said... [reply]

SO sad :( Love that you buried it properly!!

Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said... [reply]

Poor thing! He's so fragile! What a sad post.

Anonymous said... [reply]

don't you Eat birds almost everyday?! chicken are birds too.

Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free said... [reply]

Oh, Kelsey!!!! :( :( So sad :( Thanks for giving it a nice place to sleep.

Jolene - EverydayFoodie said... [reply]

:-( That is horrible! Poor little guy. Breaks my heart. That was so nice of you to celebrate the birdies short life. You are so sweet!

Anonymous said... [reply]

Oh man, that got me all choked up. You are so sweet though! Hopefully that won't happen again :(

Anonymous said... [reply]

Maybe she's a vegeteterian dude. People like this usually are

Anonymous said... [reply]

I thought i was good person. Your actions make me look like a nazi

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