After seeing this post I was inspired to find a way to like Tahini...
it's the only seed butter I don't like eating. But I wondered if I mixed
it with peanut butter, would it mask the flavor just enough
to taste yummy? Well, that's what I set out this morning to find out...
I mixed in 2 teaspoons Peanut Butter and 1 teaspoon Tahini
Plus 1 teaspoon Maca Powder just for the fun of it!
Spread on top of Gluten-Free Bread
and served with sliced Bananas :)
How did it taste? Freaking amazing! The Tahini
is masked by
the Peanut Butter
, yet still gives it a subtle savory kick! And
the Maca Powder made the butter fluffy! You need to try this :)
Questions: Have you ever tried mixing your nut/seed
butters together? What are your favorite combinations?
I recently made your Vegan Bran muffins sans sweetener (I added some stevia). I keep them frozen and defrost one at a time to snack on. they have been perfect for a bite of sugar free "dessert." :)
Wow that looks really really good! I'm glad you liked it! :)
I've never tried mixing nut butters before, but this looks great! I have added things to them, like cocoa powder.
Nope - never mixed nut/seed butters together, but it is a smart idea!! I am already starting to dream up some amazing combinations!
oh ya, great combo! I like to mix coconut butter and tahini too. Or nutella and coconut butter. Crazy good!
I'm going to try it! I have a jar of Tahini that I haven't even opened yet, and since you make it look so good...
I tried Tahini once from the jar and I couldn't figure out how to eat it. This sounds like potential yumminess, though. How's the cold has it passed?
I love mixing the flavors of seeds and nuts. I don't know that I have a true favorite mix since I change them up all the time. I am not really a tahini lover either though.
YOu are so creative!! I love learning about better food choices from your blog!
I've never mixed my nut butters but I might give it a try because I have a hard time handling tahini too. If it's mixed into a recipe then I love it but by itself? Um... no can do. Your fluffy Peanut Tahini Maca Butter looks good!
so creative! i love learning about new ways to make some buttahhss
Congratulations on a successful experiment! It looks good.
almond cashew butter is to die for!
this looks good, too!
I recently purchases some tahini and...I have NO CLUE what to do with it! I don't eat a lot of peanut butter so I am stuck. Erg!
What a great idea!! I have never combined nut butters on my own. I have been wanting to try tahini for a while now..I'm adding it to my grocery list!
I don't think they sell tahini around here:( that looks yummy!!! what I'm dying to make is your split pea soup!!
Love you hun ;)
Lola :)
I want to try tahini but I can't find a brand made in a nut free factory! :(
AMAZING idea! I'll have to remember this one! =)
Jenn @ Peas & Crayons
I am the worst when it comes to nut butters. I pretty much stick with pb. I like almond butter but never buy it. I need to branch out I think.
I don't think I have ever had tahini.
This sounds really good :D If only I had maca powder! My favourite combo of butters is apple butter and cashew butter. I've never actually thought of mixing 2 nut butters together but it sounds yummy!
I love eating peanut and almond butter together... stirring in some maca sounds crazygood!
I've been bummed for a while now that I can't stand the bitterness of tahini - I should have thought to mix it! I ended up using it in a dip for falafel. Not anywhere near as cool as this :P
I haven't mixed store-bought nut butters, but I should try it! The closest I've got is to when I make them homemade, I usually use two different kinds of nuts. I like the combo of sunflower seeds with peanuts :)
I've never tried combining anything! I have been thinking about making mixed homemade nut butter like CNC does. Hmm... I should try soon! :)
I love tahini thinned out with some water, oil...get creative to make a dressing. Maybe you would like to?
I've never probably created a monster. I have sunflower seed butter and almond butter calling my name...brain gears working...adventures waiting to happen.
I like my nut butters too much to risk with mixing them. I think tahini tastes perfect with honey or date syrup and it's great for some baked and raw desserts.
I happen to love tahini (especially in wraps) but I've never had it with peanut butter. Yum!
Do you use tahini when you make hummus or baba ghannouj?
What an interesting idea! I actually like tahini a lot with honey or with smooshed medjool dates (kind of like a paste). Hmm.. also delicious with jam, fruit butters, and spices!
Never mixed my seed butters, but also never had tahini by itself or just spread on something. I've only ever made it to use in hummus.
How delicious!!!!! I love peanut butter ANYTHING and think maca is just fantastic!
Have a great week!!! :) XOXOX
Thank you for your comment dear! I have been reading you for a while. And have really learned valuable things from you - like about mastering moods swings and body acceptance and allergies... the list goes on! Thank you for sharing. It really helps, sweetie pie.
THis looks delish, Kelsey! I love cashini and Nuttzo, so I'm sure this would also be right up my alley.
mmmm that looks and sounds incredible!!
I just recently made Almond butter with roasted golden heavenly delicious!
Although I love tahini on its own, by Jove, I will make this concoction if it's the last thing I do.
Have you tried mixing tahini & blackstrap molasses? DELICIOUS. I also eat it with raw honey.
I've actually never thought about customizing my nut butters like that, but now you have me intrigued. Still need to try out maca powder as well - so pricey though!
Good morning!
Happy New Year!
Health, luck and love!
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